~ CALDWELL FAMILY ~ CANTERBURY *the families are not necessarily all connected
1861 - 37 Palace Street Samuel CALDWELL age 29, Painted and Stained Glass artist Sarah Caldwell (nee Scott) Edmond Caldwell (9) Jane Caldwell (4) George Caldwell (2) Anne Caldwell (9 months)
Palace Street 1871 Samuel CALDWELL, artist born Canterbury, Kent wife Sarah born Canterbury children: Edmond Caldwell - stone mason (18) Jane Caldwell - scholar (14) George Caldwell - scholar (12) Samuel Caldwell Jnr. - scholar (9) *died 1963 Harry Caldwell - scholar (7) Jessie Caldwell - (11 months) 1881 Jane Caldwell (22) Milliner, boarding with George and Amy Stone, Draper of Birchington, Kent
Caldwell family in Northgate Street 1861 Samuel Caldwell, head, married age 60, Stationer, born Liestershire wife Jane age 70 born Oxfordshire (c. 1797) daughter Jane SANKEY, unmarried age 41, born Canterbury Julia CALDWELL, unmarried age 31, born Canterbury
Caldwell family in 42 Northgate Street, 1851 Samuel Caldwell, Hair dresser, born Canterbury (50) Jane Caldwell, born Canterbury (54) son Samuel Hair dresser, born Canterbury (19) Julia Caldwell, daughter (21), born Canterbury Jane SANKEY, daughter in law, unmarried age 30, born Canterbury
1841 42 Northgate Street, Samuel Caldwell (40), Hair Dresser not born in County Jane Caldwell, age 45 not born in County Julia Caldwell, age 11, born in County Samuel Caldwell, 10, born in County Jane Sankey, age 20, independent, born in County
Illustrated by Edmund Caldwell, courtesy of a frequent visitor to the site It's illustrated by Edmund
Caldwell (1852-1930) of Canterbury, brother to Mary Tourtel.
Mary Ann Elizabeth Caldwell, wife of Samuel Caldwell, master glazier
1737 a Caldwell in Canterbury... Lease of (St. Paul) Anne Caldwell to Samuel Lepine for 1 year A slide of Samuel Caldwell displaying a panel from one of the windows in the Cathedral in the archives Photograph of Samuel Caldwell at work in his stained glass shop, Canterbury c. 1930's in the archives Photographs & notes on the genealogy of the Caldwell family written by William URRY in the Canterbury Cathedral Archives
Mary Tourtel (nee Caldwell) went to school here under the tutelage of Sidney Cooper (Sidney Cooper School of Art) Mary Tourtel lived in Ivy Lane. She is buried in St. Martin's Graveyard.
© T. Machado