School of Science & Art


A picture CVB c. 1902


"Mr. T. Sidney Cooper R.A. the artist, of Harbledown, has established, at his own expense, a gallery of casts, statues and drawings for the use of students, in the house in which he was born, High Street?(should read St. Peters street), which is to be carried on as a School of Art in connection with South Kensington."

Kellys Directory of Kent 1882



"School of Science & Art (Thomas Sidney Cooper R.A.), 23 Peter Street, George A. Wood F.R. Hist. S. principal; George F. Francis, hon. sec.; John Chandler, curator."

Kellys Directory of Kent, Surrey & Sussex 1891


Founded by Thomas Sidney Cooper, M.V.O., R.A., in 1868. Presented by him to the City in 1882, and affiliated in the same year to the Science and Art Department, South Kensington, of the Committee of Council on Education. In making the presentation the artist stated that he had two objects in view, 1st to dedicate the Gallery to the memory of his mother, who died in 1865 in the adjoining cottage now used as a vestibule, 2ndly, to give the youth of Canterbury and neighbourhood, who felt a desire to study art, those opportunities which were denied to himself.

Thomas Sidney Cooper was born on September 26th, 1803, in the small room with the latticed projecting window of the cottage. He died in his 99th year at his residence on the outskirts of Canterbury, in February, 1902. Two of his most important pictures are hung in the Gallery of the Royal Museum, where his last work, with his pallette and brush are also preserved.

The School is vested in the Coropration of Canterbury and is under the management of the Royal Museum Committee of the Canterbury Town Council.

Head Master - Mr. Joseph Ogden*

Assistants: Miss E. C. Brothers, Mr. W. E. Taylor and Miss N. Craig

Secretary: Mr. G. F. Francis

The Session is divided into three terms of about 14 weeks each. First Term will commence about the beginning of May, October 2nd, and the 3rd about the middle of January.

Day Classes

Evening Classes - Elementary

Woodwork Class

Pupil Teachers' Class


Prizes and Scholarships

c. 1902



The late Mr. T. Sidney Cooper C.V.O, R.A. of Harbledown (d. 1902) established at his own expense, in the house in St. Peter's street in which he was born, a gallery of casts, statues and drawings for the use of students, which is carried on as a School of Art in connection with the Art Department of the Board of Education, South Kensington; the school is managed by the Education Committee. 1913


1891 - George A. Wood F.R. Hist. S. Principal

In the early l900's Joseph Ogden was in his late 30's and an Art Master, he was living with his wife Martha Ogden at 7 St. Dunstan's Terrace. He was born in Lancashire.


The Kentish Observer, Thursday, December 20th, 1894

School of Art - The Masters Report

The Master (Mr. H. ALLEN) reported that the Mayor distributed the prizes on Friday, the 14th at the Forester's Hall. He (Mr. Allen) recommended that Miss Nellie CRAIG, Miss Mary CALDWELL, and Miss Ellen BEAR continue their free scholarships in the day class and that Mr. Lionel SOUTHEE be granted a free studentship. The school closed for the Christmas holidays on the 18th and re-commences on Monday, January 7th, 1895.

Councillor Russell moved and Alderman Sanderson seconded that the suggestions be acceded to.

On being put to the vote the motion was carried.

The Chairman then introduced Mr. Barwell, one of her Majesty's Inspectors from South Kensington, to the members.

Mr. Barewll, in a few remarks on the technical part of the school, suggested that the Committee should apply to South Kensington for the loan of some of their high class embroidery so that the students at the school might have good examples to work from.

Alderman Mason said he was sure they were very much obliged for the suggestion. He was convinced that these examples would stimulate the work.

The Inspector said there was a difficulty in getting fine designs, and he thought it might prove of greater help to the students to see some of the works. There was another thing he noticed and that was that some of the ladies, two expecially, were making illustrations of a story from Hans Anderson. For this they required some sort of figure; if they could afford a small sum for a draped model, it would be a great thing. It was a little hard on the students to have to pay for one out of their own pockets. In large towns where they had big classes, they had drawings from the nude of both sexes. He would, however, suggest a draped model, as they could only get the form of a limb drawn satisfactorily from nature.

Alderman Sanderson said they had already drawn from a model, but they had to pay something for it.

The Inspector stated that he had always taken great interest in their school, and he was present at the meeting when Mr. Sidney Cooper formally handed it over. He thought it was in a very helathy state, and he was glad to see some practical application in the embroidery class.

Alderman Mason thanked the Inspector exceedeingly for his visit and kind advice.

Councillor Lukey propsed that application be made for the loan of the high-class embrodiery and needlework.

Councillor Russell seconded, and it was agreed to.

Alderman Sanderson inquired as to the cost of a model for the year.

The Head Master said it would cost about £8 and it was decided that he should engage a model when necessary at a cost not to exceed £8.

This was all the buiness.


Kentish Observer, Thursday, December 20, 1894

The Sidney Cooper School of Science and Art

An examination for free scholarships at the above School took place on the 30th ult. The conditions this year differed from those of previous years, the examination being open only to past and not present pupils of the elementary schools. Some 32 candidates presented themselves. Then were, however, disqualified, through being students at elementary schools. The maximum number of points was forty, and the subject freehand drawing from a flat copy. The work was generally very good, and the following were the successful candidates with the number of points gained: Miss Bear, 36, Louisa Surry*, 36; William Jarrett, 35, George Jarrett, 34; Rose Surry*, 32, Frank Collingwood, 30, Arthur Rye, 30, Ernest Ingleton, 29; Mabel Sewel, 29, George Parry, 28; Robert Holness, 27; George Coppen, 26; James Spillett, 24; Alexander Twyman, 23; - Hopkins, 16; Forwood, 8.

*50 Broad Street


Canterbury School of Art. Distribution of Prizes.

The annual distribution of prizes in connection with the Canterbury School of Art took pace at the Foresters' Hll on Friday Evening. Alderman W. W. Mason (chairman of the School of Art Committee) presided and was supported by the Mayor (G. Collard, Esq) Alderman Sanderson, Councillor Russell, Dunn, Warren, and Lukey, the Master of the School (Mr. H. Allen) and the Secretary (Mr. G. Francis).

The Chairman said they had met once again for the pleasing purpose of witnessing the distribution of prizes, which duty had been kindly undertaken by the Mayor. They must congratulate the studens as well as the masters on the beautiful works of art they saw hung on the walls around them that evening. While no particular merit had been gained this year the works were as good as those of any other year; and it was a matter of contgratulation to them to know that their School of Art held the first place of all the art schools (applause). It was also a matter of congratulation for the Town Council to see such good work carried out in the techincal classes. They enjoyed the advantage of having a grant made to them every year by the Chancellor of the Exchequer for the purpose of technical education, and it appeared that grant was a growing sum and increased year by year. The sum earned last year was £635 and of this sum the Town Council allocated £250 for the School of Art. He was sorry, howver to say that their rooms were insufficient to carry on the technical work properly. They had forty students and twenty-five of them learnt wood carving. Since they met last year they had heard that the final judgment in reference to the Beaney Request had been given in favour of Canterbury. He hoped that before they met together again they would see a building rising in the midst of their ancient city which would be a credit to the old place and in which they would be able to foster art. Now as to the grant given to the Town Council for technical work, he might state that the School Board were allowed £175 which they used for the purpose of teaching dressmaking, &c. What he (Alderman Mason) would like to see would be that all the techincal work should be carried on under one roof and under one supervision (Applause)

The Master then read this report as follows:


....In laying before you an account of the working of the Sidney Cooper School of Art for the Session 1893-94, it is with the greatest satisfaction I report a considerable increase on the preceeding year in the number of studens attending the School, the results gained at the Government examination and in the amount, and I venture to hope quality of work executed by the pupils.

During the twelve months between October 1st, 1893, and October 1st, 1894, 128 persons received instruction in Art, Science, and Technical subjects as against 117 for the Season 1892-93.

There have been 58 pupils in the day and 70 in the evening classes.

128 students received tuition in drawing and painting.

29 in Geometry and Building Construction, and 55 in Embroidery, Woodcarving, Carpentering, Modelling and Design.

In the evening clasess 23 boys and girls of Artizan Class attended the School free of charge and in the Day Class there were 4 free scholars.

101 students paid fees amounting to £117 5s. This sum is (notwithstanding the reduction of fees in the evening classes) £17 8s 3d. more than the fees paid during the preceeding Session.

At the annual Examinations held under hte Science and Art Department in April and May 1894, the studens were very succesfull, the number of passes in both the advanced and elementary states being 45% greater than those of the preceeding year......

Out of 36 finished drawings submitted for Teachers Certificates, and sent up to South Kensignton for inspection in April last, 21 have been accepted and three prizes awarded. These successes compare very favourably with those for hte Session 1892-93, when 39 drawings were submitted, 15 accepted, and one prize awarded.

The following studens have during the Session completed their full Art Teachers Certificates - Miss Emily C. BROTHERS to whom the Science and Art Department have granted the Art Masters Certificate of the first group, which qualifies the holder to take charge of a School of Art. To Miss Mary CALDWELL, Miss Margaret SMITH, and Mr. W. E. TAYLOR, full Art Class Teachers Certificates are granted, which qualify each of hte holders to take charge of an Art Class.

In addition tot he above honours Miss BROTHERS and Miss CALDWELL, and Mr. Lionel SOUTTHE have obtained full marks for their years and are awarded a free studentship each, by the Science and Art Department. ......

The work exhibited which is in many cases excellent, reflects very great credit on the teachers Miss BROTHERS, and Mr. TAYLOR and I would like to take this opportunity of thanking them for the valuable assistance they have rendered me during the past sessions, especially in the Embroidery and Carpentry Classes, where a teacher with a thorough practical knowledge of these subjects is indispensible.

Distribution of prizes......


Science Certificates

In Geometrical drawing - Robert HOLNESS, pass, Loiusa SURRY, pass, Rosa MOUNT, pass, George PERRY, pass

In the elementary Stage of Plane and Solid Geometry - Florence CLARK, pass, William TAYLOR, pass, Walter LOVEDAY, pass, George HAYS, pass

In the Elementary Stage of Building Construction - Sidney STRAND, pass, John HOPKINS, pass

Elementary Art Certificates

The following students have gained one certificate each:

Passed 2nd class in freehand drawing





Gertrude WYE

Kathleen EVANS



George PERRY


Martha GARDINER - passed 2nd class in light and shade

Ellen BEAR, passed 2nd class in principles of ornament

Sarah DEAN, ditto

George HAYS, ditto

Louisa TOURNAY, passed 1st class in freehand drawing

Henriett HORSLEY, ditto

Dorothy HUNT, ditto

Robert HOLNESS, passed 2nd class in model drawing

Edith READ, ditto

William JARRETT, ditto

Mabel EWELL, ditto

Albert DAVISON, ditto

Prizes gained in the monthy competitions

Lionel SOUTHEE, 1st prize for landscape painting

Miss SANDERSON, 1st prize for design

Mary CALDWELL, 1st prize for figure composition

Arthur RYE, passed 2nd class in model, 2nd clss in light and shade

Florence CLARK, passed 1st class in model, 2nd class in light and shade

The following students obtained three certificates each:

Affra Castle HOGBEN, passed 1st class in freehand, 2nd class in model, 2nd class in light and shade

Rosa SURRY, passed 1st class in model, 2nd class in freehand, 2nd class in light and shade

Mary MORANT, passed 1st class in freehand, 1st class in model,1st class in light and shade

Advanced Art Certificates

The following students have gained one certificate each:

Florence CLARK, passed 2nd class in freehand drawing

Louisa SURRY, ditto

Dorothy HUNT, ditto

Norman ROFFEY, pssed 1st class in model drawing

Jessie COWPER, passed 2nd class in monochrome painting

Mary MORANT, passed 1st class in freehand drawing

George HEYS, passed 1st class in architecture

The following gained two certificates each:

Nellie CRAIG, passed 1st class in freehand, 1st class in model

Margaret SMITH, passed 1st class in freehand,2nd class in still life

Frank REEVES, passed 2nd class in freehand, 2nd class in model

Lionel SOUTHEE, passed 2nd class in monochrome painting, 2nd class in drawing from the antique

Emily BROTHERS, passed 1st class in historic ornament, 2nd class in monochrome painting

The following students have obtained three certificates each:

Mary CALDWELL, passed 1st class in anatomy, 2nd class in principles of ornament, 2nd class in monochrome painting

Ellen BEAR passed 2nd class in freehand, 2nd class in model, 2nd class in light and shade

Full Art Teachers' Certificates

Emily C. BROTHERS, art master's certificate, group 1

Mary CALDWELL, art class teachers certificate

Margaret SMITH, ditto

William TAYLOR, ditto

Florence CLARKE, elementary teachers' certificate, 2nd class

Nellie CRAIG, elementary teachers' certificate, 1st class

Local Prizes...

Vacation sketching competition prizes

Elementary subjects

Daisy SOUTHEE, 1st prize for shading from the cast, 1st prize for the best set of sketches

Mary BEAUCHAMP, 2nd prize for shading from the cast

Clarissa LEE, prize for shading from the cast, 2nd prize for set of sketches

Agnes HORSLEY, prize for set of sketches

Mabel SEWELL, ditto

Advanced Subjects

Mary CALDWELL, 1st prize for best landscape

George HAYS, 1st prize for best set of sketches, 2nd prize for best landscape

Nellie CRAIG, 1st prize for flower painting

Miss SANDERSON, 2nd prize for flower painting, 2nd prize for set of sketches

Government Prizes

Emily BROTHERS, book prize for works

Mary CALDWELL, ditto

Lionel SOUTHEE, ditto

Alderman Sanderson said he must congratulate the students on the success they had attained this year.....He was sure that when Mr. Sidney Cooper started that School he had no idea that it could rise to the magnitude it had. In conclusion he asked them to join in with him in heartily thanking the Mayor for distributing the prizes (Applause).

etc. etc. Councillor WARREN...

His Worship concluded by wishing the students a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. The proceedings then terminated.


1903 - Joseph Ogden, Principal; George F. Francis, hon. sec.; Arthur John HARRIS, Curator

1917 Directory - J. Ashleigh Ogden, Whitstable Road, ARTIST


© T. Machado 2007