~ ROSE HOTEL ~ 15 &16 PARADE CANTERBURY At the corner of ROSE LANE and the PARADE, opposite the Corn Exchange Established 1660, closed in the late 1930's The building was destroyed in the bombing raid of June 1st, 1942
1794 - Sunday 26th, Between four and five this morning, the Rose Inn, in Canterbury, kept by Mr. Edward HEARD, was broke into and robbed of sundry articles of plate, &c., and the thieves got off undiscovered. KR Rose Hotel showing Rose Lane on the left, from my collection
"September, Death of Mr. John Heard, many years master of the Rose Inn at Canterbury." The Gentlemen's Magazine 1799
Passages from the Auto-biography of a "Man of Kent", by Robert Cowtan 1866 "Ned Clements and Tom Bolton, of the Rose Inn, Canterbury, are names that will not soon be forgotten, at least by the generation in which they lived, though the iron horse and the hissing rattling train have long since taken the place of the Tally Ho! coaches. With both these gentlemen it was my happiness to be well acquianted when a boy, and hundreds of times have I stood opposite the "Rose Inn" to see the horses changed, and have admired the masterly manner in which those noble animals were led off and managed by these accomplished whips. The father of Mr. Edward Clements kept the "Rose Inn" for very many years; and I do not forget, even at this distant period, that Tom Bolton married one of the daughters, who was moreover one of the prettiest of all the pretty girls in Canterbury."
"A close up of the Rose Hotel sign and balcony", a detail from the postcard above
Sir W. Courtenay first appeared at Canterbury in the Michaelmas of 1832; and the first rumour was, that an eccentric character was living at the Rose Inn, who passed under the name of Count Rothschild. His countenance and attire denoted foreign extraction, while his language and conversation showed that he was well acquainted with almost every part of the kingdom. He often decked his person with a gay and imposing costume. In December of the same year he surprised the citizens of Canterbury by proposing himself as a candidate for the representation of the city in Parliament, and created an entertaining contest for the honour long after the sitting candidates had composed themselves to the delightful vision of an unexpensive and unopposed return. He was also the candidate for the eastern division of the county, but polled only four votes; still he studied with more ardour and vigilance than before to captivate the affections of the lower orders in the city. He made it known that his condescension was as great as his rank and wealth, and that he should be willing to accept of invitations to visit the humblest families - to eat and drink at the peasant's and the labourer's table - to make one of a larger or smaller party at the lowest public house - to enrol his name in the meanest society. So numerous were his engagements, that he was obliged to run or ride from house to house, taking a slight repast at each, and generally concluding the day at a banquet prepared by a number of his new friends in some obscure club-room. ...... The body of Courtenay was buried at Herne-hill, as also were those of most of the other slain rioters, they having been chiefly inhabitants of that place and Dunkirk. (The Gentlemen's Magazine - 1838) *his real name was Mr. John Nicholl Thom, the son of a small farmer and maltster at St. Columb in Cornwall Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent, England (Freemasons') ...On Monday morning the fraternity breakfasted at the Rose Hotel, after which the members of the different Lodges assembled at the Freemasons' Hall.........In returning from the Cathedral, the procession repaired to the Corn Exchange, where a splendid banquet was served by Brother Bretton, of the Rose Hotel. The tables literally groaned beneath the quantity of choicest dishes. Six large tables were arranged up the Exchange, with one crosswise at the top, where the Chariman and the elite of the party sat. Toasts and speeches followed in succession, the principal speakers being the R. W. P. G. M. Purton Cooper, and Brothers Bisgood, Warren, Isaacs, G.W.M. Reynolds, Holttum, Ashley, &c. 1857
1875 - ....We drove to the ROSE HOTEL, and entered its narrow door, on a level with the pavement; but after entering, the hall grew wider, and antique, broad stairs led us up to the neatest rooms imaginable, and where we all felt at home at once. Our dinner was graced with the far-famed South down mutton, which I tasted, and with the rest confessed it was the best we had ever eaten. After dinner we went out for a walk on n the top of the old walls of the city, passing now and then the ruined watch towers, in which the hawthorn in full bloom was growing; some red, others white, but all very sweet and fragrant. On one side, many feet below us, was a handsome park, on the other the cattle market.
SALE WEDNESDAY, 13th AUGUST, 1913 CANTERBURY, KENT Sale and Desirable Investments in the thriving Industrial parts of the City. Mr. BEN TWYMAN Is favoured with instructions to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION at the ROSE HOTEL, CANTERBURY, on WEDNESDAY, 13th AUGUST, 1913, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, precise time, FOUR WELL BUILT FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, In THREE LOTS, Lot. 1. The pair of Substantion well arranged Freeholds, Nos. 65 and 66, ST. PETER'S PLACE, CANTERBURY, each containing 2 sitting and 3 bedrooms, with kitchen and w.c., forecourt and Gardens at the rear, in the occupation of good tenants of long standing, drained in the City mains, each supplied with Company's Gas and Water. Lot. 2. The well built Freehold (brick and slate) Cottage Residence, No. 16. ST. RADIGUND'S PLACE, Canterbury, containing 5 good rooms, and offices with forecourt, and garden in the rear. Connected to the main drain. Water laid on and let to a desirable tenant at a low rental. Lot. 3. The compact Freehold Detached Cottage Residence brick built and slated situate and being No. 4 ST. PETER'S PLACE, Canterbury. Containing sitting room, dining room and kitchen on ground floor, two large and one small bedroom above, outside w.c., connected to main sewers, forecourt with entrance in front, capital garden at rear, and paved yard with entry at the side from passage which is a right of way. The house is conveniently fitted with copper, cupboards, etc., and has been many years in the occupation of same good tenant. Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be had of Messrs. Furley and Furley, Solicitors, Canterbury, and of the Auctioneer, with order to view, at his offices, Guildhall Chambers, Sun Street, Canterbury.
"The Rose Hotel" a detail from one of my old postcards
1824 - John Clements
1835 - The Court Journal - Political Dinners at Canterbury. The friends of the Hon. S. R. Lushington dined in the spacious rooms of the ROSE HOTEL, on Tuesday evening, for the purpose of celebrating the triumph of the Conservative cause in the recent registration. Great interest attached itself to the dinner, in consequence of the Liberal Party having announced their intention of giving, on the same day, a dinner to Lord Albert Conyngham, the Liberal member of the city. At an early period of the afternoon the two parties were all animation and exertion, and the rooms selected for the occasion were found much too small to entertain the friends of the Hon. Members. At five o'clock the Conservative party sat down to dinner; W. H. Baldock, Esq., in the Chair. Among the company were - Dr. Carter, Rev. Mr. Marriott, Thomas Ford, Edq., Mr. W. Delmar, Dr. Chisholm, &c. and the Hon. Mr. Lushington, who was enthusiastically cheered on his entering the room. The Liberal party partook of their banquet about the same hour, at the Lion Hotel, the object of their meeting being the same as that of the other party, the triumph they had achieved at the recent registration. The Chair was taken by Alderman John Brent, who was suppored on his right by Lord A. Conyngham, and on the left by Sir W. Somerville. The entertainments were kept up till a late hour; and while the toasts of the Duke of Wellington, Sir Robert Peel, and the Conservative members of the House of Commons, were being drunk by the former party, the other, with equal enthusiasm responded to his Majesty's Ministers, the Cause of Reform, &c.
1858 - F. Breton, Proprietor (also proprietor of "The Royal Hotel" in Deal) *Francis was a member of the Freemason's
1860 - Francis Breton *noted in "The Draper and Clothier" A book of general information for all traders in and purchasers of textile fabrics 1860 1860's - Francis Breton, Hotel Keeper
May 7th, 1864 Association Intelligence. South-Eastern Branch; East Kent District Medical Meetings. The next meeting will be held at the Rose Hotel, Canterbury, on Thursday, May 19th at 3 pm. Dinner will be ordered for 5 o'clock. Thomas Boycott, M.D., Hon. Sec. Canterbury, May 2nd, 1864. British Medical Journal
1868 The Freemasons' quarterly - The Prov. G. M. for Kent. Brother Viscount Homesdale, M.P. has called a prepatory meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent to be holden at the ROSE HOTEL, Canterbury, on Wednesday next, the 17th, inst. to make arrangements for hte usual Grand Festival.
1870's & 80's - James Coppin - Hotel Keeper & also was a Town Councillor
Liquidations by Arrangement. First Meetings. Gazette, March 5. (The Law Times - Mar. 13, 1875) John Thomas WALTERS, printer, Canterbury. Pet. March 4. March 23 at one, at the ROSE HOTEL, Canterbury. Solicitor, Delasaux, Canterbury.
*From a list of Subscribers to "Canterbury in the Olden Time" by John Brent - Mr. James Copping, Rose Hotel Canterbury 1879
1879 - A very successful meeting was held at the ROSE HOTEL, Canterbury, on the 28th ult., Captain Lambert in the chair, when it was determined to found a ROSE SOCIETY and hold a Rose Show in the old city on July 3rd. Amongst those present were Col. Cox, the Revs. J. Buchanan, H. B. Biron, H.H. D'Ombrain, Dr. Pittock, Messrs. Mount, Young, Kidd (of the firm of Kinmont & Kidd), &c. The Rev. W. B. Biron and Mr. Mount were appointed Secretaries; and there is every prospect of the Society making a good start with such indefatigable Secretaries and under such favourable auspices. Journal of Horticulture 1879
1884 - James Coppin (passed away 1889) *Councillor
1903 - Mrs. A. Wilkins - Hotel Proprietor
1905 AD
1912 - Rose Hotel, Parade, (1st Class Famly, Com) Tel. 130
A Souvenir booklet of the Rose Hotel c. 1910-15 in my collection
The Tariff's page from the souvenir booklet of the Rose Hotel c. 1910-15 in my collection
1917 - Clifford Henry Ritter
1925 - All under Direct Supervision of the Proprietors - Miss Redman and Miss Jeans 1936 - The Rose Hotel Ltd. All under direct supervison of the Directors, Mr & Mrs. L. H. Straaten
"The Rose Hotel", a detail from one of my old High Street postcards |
© T. Machado