~ ST. MARGARET'S STREET ~ CANTERBURY St. Margaret, Municipal ward of Dane John
Photo of St. Margaret's Street courtesy of Paul Crampton www.paulcramptonbooks.co.uk/ Morning of June 1st, 1942
1907 Map
No. 1 1840 Mr. Russell W. LAVENDER, 1 St. Margaret Street William DOMBRAIN with wife Mary & 1889 Walter PRICE 1917 W. F. S. DUERTH 1929 Robert BRETT & Sons T.d. Reputable Ballast & Sands. Quarry Owners & Transport Contractors. Removals and Warehousing. Have your furniture removed by our Modern and Efficient Service. One hundred miles and delivered same day. Expert advice and free estimates on application. Robt. Brett & Sons, 1 St. Margaret Street, Canterbury. No. 2 1838 John PILCHER, 2 St. Margaret's Street (listed under Nobility, Gentry, Clergy and Retired Persons) John PILCHER, Accountant & Law Writer ^ James ALLEN, Tailor & 1889 Mrs. HOWARD 1903 Victor ROI, Agent, Entertainment 1917 Fowler Bros. Dairymen
No. 3 William LAWRENCE, Grocer ^ John CARTER, Grocer & 1899 Music Hall, Thomas SCOONES, secretary *probably should read No. 13 1917 Alfred DOBSON 1917 David MANOUCH, Fishmonger
No. 4 Thomas B. GREEN, Law Stationer ^ George PENTON, Victualler & 1889 Hall & Jennings, Architects and Surveyors 1917 W. J. JENNINGS, Diocesan Surveyor - Jennings and Gray, architects and surveyors
No. 5 1838 William Moses NOBLE, listed under Tailors (and habit maker), 5 St. Margaret's Street John H. CROW, Sexton & Painter ^ William HATTON, Tailor & John BUTTON, Draper * 1889 John BUTTON, Draper & Milliner 1917 C. MEDHURST, Furniture Dealer 1929 SLATTERS, established over 25 years (Kentish Gazette & Canterbury Press, April 8, 1933) A. H. BEECHER, Tailor, Hosier, Hatter, and General Outfitter, Boots and Shoes. 5 & 6 St. Margaret's Street Canterbury, and Victoria House, Wingham.
No. 6 John STOREY, Draper ^ George WRAIGHT, Draper & John BUTTON, Draper * 1889 John BUTTON, Draper & Milliner 1922 Slatters, Canterbury. Established over 25 years. 6-7-8 St. Margaret's Street. The Chocolate Shop, 6 St. Margaret's Street, home-made chocolates made on the premises fresh daily. 1929 Slatters, established over 25 years (Kentish Gazette & Canterbury Press, April 8, 1933) A. H. Beecher, Tailor, Hosier, Hatter, and General Outfitter, Boots and Shoes. 5 & 6 St. Margaret's Street Canterbury, and Victoria House, Wingham. Slatter's Hotel, Canterbury, Hotel Gardens - postcard sent 1909, you can see St. Mary Bredin Church in the background
No. 7 1839 Samuel Thomas BUNCE, Turner, 7 St. Margaret Street William PERKINS, Confectioner ^ Frederick HOPPER, Confectioner Baker & Frederick HOPPER, Baker & 1 apprentice * 1889 Frederick HOPPER, Confectioner May 1896 - Wanted, good country Girl as General, over 17, good reference. 7 St. Margarets Street, Canterbury 1917 W. SLATTER, Baker 1922 Slatters, Canterbury. Established over 25 years. 6-7-8 St. Margaret's Street. 7 St. Margaret's Street, Luncheons, Dinners, Teas Large or small parties catered for. All kinds of Catering. All the best cakes & Confectionery supplied.
1929 SLATTERS AD, established over 25 years
No. 8 1840 Elizabeth KENNET (Boarding School), 8 St. Margaret Street 1858 Piano-Fortes and Harmoniums, new & second-hand, on sale and hire, on moderate terms at Mr. C. Lyon's Piano-Forte Repository Robert TASSELLl, General Practioner ^ John Green HALL & wife Mary Grace Hall. John is an Architect and designed many Canterbury buildings & *Contracts, Canterbury, May 18th, 1874 - for the erection of a bonded store and warehouse (in Iron Bar Lane). Mr. J. G. Hall, 8, St. Margaret, Street, Canterbury. 1889 NURSES INSTITUTE, Miss HARBARD, Superintendent 1917 Slatters Commercial Hotel 1922 Slatters, Canterbury. Established over 25 years. 6-7-8 St. Margaret's Street. 8 St. Margaret's Street, The Temperance Hotel. Terms moderate. Personal supervision throughout. 1929 Slatters, established over 25 years 1956 The Marlowe Theatre, 8, St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury: Manager & Licencee, W. Bland WOOD
No. 9 Frederick A. GILHAM, Upholsterer ^ Frederick A. GILHAM, Upholsterer & 1889 A. J. GILHAM, Cabinet Maker (Alfred) 1917 no listing
No. 10 1594-1619 Sir George Newman, Commissary General of the City and Diocese of Canterbury lived in a house opposite St Margarets church in St Margarets Street, and despite all that subsequently happened to it, the house was still referred to in the nineteenth century as the house late of Sir George Newman. It was a large house with a very large garden possibly stretching as far as Rose Lane. Subsequently it was numbered 10 St Margarets Street. In 1806 the house was bought by Richard Herve Giraud* who divided it into three. Eight years later the property was assigned to a London banker, George Dorset. His son pulled down the original house and built several cottages on the site of the house and garden. (CCA) Memorial to Sir George Newman in St. Margaret's Church, Canterbury *Possible marriage Richard Herve Giraud of St. Andrew's and Frances Ann Byng of this parish (St. George the Martyr) 1858 a Richard Herve Giraud, Esq., Solicitor, Furnival's Inn A Charles Herve Giraud, stationed at Canada in 1867 (Medical Department) William CLEMENTS, Post Master ^& William CLEMENTS, Retired Coach Proprieter * 1889 William CLEMENTS 1917 Walter DUNN, Artist
No. 11 James DELMAR, Brewer ^& George PEARSON, Canon of Canterbury * Caroline PALIN, Greengrocer * 1889 Rev. Canon PEARSON August 2, 1913 - Henry J. STONE, Conservative Registration Agent for Canterbury. Offices of the Conservative and Unionist Association, 11 St. Margarets, Street. (Kentish Gazette & Canterbury Press) 1917 The Canterbury Unionist Club (ltd); A.J. Walters, Secretary and D. Foster, Steward also the Canterbury Conservative and Unionist Association, T. D. Dennis, Secretary 1925 Leighton House, A. H. Amey & Son (by 1947 they had moved to 38 High Street - Alan Howard Amey (d. 1956). Ivy Lane Works pre 1969) 1925 AD for A.H. Amey & Son, St. Margaret's Street - Pilgrim's Guide
No. 12 1840 Richard Minter MOUNT, 12 St. Margaret Street Esther CLOKE, Greengrocer ^& 1917 A. C. CRESSWELL, Oil and hardware dealer (also at 24 Wincheap) April 1933 Cecil C. CADLE, F.N.A.A., Auctioneer, Valuer, House and Estate Agent, Over Central Picture Theatre
No. 13 MUSIC HALL * 1889 MUSIC HALL & AUCTION MART 1903 Auction Mart, William Joseph Cotton, proprietor 1917 FREEMASONS HOTEL, George William Jeffery
No. 14 1828/9 James Toke SIMMONDS, MERMAID 1832 MERMAID, Thomas MILLEN 1838 MERMAID INN, George Ben. FOREMAN, 14 St. Margaret's Street FREEMASON'S TAVERN, William H. MOORE ^ FREEMASONS TAVERN, 14 St. Margarets Street - Alfred W. GOLDSMITH * 1889 FREEMASONS TAVERN, Hartley FEWSON 1917 FREEMASONS HOTEL, George William JEFFERY 1917 ST. MARGARET'S HALL 1917 Y.M.C.A. BRANCH
No. 14A 1889 Gardner & Co. Ash Brewery office: J. Clinch, Storekeeper Dec 1896, Gardner & Co. Ash Brewery, Family Bitter Ale, 4 1/2 Gallons 4/3 & 4/9 For Cash on delivery. Porter and Stout, 4 1/2 Gallons 4/3 & 6/3 For Cash on Delivery. Full price list on application at the stores. Canterbury, Dover, Hastings, Ashford, Ramsgate, Sittingbourne 1917 Gardner & Co. (ltd), ASH BREWERY office; E. J. Martin, Manager
No. 15 1838 Richard Fletcher BEIOLEY, listed under Linen and Woollen Drapers, Haberdashers, Silk Mercers &c., 15 St. Margaret's Street William FINN, Hotel Keeper & 1885 Kellys Directory - Listed under Chemists and Druggists - William Henry PAINE, 15 & 29 St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury 1889 W. H. Paine, Dispensing Chemist. St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury. Next to the Fountain Hotel. Established 1798. Dispensing Establishment. Mr. W. H. Paine, (late Gardner,) Chemist. The Original Depot for Air Cushions, Water Beds, and all kinds of Surgical bandages, invalid and domestic appiances nursery requisites, &c. Agent for many English and Foreign Specialities, (Medicinal, Surgical and Dietetic), for Mothers, Nurses, Infants and Invalids. See Illustrated Catalogue. Ladies' Belts or Abdominal Supporters. Of very superior make and construction. For Debility, Corpulency, Pregnancy, &c. affording the greatest Relief and Support. Trusses of every description. Elastic Stockings, Knee-caps, Leggings, Ankle Socks, Sristlets, Bandages, Ladies' Belts. Air & Water Cushions. Umbilical Bands for infants, Pillows, Waterproof Sheeting, Nursing Aprons, Bathing Caps, Enemas. Messrs. C. Macintosh & Co.'s Water Beds, Air Cushions, Pillows, Waterproof sheeting, etc. Von Abbott's Gluten Bread, and his other Gluten Articles of food. Carter's Invalid Furniture. Mr. H. Laurence's Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Water Beds, Cushions, Bed Rests, &c. may be had on hire. 1903 William Henry PAINE, dispensing chemist; depot for trusses, surgical & elastic appliances *Painting of William Paine, Canterbury apothecary, wearing a white cravat - List 2004 inv. no. 11382 as 1780 - 1830 (from British and Irish paintings in public collections) (1830 poll book - William Paine Jr., Old Fish Street, London, Druggist and William Paine, High Street, Canterbury, Butcher) July 16, 1904 E. and A.B. WITHERS (late PAINE) Chemists, 15 St. Margarets Street Canterbury July 20, 1907, A. A. Senior, M.P.S., Chemist and Optician "advertising "Dermolia or Morning Dew"
No. 16 ROYAL FOUNTAIN HOTEL *destroyed in the bombing of WW2 1824 Samuel WRIGHT, proprietor 1828/29 Samuel WRIGHT, Fountain 1832 Samuel WRIGHT 1860 AD - Royal Fountain Hotel, Canterbury. This Old Established Family Hotel is replete with every comfort and accommodation, and at moderate charges. Orders by Post or telegram strictly attended to. William FINN, Proprietor. Neat Flys and Post Horses. JB 1860 listed in "The Draper and Clothier", Canterbury - Royal Fountain Hotel - William FINN (Finn - St. Dunstan's register, burials - June 8th, 1704 - Sarah, wife of William FINN, Wheelwright) 1860 - 1871 William FINN* he passed away in 1882 Gazette, March 10, 1874 - William CRIPPEN, Greengrocer, Canterbury. Pet. March 7, April 1 at eleven at the Fountain Hotel, Canterbury, Sol. Gibson, Sittingbourne *Annie M. FINN, daughter, Ann Witherden, sister, Emily Forster, neice to William FINN Annie M. FINN, Hotel keeper, ROYAL FOUNTAIN * (Poll Book of 1830 there was a William FINN, Wincheap, Canterbury, Labourer Timothy WRIGHT, Lodger * 1884 Royal Fountain Hotel, Horatio WARD, 16 St. Margaret Street, Canterbury 1889 H. WARD 1903 Mrs. A. SPARK 1917 (Motor Garage and Pit) T. M. WESTON, Manageress 1922 - 1929 F. C. LARGE
No. 17 Hannah WILMSHURST, Bread Baker ^ William FINN, Hotel Keeper & William T. PRETT, Confectioner * 1889 W. PRIME, Hosier & Hatter 1901 - 1917 Alfred Nye & Son, Hosiers and Tailors "Your boy may grow out of our school suits - he will not wear them out." 1917 Men of Kent and Kentish Men! Local Depot for Club Colour Neckties & Hat Bands. Alfred Nye & Son, Outfitters, Canterbury 1922 Charles Mattocks, (Late Nye & Son). Gentlemen's Complete Outfitter. High-class Fancy Hosiery. Noted for Neat and Dainty Neckwear. Tailoring Ready to Wear or to Measure. The recognised house for Simon Langton School Caps, Ties, Hose, etc., etc. Appointed agent for "Ment of Kent & Kentish Men's" Hat Bands, Mufflers & Neckwear. (Next Royal Fountain Hotel) 1929 Charles Mattocks & Son, gentlemen's complete outfitters. Outfitters to the Simon Langton School
No. 18 1840 Miss Grace BEAKE, 18 St. Margaret's Street 1860's - 1900's Francis R. HARRIS, Chiropodist and registrar of births and deaths / Chemist & Druggist Francis R. HARRIS, Chemist, Dentist, Chiropodist, Assistant Medical Registrar (Births/Deaths) * 1885 F. R. HARRIS, 18, St. Margarets Street, Canterbury - annual subscription 10s 6d. (The Calendar of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britian) 1917 J. W. HUNT, Printer
No. 19 No. 19 & 19A - photo 2007, thanks to a special visitor to the site for the loan of the above photo Richard WOOD, Bootmaker ^& TKC - Jan 14, 1865 - Deaths, Canterbury, January 10, at 19, St. Margaret' street, Elizabeth Mexfield, aged 95 1885 Kelly's Directory of the Leather Trades - G. R. & R.S. Wood, listed under Boot & Shoe Makers, Warehouses & Dirs. 1889 G. F. & R. WOOD, Bootmakers Edgar L. WOOD, Master Shoemaker Dec 20, 1894, Established 1782, E. Lancefield Wood, Late G. F. & R. Wood, Family boot and shoe warehouse. 19, Saint Margaret's Street, Canterbury. A large and varied stock of ladies', gentlemen's and children's boots, shoes and slippers at moderate prices, suitable for all seasons of the year, always on hand. Repairs neatly and promptly executed. Ad from December 20, 1894 in my collection 1917 S. Browne, Watchmaker 1929 Seymour Browne, Watch specialist, Canterbury Ad 1929
No. 19a 1917 E. Issott, F.I.O., Optician
No. 20 Ewell BROWNING, Poulterer ^& Richard U. SHAXBY, Dealer in Game * 1889 R. U. SHAXBY, Poulterer and Gamekeeper 1917 No listing
No. 21 John GUNNER, Baker ^ c. 1870's - 1889 Richard U. SHAXBY, Baker and Confectioner Richard U. SHAXBY, Dealer in Game & Bread Baker * George F. BING, Seedsman & Fruiterer 1917 THE STORES, Frederick Finn and Sons (ltd) Finn's Cafe - for rest & refreshment 21 St. Margaret's St. Canterbury - open until 6 pm on Thursdays No. 22 John WOOD, Poulterer ^ William DAVEY - Bookseller, Stationer & Sarah A. DAVEY, Bookbinder & Stationer (no address) * 1882 Cox & Ellyett, Wholesale Grocers 1889 Frederick FINN, Wholesale Grocer Provisions, Preserved Meats, Jams, Pickles, Sauces 1903 Finn's Stores (Frederick Finn and Sons Limited), wholesale and family grocers and provision merchants, tea dealers & coffee roasters, ham & bacon curers, patent & homoeopathic medicine, drug, perfumery, broom, brush, oil & italian, mat & sponge warehouse & mineral water depot, general ironmongers & agents for all the best makers of agricultural implements, tools, travelling requisites &c. &c. The Canterbury & East Kent stores, 22, 23 & 24 St. Margaret's street. 1917 THE STORES, Frederick Finn and Sons (ltd) Electro-Plated Goods, Perfumery, Toilet Requisites, &c. Finns Rooftop Cafe No. 23 Back of Fish market 1838 Thomas DEAN, Bookseller & Stationer, 23 St. Margaret's Street Giles MORGAN, Fishmonger ^ Charles SMITH - Fishmonger & 1889 Frederick FINN, Wholesale Grocer 1903 Finn's Stores Tea, Coffee, Groceries, Confectionery, Fancy Fruits, Drugs, Patent Medicines 1917 THE STORES, Frederick Finn and Sons (ltd) No. 24 Back of fish Market George CROW - Letter Carrier & 1889 Frederick FINN, Grocer & Stores General Ironmongery, Brooms, Brushes 1903 Finn's Stores 1917 THE STORES, Frederick Finn and Sons (ltd)
No. 25 Back of fish market Frederick DELO - Whitesmith & 1885 Kelly's Directory of the Leather Trades - Frederick J. Orchard, Boot & Shoe Manfacturer 1885 Kelly's Directory of the Leather Trades - Pocock Brothers, 25 St. Margaret's Street and 10 Parade - listed under Boot & Shoe Manfuacturers (*1874 Thomas Nixon, assistant to Messrs. Pocock of St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury) 1889 F. H. Orchard, Jun. Manager to Messrs. Pocock Bros. 1889 Pocock Bros. Boot & Shoe Manufacturers. The noted depot for 10s. 6d. Boot in every style. Repairing in all its branches. 1889 F. & H. P. WEST, Drapers &c. 1917 Hardy and Willis Freeman (ltd), Bootmakers - A. Stacey, Manager April 1933 Godden & Son Canterbury (J. Godden F.A.L.P.A.) Offices 25 St. Margarets Street, and Station East Road Auctioneers, House and Estate Agents
No. 25A 1889 James WILTSHIER, Bank House (Bank Clerk) 1913 Alfred JONES, Bank House, St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury
High Street (PARADE)
No. 26 1838 George BARNES, St. Margaret's Street, listed under booksellers and stationers "There are two public libraries and reading rooms in this city; they are Colegate's and Barnes' Libraries, the former situate on the Parade and the other in St. Margaret Street, and well stocked with books and supplied with newspapers and magazines. They are supported by subscription on a similar plan to public reading rooms in other parts of the kingdom." 1838D 1839 ASSEMBLY AND READING ROOMS, 26 St. Margaret Street, George BARNES, Proprietor The Assembly Rooms. These handsome and spacious rooms are situate in St. Margaret-street, adjoining- Messrs. Halford and Co's. bank. They are used for " Concerts, Balls, and Routs," and it is here that in the mellow month of August the belles and beaux of this part of Kent meet to celebrate the "County Balls." The City, too, is not backwards in this healthy recreation, but holds balls in the months of January and February. John A. BELL, Dentist &* David B. Mayor, Surgeon ^ James A. LONG, Fishmonger & Tuesday, November 11, 1879 - James A. LONG, Canterbury, Poulterer and Fishmonger: Nov. 28 at 11, at Queens Head Hotel, Canterbury. G. Collard. Canterbury, Solicitor. (The Weekly Notes) 1889 - 90's James Alfred Long, Fishmonger, 26 St. Margaret's Street Sat, Sept 15, 1894 - Bankrupt Re: Jane Long, Fishmonger, 26, St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury - The Creditors in this failure are: George Stevenson, London, £348; F. Finn and Sons, Limited, Canterbury, £10; Charles Holttum, Canterbury, £25; Frank Wacher, Canterbury, £10; Emma A. Walkley, Canterbury, £45; George S. Letten, Grimsby, £35 15s. 6d.; Edward Chandler, Harrowgate, £45; Partly secured creditor: Mrs. Whitehouse, Windsor, £235 (estimated value of security, £100). Preferential creditor: J. Abrahams, Canterbury, £31 10s. Ad from my collection, December 20, 1894 December 26, 1896 - XMAS 1896. NOBLE & WEBB, Fishmongers, Poulterers, & Game Dealers, 26, St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury (opposite Finn's Stores) N. and W. invite an inspection of their Large Supply of Home-killed ENGLISH TURKEYS and GEESE of the Highest Quality. VENISON. Home-killed Poultry and Game of all kinds. Kent & Canterbury Press Percy F. Webb, Fishmonger & Poulterer August 2, 1913 - Fish, Poultry, and Licensed Game Dealer. Whitstable Native and Other Oysters. Lake Ice in any quantity. Percy F. Webb. 26, St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury. (opposite Finn's Stores). All goods of the finest quality. Telegrams - Webb, Fishmonger, Canterbury. Telephone 61 (Kentish Gazette & Canterbury Press) 1917 Canterbury and District War Work Depot - Mrs. F. Farley, Hon. Secretary
No. 27 George E. DITCH, Master Sadler & 1885 Kellys Directory - Listed under Perfumers (Retail) - George JOHNSON, 27 St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury 1889 Johnson & Son, Hair Dressers 1889 William PLUMMER, Solicitor and clerk to County Justices Frederick G. COAST, Hairdresser & Perfumer ( Dec. 1905 - Wanted a respectable woman for general housework. Apply, Mrs. Coast, 27 St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury July 20, 1907, Considerable improvements have been effected at F. G. Coasts, St. Margaret's Street Hairdressing Establishment, especially in enlargement of the Gent's Department, bringing it (also the Ladies Department) up to modern requirements, including apparatus for thoroughly drying ladies' hair after shampooing. Also at 12 Mercery Lane. F.G.C. can assure his patrons of first-class attendance at both establishments. 1917 Frederick G. Coast Hairdresser 1929 F. G. Coast and Sons, 27 St. Margaret Street and 12 Mercery Lane also at Tankerton Cirucs Whitstable. Post 1931 COASTS ad 1956 Coast's, Ladies' & Gentlemen's Hairdressers (Established over 80 years) Canterbury - 27 St. Margaret's STreet, also 12 Mercery Lane. Phone 2163
No. 28 1889 E. BUNCE, Berlin and fancy repository F. W. Dillistone, Jeweller and Silversmith 1917 P. J. Taylor, Tailor and Hosier
No. 29 1838 - The Fish Market, Stands on the west side of St. Margaret Street, and was first erected in 1480 by the corporation, and enlarged in 1520. It was pulled down, and the present market built on the site. The style of the exterior is Grecian Doric, and it consists of a pediment supported by four fluted columns. The stalls in the interior are built of stone, and on the west side is a pump for the convenience of the market people. "A little beyond this is our Fish market, (re-built in 1822) near enough to the sea to be served with fish, from Folkstone and other places on our coast, in a few hours after they are landed." WG 1885 Kellys Directory - Listed under Chemists and Druggists - William Henry PAINE, 15 & 29 St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury 1889 George ANDREWS, Tailor & Hatter G. M. HORAN, Monumental Stone Works 1917 P.J. Taylor, Tailor and Hosier 1925 The Maids of Kent Handicraft Shop - Miss HELMORE, Miss Vera TASSELL, 29 St. Margaret's Street 1925 AD, The Maids of Kent (Pilgrim's Guide) Post 1931 AD, The Maids of Kent
No. 29a 1889 G. M. HORAN, Monumental Stone Works 1917 Percy F. WEBB, Fishmonger, poulterer, and licensed dealer in game 1917 P. F. WEBB, 29a St. Margaret's Street - Poulterers and Game Dealers
No. 29b 1917 John Frank BARBER, Tobacconist
No. 30 William DAVEY, Stationer & News vendor ^ James DUTHOIT, Butcher & 1889 Dir. Miss S.A. DAVEY, Bookseller & Stationer c. 1902 S. A. TEAL, (late Davey) 30 St. Margaret's Street, (next to St. Margaret's Church), Canterbury, Bookseller, Newsagent and Stationer, Prompt attention to all orders. Printing & Bookbinding attended to with care and despatch. New Canterbury Guide books, views and fancy goods. 1905 Dec - Miss WILSON, Private School, 30 St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury. New school year commences January 8th, 1906. 1907, July 20th - Miss WILSON wishes to inform the public that she is removing her School from 30 St. Margaret's street to 17 St. George's Terrace, Canterbury, where she will be pleased to receive new pupils of all ages at any time. Terms moderate. 1917 Misses S. and E. TEAL, Stationers No. 30a 1917 Miss A. TEAL, Costumier
Stains Place - Clearance of houses 1-4 Staines Place, St. Margarets Street
"The east end of St. Margaret's Church is on the same side, a little further down (from the fish market), the street reaching to Watling Street..." *Here is an ecclesiastical court, in which the archbishop once in four years visits the clergy of the neighbouring part of his diocese. Two other visitations are annually held here by the archdeacon or his official, one for his clergy, the other for churchwardens only; the parishes exempt from his jurisdiction being visited by the commissary, at the time he is pleased to appoint. Here also, and in a court he has in the body of the Cathedral, causes of fornication, defamation, and other ecclesiastical disputes, are tried before surrogates appointed to that office."
No. 31 Mary Crothall, Fancy Repository & 1885 Kellys Directory - Listed under Dentists (are licentiates in Dental surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of England) - John A. BELL & Son, 31 St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury 1889 Martin L. Bell, Dental Surgeon L.D.S. 1917 Sydney Martin Bell, Esq., L.D.S., R.C.S. Eng
No. 32 George P. COLLARD, Wine & Spirit Merchant & 1885 Kelly's Directory of the Leather Trades - George E. DITCH, listed under Saddlers & Harness Makers 1880's - 1917 George. E. DITCH, Saddler & Harness No. 33 Walter FURLEY, Solicitor in practice and deputy coroner for East Kent & 1885 Kelly's Directory - Listed under Photographers - James CRAIK, 51 Burgate Street and 33 St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury 1889 Parsons & Co. Clothiers and Outfitters "Testimony of Edmund Styles - Can you give me any information with regard to the election of 1880? Well, I can as to the Conservatives; that is all I can tell you. When did you first hear anything as to the Conservative goings on? - I heard it from Mr. Walter Furley in the afternoon. Of the election? The day of the election in the committee room. That was after the arrest of Mr. Bateman? Yes. Did you treat anybody at the election? No....."Oct. 4. 1880 1917 A. E. Hobbs, Draper
No. 34 The Old Fireplace in 34 St.Margaret's Street William H. GOOCH, Physician % John A. BELL, Dentist, his son Robert is his assistant ^ 1860 AD Henry G. Sadler, Doctor, General Practioner &
LARGE TEA WAREHOUSE * Possibly the old Staircase in 34 St. Margaret's Street 1883 Henry Hayman, 34 St. Margarets Street - re: copyright of an oil painting by Henry Hayman representing the enthronement of the Archbishop of Canterbury in the Cathedral (Nov. 19, 1883) 1889 Parsons & Co., Clothiers and Outfitters The Old Stairwell in 34 St. Margaret's Street Henry G. SADLER, General Practioner, Medical Profession, M.R.C.S.E, 1917 No listing
No. 35 1832-34 James DELMAR, Wine & Spirit Merchant William DOMBRAIN, Wine & Spirit Merchant % 1865 Poll for two knights of the shire..."name of voter and residence" 1802, William DOMBRAIN, St.Margaret's Street, Canterbury, listed under parish of Sturry (it is the parish of qualification) Voted for B., K. three candidates: Sir Edward Cholmeley Dering, Bart. - Sir Brook William Bridges, Bart. - Sir Norton Joseph Knatchbull, Bart. Hambrook ^ Richard PETTMAN, Assistant Register of County Court Canterbury & late 1880's - 1903 William Thomas SHRUBSOLE, Butcher 1917 Joseph H. MOYS, Fruiterer
No. 36 William Dombrain, Wine & Spirit Merchant % Henry A. Hookway, Printer/Compositor & 1889 Mrs. S. Preston, Fancy Repository and registry for Servants 1956 B. C. Blyth & Son Wine Merchants, 36 St. Margaret's Street (Opposite the Marlowe Theatre), established 1784
No. 36A 1885 Kellys Directory - Listed under Soda Water and Lemonade Manufacturers - William E. TAYLOR, St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury 1889 W. E. Taylor, Ale and Porter Merchant 1913 Woodford & Co. Wine & Spirit Merchants (and 146 Milton Road, Gravesend) 1917 Woodford & Co. (Russell's Gravesend Brewery Ltd.) family wine, spirit and bottled beer merchants - F. G. Link, Manager 1917 (Kedington) R. M. Pudney
No. 37 1828/29 Abraham Dombrain, Spirit Merchant James DUTHOIT, Butcher % Dombrain, Hop Planter ^ 1884 George P. Collard and Son, 37 St. Margaret St., (listed under wine & spirit merchants) The Post Office Directory of the Brewers and Maltsters 1884 1889 G. P. Collard & Son, Wine and Spirit Merchants 1903 Misses Collard 1917 Ash & Co. (Moxon & Collard) Wine and spirit merchants 1956 F. R. W. BERRY F.A.I. Chartered Auctioneer & Estate Agent Surveyor & Valuer at 37 St. Margaret's Street in the City of Canterbury are over part of one of the Finest Roman Theatre Sites in Europe. In the cellars part of the Old Roman Road and an early 15th Century Angel's Head can be seen by arrangement. *1946 he was at 48 High Street "The ancient cellars at No. 37 St. Margaret's Street are well worthy of a visit. In the cellars are stone carvings representing animals and human beings"
No. 38 James Nash, Tailor % James Dulhort (Duthoit?), Butcher ^ Robert Wilkenson, Town Seargant of Canterbury* 1889 Count Court Office, Registrar Walter Furley, High Baliff, William Welby. Walter Furley, Solicitor 1917 Walter Furley Esq. and Frank M. Furley Esq., Solicitors and coms 1917 Bankruptcy and County Court Office, Walter Furley, Esq. Registrar - George Hollands, Caretaker
No. 38 and 39 St. Margaret's Street, my sketch
No. 39 1840 Mr. Thomas FARRIS, 39 St. Margrarets Street Friday, June 18, 1830 *Thomas FARRIS, of Canterbury in the county of Kent, money scrivener, bill-broker, d. c. To surrender July 5 at 2 and July 6 and 30 at 11 at the Guildhall, Canterbury. Sol W. H. Cross, Surrey street, Strand. Pet. cred. James Tonge FARRIS, St. Margaret, Canterbury, Gentleman. Seal. June 15 Hezekiah MARSHALL, Architect % Crowthall ^ 1884 - Private School - Miss H. W. IRON - From Our Schools and Colleges, F.S. Dumaresq de Carteret-Bisson 1889 Miss IRON, Ladies' school & prepatory school for young gentlemen 1891/92, East Kent Natural History Society - Members - Miss Helen IRON and Miss Henrietta IRON, 39 St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury 1917 Canterbury & Alford Aid Society; Miss Waterfield, Honorary Secretary, Ernest Goldsmith, Caretarker
No. 40 Richard BAILEY, Linen Draper % 1889 Miss WILLS 1917 A. Howard and Son, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailors 1934 Hubert F. Finn-Kelcey, F.S.I., F.A.I. amalgamated with King and Ashenden Auctioneers, Surveyors, Valuers, Land and Estate Agents. Agents to the principal Insurance Companies. Offices. Lyminge Nr. Folkestone, Kent and 40 St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury, Kent (auction paper 1934) No. 41 James Delmar, Wine Merchant % Ann Woodward, Teacher ^ (Young ladies school) William Laming, Saddler & Tobacconist * 1889 Miss Lancefield, Tobacconist 1917 J. MacCormack, Tobacconist
No. 42 James Delmar, Wine Merchant % 1889 James C. Clements, Butcher 1917 Walter Heritage, Butcher
No. 43 Thomas Marshall, Solicitor (Articled Clerk) % County Court Office ^
No. 44 1840 Mrs. Elizabeth Fenner, 44 St. Margaret Street Elizabeth Fenner % Edward Wooton, Gentleman ^
No. 45 1838 (listed under Nobility, Gentry, Clergy and Retired Persons) Mrs. Mary Sophia JAMES, 45 St. Margarets 1840 Mrs. Mary Sophia JAMES, 45 St. Margaret Street 1852 Richard PETTMAN (a), 45, St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury, Nov 1852 The Poll for the Knights of the Shire to Represent the Eastern Division of the County of Kent taken the 16th and 17th of July 1852 Richard PETTMAN ^ July 15th, 1865 Richard PETTMAN, 45 St. Margaret's Street (No. 1560) Poll for the two knights of the shire, voted B & K (parish of qualification - Saint Mary Bredin)
No. 46 John H. CROW, Painter %
No. 47 Mary WOOD, Butcher % Mary WOOD^
Beer Cart Lane / Watling Street
Saturday, November 9th, This morning a fire was discovered in the house of Mr. THORNTON, St. Margaret's street, Canterbury; but very fortunately, by timely assistance, it was extiguished without much damage. KR "1750. Mr. Francis WHITFIELD, the lessee of the mayor and commonalty, builds assembly rooms at the corner of St. Margaret's Street, in this City." HT John WHITFIELD in 1687, bequeathed twenty shillings per annum, arising from a house in St. Margaret Street, ten shillings of which to be distributed to the poor in bread, two shillings and sixpence to each of the clerks of the parish in which his two engines then stood, and five shillings to the churchwardens of St. Margaret's for keeping the said engines in repair. One of these engines he bequeathed to the town, and the other to the parish of St. Mary Magdalen. The former was given up to the Kent Fire Office, together with the twenty shillings before mentioned, which was to be employed as specified. 1838 "From Mercery Lane we cross High Street into St. Margaret's, the corner of which, on our right hand, has, perhaps, the largest and most elegant assembly-room, built by a private owner, in the whole kingdom.*" *At the corner of St. Margaret's, under the assembly-room, is a public bank, and a few paces higher, opposite the corn-market, another. WG 1838 - The Assemby Rooms - These handsome and spacious rooms are situate in St. Margaret Street, adjoining Messrs. Halford and Co.'s bank. They are used for "Concerts, Balls, and Routs," and it is here that in the mellow month of August the belles and beaux of this part of Kent meet to celebrate the "County Balls." The City, too, is not backwards in this healthy recreation, but holds balls in the months of January and February. "Mr. John BURGESS, who died September 11, in St. Margaret's-street, Canterbury, at the advanced age of 96, was, for many years, one of the choristers of the cathedral; but infirmity having rendered the task irksome, he retired some time since, upon a liberal bounty provided by the dean and chapter. He was also parish-clerk of Saint Mildred, and belonged to the society of ringers." MM "The Fish Market was removed from High Street into Burgate, and again into High Street, but at length, about 1480, was fixed in St. Margaret's Street, where it now continues." FS Death September 27th, 1794 - In St. Paul's, Canterbury, Mrs. WHITFIELD, relict of the late John WHITFIELD, of St. Margaret's in that city. Kentish Register 1795
1805-7 John CLARKE, butcher Susannah DRAKE, boarding school Dilnot EASTES, plumber Thomas ELWYN, surgeon George ELWYN, attorney Thomas FRIEND, proprietor of the aqua solvens and solvent balls Richard GIRAUD, grocer and tea dealer Squire HARVEY, corn chandler Elizabeth HARVEY, milliner and haberdasher Richard JENKINS, hat maker Henry JENNINGS, butcher William JONES, draper and taylor Joseph LADSON, carver and gilder Thomas LAVENDER, bricklayer Rebecca LEWIS, straw hat manufacturer John James PIERCE, attorney James ROBERTSON, linen draper Thomas Edward SALMON, plumber Humphry Edwin SANDYS, attorney James SHARP, grocer Margaret SMITH, grocer John TAYLOR, Fountain Inn William WEAR, baker Thomas WOOD, boot maker Elinor WOOD, pastrycook
1806 Death at her house in St. Margaret's, Canterbury, aged 82, Mrs. LUKYN, the eldest and only survivor of the issue of John LUKYN, esq. formerly of the same parish.
1824 Theophs. HARRISON, St. Margaret's Street - Listed under Auctioneers
1838 Mrs. KENNETT, boarding and day, Ladies' (listed under Academies and Seminaries), St. Margaret Street
1839 James DELMAR, Wine Merchant, St. Margaret Street
1855 W. WOOD (law stationer) - Hodson's Booksellers, publishers and stationers directory for London and County 1855 1858 - Music Hall, St. Margaret's Street - John USHER, Proprietor 1860 AD - Mr. J. A. BELL, Surgeon Dentist, St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury. Attendance at 63, High Street, Ramsgate, every Monday. (John Brent) 1907 Buy Preserving Fruits, raspberries, currants, etc., direct from actual grower (wholesale price for large quantities) Walter R. PIERCE, F.R.H.S., St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury. Behind Fish Market - Martha BOWEN, Fishmonger
1830 Poll of the Electors Charles A. FRIEND, St. Margaret's, Canterbury, Gentleman *partnerships dissolved, Gazette, April 2 1830 - FAIRBRASS, FRIEND & Co. - vis. Thomas FAIRBRASS of Whitstable, Kent, and Charles Alexander FRIEND of Canterbury, hoymen at Canterbury and London...Dissolved March 24
MARRIAGE - August 25, 1860. The Solicitors' Journal & Reporter - MURTON-CALLAWAY On August 23, Walter Murton, Esq., of Gray's Inn, Solicitor, to Mary Callaway, second daughter of the late John Callaway, Esq., of Canterbury Notices for admission - The Solicitors Journal & Reporter May 14, 1864 (the clerks names appear in small capitals, and the attorneys to whom articled or assigned follow in ordinary type) FREDERICK MORGAN, John Callaway, Canterbury JOHN AMHERST PHILPOTT, John Callaway, Canterbury
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