~ MARTYRS FIELD ROAD ~ CANTERBURY Comprises 82 properties, most were built c. 1900 North of this suburb, and opposite the Dane John, is the Martyr Field, called so from its being the place in which were burnt in a large hole, now a ditch, many of the victims of religious fanaticism at the time of the Reformation. Near here was also an ancient mansion, called the Dungeon House or Coventry House. 1838 directory
Martyrs Field Road is in the background of the wonderful Martyrs Memorial postcards attached
No. 1 (Kentish Gazette & Canterbury Press, April 8, 1933) Ladies' & Gentlemen's Tailoring made on the premises at Strictly Moderate Prices. Ernest GEORGE, 1, Martrys' Field Road, Canterbury. Fit and Style Guaranteed.
© T. Machado