~ MOUNT / WARREN FAMILY ~ CANTERBURY All of these photographs below are from the Warren Family Album which are likely to be members of the MOUNT family if you have any information on the family or the photo's please CONTACT ME_as the family would love to find out more Photo's courtesy of Sue Langley_ *following on from the above story Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Thursday, April 2, 1891 "AS OTHERS SEE US" English visitors who are delighted with our climate Among the visitors in the city are Ernest Collard and William Noakes, members of the firm of William Noakes, Son & Collard of London, England, prominent hop factors. Mr. Collard was seen by a RECORD UNION reporter last evening at the Capital Hotel, where the gentlemen are stopping, and asked concerning their mission here at this time. Mr. Collard replied that they are here for the purpose of interviewing the hop-growers of this section in regard to consignments of the coming crop. "I am free to confess, though," said he "that the prospect of our handling any considerable quantity of California hops this year is not very encouraging. You see, we are pretty well stocked up at home, while present supply here is light and the prices in favor of the holders." "What is the present outlook in England for this season's crop?" the reporter asked. "Well, it is too early to determine definitely. So far as we can tell, it is very good, but the blight may come, and then our home crop would be very short." "What places are you to visit on the coast?" "After looking at Sacramento hop fields," he replied " Mr. Noakes and myself shall go to Sonoma, then we shall return here and go north to Oregon and Washington and visit the fields up there, returning by the way of Canada and New York." "To what hop-growing districts in this country do the English factors look mostly for stocks to handle?" asked the reporter. "Sacramento and Sonoma chiefly," he replied, "although they raise a large quantity in Washington. Sacramento is the best known. Tomorrow we are going out to Daniel Flint's place, and shall also visit the fields of others about here." "This ought to be a great hop country," said Mr. Collard. "Such charming weather is a revelation to us. Hops, you know require a dry climate in which to mature and here is where they ought to reach their best condition. Why, my dear sir, if the people had but a week's such weather in England during the year as we have enjoyed here today they would think themselves blessed. "We took a ride out on your electric cards today to the end of the road, and the air out there was simply delightful. The green fields about us, the wild flowers, the clear blue sky - all served to make a charming picture. You have a grand country and climate out here!" "Yes", replied the interviewer, "Californians have a pretty good appreciation of these things, and because they are enthusiastic over them they are often accused of boasting." "Well, they have a right to boast for there are few people so favoured." Tomorrow the visitors will depart for Sonoma, but will return in a few days.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership
heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, (from the London Gazette, July 31, 1894)
William MOUNT, Mayor of Canterbury 1887 William MOUNT, Mayor of Canterbury 1891-1892
Photo's by John Bateman, Canterbury
Photo's by John Bateman, Canterbury Photo by John Bateman, Canterbury
Photo's by John Bateman, Canterbury Photo by James Craik, Canterbury/Herne Bay Photo by Martin Jacolette, 1 Priory Hill, Dover
St. Mildred, Inscriptions Sacred to the remains of four infant children of William and Sydney MOUNT late of the Castle House in this Parish OCTAVIA died Feb 28, 1827 BERTHA died Sept. 23, 1828 F 1829 A 1833 Footstones O.M. B. M. 1828 F. M. 1829 A. M. 1833 -------------------------------------- Christening of an Augusta MOUNT, September 18, 1834 to William and Sydney MOUNT, Canterbury Christening of a Sydney Grace MOUNT, May 14, 1823 to William and Syndey MOUNT, Chartham, Kent Christening of a George Arthur MOUNT April 8, 1817 to William and Sydney MOUNT, Chartham, Kent Christening of a Francis William MOUNT, August 17, 1818 to William and Sydney MOUNT, Chartham, Kent Christening of a Henry Constantine MOUNT, April 21, 1822 to William and Sydney MOUNT, Chartham, Kent Christening of a Henrietta Gibbs MOUNT March 31, 1820 to William and Sydney MOUNT, Chartham, Kent Christening of a Charles Alfred MOUNT, January 1, 1825, to William and Sydney MOUNT, Chartham, Kent
1871 Archbishops Palace - William and Amelia S. MOUNT - children, William A. MOUNT (c. 1865), Lucy MOUNT (c. 1869), Bessie MOUNT (c. 1869)
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