LOVELY WEDDING PHOTOGRAPH (likely c. 1913 or so) by F. Bailey, Canterbury Historic Canterbury
When a picture gives you more questions than answers.....at least they look happy! Some guesses as to where this was taken: - Near the Friars before the Odeon days - Castle street - Near a river - Near the Archbishop's palace in Maidstone - Possibly 1917- 1920, due to the skirt lengths - Greyfriars gardens with the greyfriars cottage in the background (*I think they'd have to be sitting in the river for that one to work)
What must have been a wonderful tradition of outdoor photographs of wedding parties. Where did she purchase her wedding gown? What church was this wedding held at? What location is this photograph? Can anyone name any of these folks? I wonder what the wedding cake looked like, or where they held their celebration?....could it have been at Gaywoods? They had a large private dining room that could accomodate 150 persons. Look at the lovely wedding cakes in the window.
Where did they go for their honeymoon?
Lot's of questions I'd love to know the answers too.
Links for further reading http://www.literary-liaisons.com/article003.html (The wedding day) http://www.literary-liaisons.com/article004.html (The ceremony)
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© T. Machado