The bridge over the Stour was rebuilt in 1769

A view of King's Bridge from a map in my collection (1595), also showing All Saints church on the right




No. 3

*bankrupt list July 14, 1888 - William UDEN, late wholesale potato and fruit merchant, 7 Burgate lane, late 3 Kings Bridge, Canterbury, Ct. Canterbury. Order June 30. (Gazette, July 3, 1888)


A view of Kings Bridge and East Bridge Hospital, on the right is the Weavers


No. 4

1860 AD - F.R. Bateman, Decorator, &c., Paper Hanging Warehouse, 4, King's Bridge, Canterbury. Established for the purpose of supplying the Public with superior Paper Hangings of every description. Marble, Oak, Granite, and other Paper Hangings suitable for every description of Rooms, always on Sale, from the Largest Stock and Lowest Price. The newest Patterns constantly recieved. (John Brent)

1903, Gerald J. F. Adams, P.A.S.I., Land and engineering surveyor, valuer, estate agent & auctioneer

early 1900 - Misses. Palmer & Beale, of King's Bridge, Canterbury. Are receiving daily deliveries of newest designs for Summer, in Millinery, Costumes, Mantles, &c. Latest Novelties from Paris.


No. 5


"Died at Canterbury, 57, Mr. James GRANT, of King's Bridge." MM1817




Thomas Thorpe DELASAUX, Kingsbridge - Listed under Attorneys

*Saturday, May 31, 1884 (The Christian Life) - Mr. Thomas Thorp Delasaux, who had been corner for East Kent for sixty-four years, died at his residence at Canterbury on Thursday, in his eighty-eighth year. The deceased was one of the oldest, if not the oldest coroner in England. He was a stout Liberal in politics, and was descended of a Huguenot family, who settled in Canterbury after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.


F. WACHER, Esq., King's Bridge, Canterbury (1880 Members - from the 1881 Report of the East Kent Natural History Society)

© T. Machado 2007