The Buffs, an old photograph in my collection, uniform type c. 1809 (detail from one of my group photos)
1803 In this year it was augmented to two battalions.
1807 "In the summer of this year (1807) Bonaparte demanded that the ports of Portugal should be shut against British shipping, and other measures were adopted injurious to British commerce, and in violation of existing treaties; and soon afterwards a French army commanded by Marshal Junot, marched into Portugal, with the object, ostensibly of enforcing obedience to Bonaparte's mandate, but, in reality, to seize and imprison the royal family of Portugal, that a division of that kingdom might be made among other persons, to suit the interests of Bonaparte. While negotiations were pending between the courts of France and Portugal relating to the measures against British commerce, the first battalion of the BUFFS embarked at Cork, upwards of a thousand strong, for America; but was afterwards placed, with other troops, under the orders of Brigadier-General Beresford. The fleet did not, however, sail until after the royal family of Portugal, being intimidated by the approach of the French army to Lisbon, had embarked in vessels in the river Tagus and sailed, under the protection of a British naval force, for the Brazils; the expedition then proceeded to the Portuguese island of Madeira, which surrendered and Brigadier-General Beresford assumed the powers of governor; but the former governor was subsequently restored; and the island being committed to the protection of the British troops until the conclusion of a general peace, Brigadier-General Beresford remained in command of the troops; the BUFFS were landed on the island on the 25th of December, and they remained there nearly eight months." "The BUFFS performed a particularly distinguished part in this daring exploit, and their gallantry has been rewarded with the royal permission to have the word "DOURO" inscribed on their colours." Historical Records of the British Army 1837
1808 "The New Expedition" - The first division of the Expedition will sail in the beginning or middle of next week; the flat bottomed boats which have been ordered, to the number of one hundred and twenty, will be completed immediately, and put on board the men of war in the Downs. The transports, on board of which the troops are to be embarked, arrived in the Downs on Saturday morning. None of the regiments have yet embarked, but he embarkation is expected to commence on Maundy at latest. The British troops will probably be embarked first. The 52nd Regiment at present at Canterbury, received orders on Thursday to be in readiness to march at a few hours notice to the coast for embarkation. The second battalion of the 78th, now at Canterbury, was ordered to march to Chichester, to make room for the 20th which was expected from Brabourne Lees; but he march of this battalion has been countermanded, and hence it is supposed that it is desired for foreign service. The infantry of the line in the Canterbury district consists at present of about 16,000 men, the major part of whom are to be embarked. The German Legion is on its march from Bexhill, Battle and Hastings, but none of the battalions we believe, have yet reached the coast. The whole will be embarked by the 28th or 29th. The National Register November - Orders were on Wednesday last received for the 3d and 4th Dragoons stationed at Canterbury to hold themselves in readiness for immediate embarkation for Spain. Eight troops from each of these regiments are made subject to this order, and they are, as we have before stated to form the first heavy cavalry brigade under the command of Major General Payne. The 3d regiment is expected will commence its march to Portsmouth in the course of the ensuing week.- The National Register 1808
1814 -1815 Buffs in Lower Canada....The Buffs lost in the several affairs with the enemy, Captain (Brevet Lieut. Colonel) James Willington, Ensign John Chapman, and two rank and file killed; also Lieutenants Kingsbury, West, Benson, and Home, with one sergeant and thirty-four rank and file wounded. The Battalion remained in Lower Canada during the winter of 1814, and the succeeding spring; in which time a treaty of peace was concluded with the Americans; and part of the forces being withdrawn from Canada, the BUFFS embarked from Quebec on the 4th of June, 1815, for Europe."
1815 In this year the second battalion was disbanded. The early commanders of the regiment before 1665 were Thomas Morgan, Sir John Norris, Robert, Earl of Leicester; Sir Francis Vere:Horace Lord Vere, Baron of Tilbury; Sir John Ogle; Sir Charles Morgan; Henry, Earl of Oxford; Robert, Earl of Oxford; Aubrey, Earl of Oxford; John Cromwell. After that date, perhaps the most noted men were Sir Walter Vane, 1668; Charles Churchill, 1688; John, Duke of Argyll, 1707; but amongst such a distinguished list of names as that of the commanders consists of, it is invidious to pick one out before another."
1820 "A great many of the young officers of the cavalry regiment stationed at Canterbury accompanied her majesty* on horseback, from Canterbury to Sittingbourn." History, Politics and Literature of the year 1820, prnt 1822 (*Queen Caroline)
1821 The 3d (or Buffs) have received orders of readiness for New South Wales, and are on their way to Chatham, whence, according as convict ships go out, they will be sent in detachments on board those vessels. London Paper, Sept. 20 1821 The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Miscellany
1821 - 1828 Buffs were to provide escorts to convicts sent to the New South Wale penal colonies. The first group went on the prison ship SOUTHWARK in the month of October.
1825 March 1825, The Asiatic Journal - The 3d (East Kent) Old Buffs, at present stationed in New South Wales under orders to join our Indian army; the 57th (West Middlesex) regt. of foot, who have been embarking in detachments at Deptford, since the month of October last, are destined to relieve them; and on the arrival of a sufficient number to assist in the immediate duties of the colony, the Buffs will proceed to India.
1826 ...Is it within your knowledge, that about this time, namely 1826, several cases had taken place of soldiers in the 57th regiment in particular, but also of the Buffs as well, in which men had either maimed themselves or committed larcenies, in order to obtain their discharge? - I understood that had been the case, but I did not know it of my own knowledge; I have understood it so. 2180, Parliamentary Papers 1835
1827 ....On this part of the harbour, the military party, prisoners, government stock, and provisions were landed, under the directions of Capt. Wright, of the Buffs who acts as commandant. 1827 The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Miscellany pg. 6 (new settlement at Wester Port in Australia)
1828 His Majesty's Forces Sept. 4 - Until his Majesty's pleasure is known, Capt. S. Cotton, 3d (Buffs), to be dep. qu. m. gen to H. M.'s army in India, with rank of maj. in army. v. Lieut. Col. Read dec. Brev. Maj. Cotton app. to Madras presidency. 1828 The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Miscellany
1828 "In 1828 and the two following years the regiment was stationed at Bhaugulpore..." HRBA The regiment moved from Australia to India, the companies were united at Calcutta in 1828
1831 "The regiment embarked from Bhaugulpore, in boats, in February, 1831, and proceeding down the river Ganges to Fort William, passed this and the succeeding year in garrison at that fortress." HRBA
1833 Regiment proceeded to Ghazeepore and arrived January 1834
January 25th, 1833 Canterbury, 25, January, 1833 Dear Sir and Brother, Agreeable to your request, I have forwarded a list of members of the 269 Lodge of the First or Royal Dragoons. 1. Thomas SHIELDS, Master 2. James VINE, Deputy-Master 3. Sergeant William BURTON 4. Trumpeter Stephen STOKES 5. Private Thomas WARD 6. Sergeant Robert McDOUL 7. Private Benjamin SHARMAN 8. Sergeant John ROBERTSON 9. Private Joseph CROKER 10. Private Peter OSBORN 11. Trumpeter-major Charles CAREY 12. Private John McCUNN 13. Private James NEW 14. Private William ROLLS 15. Private William FORSTER 16. Private John BILKEY 17. Private Paul PAULEY 18. Private George BRUMLEY 19. Troop Sergeant-major John WILLIAMS 20. Private William ROYSTON 21. Private William COLLINS 22. Private Robert LAMBERT 23. Corporal Robert BOID 24. Sergeant William COTTRELL Entered J.C. These names are the correct names of the regular attendants: there are others who are not regular, and we cannot return them. Accept the thanks of the Lodge, and to Brother CONDELL, who will hear from Brother VINE shortly. An answer to this will be thankfully received. I remain yours, &c. James VINE, Private 1st Dragoons.
1836 - 1838 Meerut, Delhi
1837 July 4th, Birth, at Canterbury Barracks, the lady of Lieut.-Col. C. C. TAYLOR, of a daughter. AR
A lovely old drawing of Joel Hampton, 3rd Old Buffs, Chatham 1843 (picture courtesy of Ken Hampton) If you have any information on Joel please CONTACT ME
1843 Action of Punniar 28th Dec. 1843 The Buffs fought at Punniar on December 28-29th 1843. A standard of a young Mahratta was picked up by the Buffs. Was kept by the 1st Battalion. Was at one time in the Mess of the Depot at Canterbury. Now in the Museum at the Beaney in Canterbury.
1845 The regiment returned from Bengal to England in 1845
1846 February they moved to Gosport *the 1st battalion moved to Ireland in October 1846, exercising their ancient privilege of marching through the city of London
1850 1st Battalion headquarters at Limerick Colonel - Sir Henry King, C.B. KcH Returned from Bengal, 1845 *Maurice FOLEY enlisted in the Third Regiment of Foot on June 22nd, 1850 at Liverpool in the county of Lancashire at the age of 32 years-months. He was born in the parish of Tramore in or near the town of Tramore in the County of Waterford.
1851 1st Battalion embarked for Malta, 2 April, 1851, Depot Limerick (Buffs sent to Malta for three years)
1852 Head quarters Malta, depot at Boyle Colonel - Sir Henry King
1854 - 1856 March 28th, 1854, France and Britain declare war on Russia Crimean War October 1854 they were ordered to Greece (spent the winter in Athens), landed in Greece, November 15th, 1854 1855, the regiment was recalled to Malta (landed in Malta, March 27th, 1855) Embarked on the ship TIMANDRA for Malta, April 2, 1851, disembarked May 3, 1855 - Colonel, Nathaniel THORN, Paymaster Fred. Geo. SYMS Captain Ambrose severely wounded (picture of him in the Buffs Museum Canterbury) Siege of Sevastopol, October 17th 1854 to September 11, 1855 *Sevastopol, Ukraine Buffs entered Sebastopol, colours carried by Ensigns E.T. COX and Arthur WORTHINGTON
1854-55 Crimean Medal and Clasp Sebastopol (1854-55) Issued by the Sultan of Turkey to the Allied Forces of Britian, France and Sardinia, who served during the Crimean War. 1855 Siege of Sebastopol
1856 When the Crimean War ended in March 1856, the 1st Buffs went to Corfu, staying two and a half years, them returning to India 1858
1858 2nd Batt. in Canterbury 2nd Batt. embarked for Malta, 16 April 1858 1st Batt. landed in Calcutta, December 29th, 1858
1859 1st Battalion November 1859 from Bengal to China (arrived December 23, 1859)
OCTOBER 1859 1st Battalion left for China, they spent 6 months in Canton Stationed at DUM DUM Outbreak of Cholera in Lower Bengal
Marriage March 17th, 1859, at Corfu, Capt. NEWTON of the Buffs to Ernestine, daughter of Le Chevalier Von Eisenbach, Consul-Gen. of Austria. AR1860
1856-60 China Medal, awarded to soldiers who took part in the war against the Chinese from 1856-60
1860 1st Battalion left China December 15, 1860, went to Portsmouth, arrived April 16th, 1861 The Rev. Henry P. Wright, M.A., Chaplain to the Forces, Canterbury Local Board for Canterbury, Journal of the Society of Arts, February 3, 1860 "Marriage, At the Old Church, Edgbaston, Birmingham, Capt. John Yates, Adjutant Cavalry Depot, Canterbury, to Frances Margaret, only dau. of George Yates, esq., of Edgbaston. Feb 10, 1860." GM1860
Private Moyse of the Buffs refuses to bow down before the Chinese Mandarin. A postcard from my collection c. 1906 Sir Francis Doyle wrote a poem about him
1860 1st Batt. China 2nd Batt. Malta In July 1860 the expedition set out to storm the Taku Forts. August 21, 1860, the taking of the TAKU FORTS, China Camp, Tang-ko, August 24, 1860 (R. Napier, Major-General). "The troops left their billets at 4 am of the 12th instant, and moved out in the following order: An advanced guard of 200 men of the 3rd Buffs, with two Armstrong guns of Milwards' Battery, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Sargent, 3rd Buffs....
1861 1st Batt. returned from China, 16 April 1861 2nd Batt. Malta Col. Hon. Charles GREY Paymaster - Archibald Cochrane FORSTER Adjutant - Lieut. James H. LeCOCQ Instructer of Musketry - Lieut. H. A. A. BREEDON
1861 - 1863 1st Battalion stationed at the Tower of London, one company quartered at Wellington Barracks In 1862 the regiment marched through the city of London (it's ancient privelige) drums beating and colours flying
1862 1st. Batt. The Tower 2nd Batt. Malta Marriage, April 1862, at the Cathedral, Killaloe, Augustus Vivian Lieut. 3rd (the Buffs) Reg., younger son of the late Rev. Charles Paisly Vivian, of Hatton-hall, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, to Ethel, eldest daughter of George Charles Julius jun., esq., of Derry Castle, co. Tipperary. GM1862
1863 The Battalion left London (the Tower) and moved to Aldershot Birth at North Camp, Aldershot, the wife of Bruce SOMERSET, esq., 3rd Buffs, a daughter. 2nd Battalion Gibraltar Col. Hon. Charles GREY Instructor of Musketry - Lieut. Theophilus JONES Paymaster - James WRAY
1864 1st Battalion Aldershot 2nd Battlion Gibraltar
1865 1st Battalion Shefield 2nd Battalion Barbadoes Col. Day Hort Macdowall Paymaster - Frank William DUNDEE Quarter Master - George Russell Holt WHITE
1866 1st Battalion in Limerick, Ireland Embarked for Calcutta, July 24, 1866. Dept. Shorncliffe Buffs ordered to India, they sailed in September 1866 2nd Battalion returned from Barbados, June 26, 1866 *Marriage of Maurice FOLEY, July 11th, 1866 to Sarah, Kildare, Ireland (1st Batt. stationed at Limerick) Addressed to: No. 2972 Private Thomas Bell, 16th Company, 1st Battalion, The Buffs, Curragh Camp, Ireland - courtesy of Dave Hill, Cornwall The write-up on the travels of the envelope
Capt. A. T. Leslie, 3rd Regiment (1st Batt?), Belfast (died 1886) Could be Arthur Trevor Leslie of The Buffs: Ensign May 15, 1867, Lieut, December 15, 1869, Captain, December 6, 1875, Major, February 20, 1882 *his medals were up for auction in September 2008
1867 1st Battalion Bengal 2nd Battalion Belfast Paymaster - John James BAILEY Meerut Outbreak of 1867 (August 15th to September 25th) The 1st Battalion of the Buffs had a case on the 17th, and from that date to the 2nd September one or two cases occurred daily. Cholera then burst out with great severity, and continued its ravages undiminished till the 14th, when it began to subside, and disappeared entirely on the 25th September. It spared neither age, sex, nor temperment, but attacked all indiscriminately. The regiment was speedily placed under canvas, only a few men and their families being left to occupy the unaffected barracks; but as the disease also showed itself in them (five fatal cases having occurred) they too were ordered into a separate camp on the 1st September. A short lull was now apparent, but on the 2nd cholera again became virulent, and on the 4th the regiment removed to a new encampment along the Bijnour road. The married camp of the Buffs, consisting of women and children, sick in hospital, and about 150 men, moved out of cantonments, as already stated, on the 1st September, and encamped about a quarter of a mile distant from the rest of the regiment. On the 6th, cases continuing, they moved again, but with no good effect, for the disease became even more virulent up to the 13th September. On the 10th they changed encampment a third time, and three days afterwards the disease subsided, but as the rains had ceased, and the weather was now becoming warm, a further move was made into a tope of trees, where they remained till their final return into cantonments on the 1st of October. In the head-quarters camp improvement began to show itself on the 9th September, but not till the camp had shifted ground three times. On the 15th the men again removed in subdivisions for shelter under topes, from which date the disease rapidly declined. They were brought back to cantoments by detachments, the third and last returning on the 9th of October. During the interval from 15th August to the 25th September the Buffs lost one officer, 105 men, 12 women, and 20 children, in all 138, inclusive of three cases of choleraic diarrhea. The total number of cases of cholera treated was 155, and of these only 22 survived, which gives the appalling mortality of 85.7 per cent, perhaps the highest death rate from the disease ever yet been reached. The regiment was more than decimated. Memorandum 1869, Sanitary Improvements "Cholera of 1867 in 1-3rd Buffs" Read Military Department No. 211, dated the 11th September, forwarding for any remarks that may appear desireable, copy of correspondence regarding the heavy percentage of deaths in the 1st Battalion, 3rd Buffs, at Meerut between August and September 1867. The following report of the Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals, dated 30th September 1867: "In accordance with the instructions contained in Memorandum ...dated Inspector General's Office, Simla, 16th Setpember 1867, the undersigned begs to make the following statement in connection with the very heavy percentage of deaths from cholera in the 1- 3rd Buffs. "The undersigned after mature consideration, feels at a loss to assign any other reasons for the particular prevalence of the disease in the 3rd Buffs, excpet their recent arrival in India, and the well known eccentricity which frequently characterises the progress of cholera, when it assums an epidemc form.
1868 1st Battalion Bengal 2nd Battalion Dublin Adjutants - Lieut. Francis William KANE
1869 1st Battalion Meerut, Bengal 2nd Battalion, Bristol
1870 1st Battalion Sugshale/Bugshaie, Bengal 2nd Battalion, Aldershot
1871 1st Batt. Fort William, Bengal 1st Batt. landed in England Feburary 14th, 1871 1st Battalion Seetapore, Bengal 2nd Battalion Shorncliffe Colonel - Hon. Sir James LINDSAY Lt. Colonel - Thomas George GARDINER Majors - Francis MORLEY, Mark WALKER (Victoria Cross) Paymaster - John James BAILEY
1874 March, the 1st Battalion returned to India November 1874 they went to Malaya for six months (jungles of Perak) 1st Batt. Seetapore, Bengal A Cabinet card from my collection Photo taken by "The Star Photographic Studio, Wellington, India", possibly of Pte. F.H. Kennings 2nd East Kent (The Buffs) back is written F. Kenning[s]
1875 November 1875, 600 men to proceed to Perak in the Malay Peninsula Straits Settlements 1st Batt. Fort William, Bengal
1876 1st Batt. Malayan Peninsula 2nd Battalion stationed in Ireland October they set sail for Cape Town on the ST. LAWRENCE November 8th the ship was damaged and started sinking, all on board were saved (men, women and children). They landed on shore of Paternoster Bay (90 miles north of Cape Town) "Government House, Cape Town, November 14, 1876 My Lord, I am forwarding a telegram by this opportunity to Madeira, to be dispatched thence by the British Consul, announcing the total loss of the hired transport "St. Lawrence," and the safety of the battalion of 3rd Buffs which was on board. 2. This untoward event occurred early in the morning of the 8th instant, when the vessel struck on the Paternoster Rocks, lying, as will be seen from the sketch map inclosed, a short distance from the mainland, about 90 miles north-west of Table Bay. The weather being fine, the troops were at once disembarked in the boats, and encamped on the sandy beach, where they remained awaiting assistance from hence. The news reached the Lieutenant-General commanding at daybreak on the following morning, having been brought overland by one of the officers on horseback, and the disaster was at once notified to the Commodor at Simons Bay. 3. Her Majesty's ships "Active," "Spartan," and "Spiteful," which had fortunately recently arrived there, got up steam as soon as possible and repaired to the scene of the wreck, which bad been already reached by a small tug from Table Bay, and where they joined in rendering every needful service. (http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/hmsspartan/hms_spartan_pictures.htm) *a picture of HMS Spartan III 4. The troops had saved their rifles and accoutrements, but a good deal of the cargo is reported to be lost, including some field pieces and a large quantity of gunpowder and ammuntion. 5. About 300 rank and file have already been landed in Table Bay by the "Active," the remainder, exceeding 200 in number, being on board the "Spartan," which has not yet come in. They will be quartered in Cape Town Barracks and at Wynberg until they are ready to proceed to their destination, which as your Lordship is aware, has been changed from East London in lieu of Natal. I have, &c. (signed) Henry BARKLY" Newspaper clipping and photo kindly provided by Clare Rasdell, Great-Grandaughter of Mr Thomas Price
"Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, November 26, 1876. Sir, I do myself the honour to inform you that the Commodore, Sir W. Hewitt, successfully landed from Her Majesty's steam-ship "Active," the 1st division of the 3rd Buffs at Table Bay, from Paternoster Point, where the "St. Lawrence" was wrecked and that the 2nd division landed from Her majesty's steam-ship "Spartan" on the 16th instant. I caused the regiment to be distributed, the head-quarters in the barracks at Cape Town, the remainder in camp at Wnybay. Having ascertained that the losses in their equipment were trifling, and that no reason existed against their proceeding to East London, where his Excellency the Governor had desired me to send them, I requested Commodore Sir William Hewett to provide them with a ship to convey them there. For this purpose he chartered the "Dunrobin Castle," in which vessel they sailed on Thursday evening the 23rd instant, and arrived on Saturday the 25th idem at noon, and landed the same day. His Excellency the Governor of this Colony having requested that troops should hold the frontier line at the Komgha, whilst the Colonial frontier force were employed over the Kei, I made arrangements to carry this into execution, and had given orders, as I have directly informed you for a force of 2 guns, 50 mounted infantry, and 300 infantry to be formed at King William's Town for this purpose. 35 men of the Royal Artillery and 40 men, with their officers and non-commissioned officers, accompanying the 3rd Buffs in the "Dunrobin Castle" to East London. I have given orders that these men, together with the 3rd Buffs, should move to King William's Town. His Excellency the Governor has now requested me to retain the 3rd Buffs at East London, but to allow the Royal Artillery to proceed to King William's Town, and the detachment of the 24th Regiment to join the portion of that corps now at that place. His Excellency states, "that it may be hoped that the advance of a large body of police beyond the Kei will not be called for, but that the effect produced by the mere disembarcation of the 3rd Buffs at East London will suffice to induce Kreli to respect the decision on the boundary question." His Excellency intimates to me that the services of the field force, in the formation of which I had considerably advanced, will not be required. The 2nd Battalion 3rd Buffs will now remain encamped at East London, subject to instructions as to where they are to relieve the 32nd regiment, as directed in the Quartermaster-Genreal's letter of the 13th September, or whether they are to proceed to Natal, as ordered in the Quartermaster-General's letter of 27th September; or whether they shall reinforce the frontier of the Cape Colony, as requested by his Excellency the Governor in his letter of the 3rd instant. In the meantime I am preparing the barracks at Fort Beaufort for the occupation of 300 men, as requested by his Excellency. I have placed myself in communication with the Governor of this Colony, and also with Sir H. Bulwer, the Lieutenant-Governor of Natal, upon the subject of what is to be the destination of the three companies of the 2nd battalion 3rd Buffs, which may be expected to arrive in Her Majesty's ship "Orontes" at d'Urban in Natal from the Mauritius about the 10th of January. It is with much satisfaction that I have the honour to inform you that after a careful inspection of the 3rd Buffs I found them strong and healthy, but with a very few sick trifling ailments. Their conduct and discipline at the wreck was highly spoken of. I beg also to record my sense of the care, alacrity, and watchfulness displayed by Commodore Sir W. Hewett, V.C. in all his proceedings regarding the wreck of the "St. Lawrance," and the rescue of the 3rd Buffs from the position in which they are placed. I ahve sent a copy of this letter to his Excellency the Governor of the Cape Colony. I have, &c. (signed) A. T. CUNYNGHAME, Lieutenant-General Commanding
1876 The Buffs Ball, Calcutta 1876 - this photograph is displayed with the permission of Rodney Bomford, great-grandson of Francis and Isabella Eteson. If you have any information on the Eteson family, or Francis Eteson of the Buffs in particular, please CONTACT ME
1879 Zulu War 1st Batt. Cawnpore, Bengal 1880 Notes on the health of the troops serving in China and the Straits Settlements (Sickness and Mortality of the Troops in China and the Straits Settlements) In an average annual strength of 1,781 non-commissioned officers and men there were 1,743 admissions into hospital, and 15 deaths.....The troops stationed in the Command throughout the year were the 9th and 14th batteries of the 7th brigade Royal Artillery, a detachment of the Royal Engineers, the 2nd Battalion 3rd Buffs, the 27th Inniskillings detachments of departmental corps, and a few non-commissioned officers on the garrison staff.
1884 The East Kent wound up their season by an entertainment given them by the officers at the Canterbury Barracks, to celebrate a most successful season, and Mr. SWORDER continues with good prospects.
1891 2nd Battalion quartered in Aldershot, moved at the end of the year to Chartham, whence, in twelve months time, it was ordered to Ireland.
The Buffs, an old photograph in my collection c. 1890's early 1900's, uniform type mixed The Gentleman sitting in the front row - 6th from the right is Sir Julius Augustus Robert Raines of The Buffs (Commander 1882 - 1909 Gen. Sir Julius Augustus Robert Raines, GCB) 1871 at 17 Military Knights, Berkshire with his father Joseph Robert Raines (78), Military Knight late Colonel 95th Regiment and mother Harriett. Julius is a Colonel in the 95th Regiment (active) age 44, he is married, but his wife is not with him (born St. Pancras, Middlesex). In 1851 at age 25, he was unmarried and a Lieutenant in the 95th Regiment at the Anglesey Barracks, Portsea Town, Portsea, Hampshire. Born March 9 1827, died April 11, 1909 in Paddington, London at age 82. 1901 living at 46 Sussex Gardens in Paddington, London with his wife Lady Catherine Raines (65, born Cork, Ireland), employing 4 servants. Sir Julius Raines H.L.B., Retired General Inp. (Retired Army Officer). Married November 15, 1859 in Killetra, Mallow, Cork, Ireland to Catherine Elizabeth Wrixon (his cousin?)..Book written by him "The 95th (The Derbyshire) Regiment in Central India" with an introduction by Colonel H.D. Hutchinson. (Naval and Military Press Ltd.) 95th (The Derbyshire) Regiment of Foot Lt. Colonels - Julius Aug. Robert Raines, CB. Ens. 28 Jan 42, Lt. 5 April 44, Capt. 13 Apr 52, Brev. Maj. 24 April 55; Major, 1 May 57; Lt. Co. 17 No. 57; Col. 20 July 58 - Hart's Annual 1893 Feb 25, 1893 (WTHBH) Sergeant George Howard BRUSH, from the Buffs (East Kent Regiment), to be Second Lieutenant of the King's (Liverpool Regiment), in succession to Lieutenant R. L. Hartley, promoted. Pte Albert Ernest Taylor, born 1876 at Langley, Kent. He joined the 1st Battalion about 1894 and it is believed he served in India and Ireland. Pictured as a Regimental Messenger Boy aged about 18. Possibly taken at the old Howe Barracks. Photo kindly provided by Doug Taylor, grandson of Pte. Albert Ernest Taylor.
Antique Bugle photo's courtesy of S. Corbett A COMPANY Henry Potter & Co., 30 Charing Cross London 1894 Would love to find out more information on the company and to see a photo of the battalion, please Probably saw action in the Second Boer War 1899-1902
The Buffs, an old photograph in my collection, uniform type c. 1895
1896 Buffs in Kilkenny, Ireland Buffs Football team 1895-96 from my collection Buffs Cricket team from my collection, possibly in Ireland Men of the Buffs, an old photograph in my collection c. 1896 possibly in Ireland, the men are wearing side hats Men of the Buffs, an old photograph in my collection c. 1896 possibly in Ireland, football Men of the Buffs, an old photograph in my collection c. 1896 possibly in Ireland, hockey team
An officer and a bugle boy - The Buffs (a photograph from my collection)
1897 Whitaker's Almanack, 1897 Kent (EAST) Regiment. The Buffs. District No. 3 Canterbury Colonel, Sir Julius Augustus Robert Raines, K.C.B., g. Dist. Officer, Waldron Edward roper Kelly, c. 1st Batt. (3rd Foot), Peshawur, Punjab Lt. Col. Albert Edward Ommanney Majors - Richard Stanley H. Moody, Bryan Francis Holme, Alfred James Whitacre Allen, Hugh Blackburn Paymaster - Charles Clement Cobbe, lt. Adjutant - Robert Frederick Pearson, lt. 2nd Batt. (3rd Foot), Kilkenny Lt. Col. Robert Albert Hickson Majors - Julius Batt Backhouse, John William Hind, Cosmo Huntly Gordon, Francis Smith Adjutant Edward Charles James Williams, capt. 3rd Batt. (Militia), Canterbury Lieut. Col. Sir Herbert Charles Perrott, Bart., c. Majors - Harry Seymour Blaydes, l.c., Theodore Fras. Brinckman. Adjutant - Reginald Bayard, capt.
North West Frontier, Sept 16th, 1897 (1st Batt.)
The plaque reads "Winners 1899 No. 1 Section. "K" Company 1st Vol. Batt. "The Buffs" (East Kent Regiment)"
1899 1st Batt. Kemptee 2nd Batt. Brighton
WTHBH - April 15, 1899 - The 3rd Batt. East Kent Regiment has been reduced from eight to six companies, with an establishment strength of just over 600 of all ranks, giving the East Kent Militia only about half the strength it had about ten years ago.
2nd Boer War (Oct 11,
1899 to May 31, 1902)
Buffs India (date?) - Kinsey Bros mussoorie & bareilly
1900 The Buffs at Driefontein, South Africa (Boer War), March 10th, 1900 The Buffs Camp at Bloemfontein, South Africa (Boer War), c. March/April 1900 Sergts. immediately after the occupation of Bloemfontein 1900 Burrows Fawcett Smith Hurst Pellett Linwood Catchpole Twort Brady Naish Izard Port Green Smith Cross Foster Flynn Ahearne Barton Swann Earl Pelling Johnston Hall Davidson Bloxham Philpott Rylott Nairn Prebble Pickett
Buffs encamped...date? place? a postcard in my collection
Buffs encamped...Ratighat Camp (3rd) - *on the reverse 3rd Rest Camp on the road from Kathgodam to Ranikhet India (A.Rahman)
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