The possible site of St. Michael's Burgate
"St. Michael, Burgate, which is "included within the precincts of the priory, now of the dean and chapter" HT The remains of this church have long since been converted into a dwelling house. Some of the ancient walls of the church are still remaining." Notes on the churches in the counties of Kent, Sussex and Surrey 1492. The deed of composition is sealed, between the prior and convent of Christ's church, and the Mayor and Commonalty of Canterbury, concerning their resepective jurisdictions; when Queningate-lane, and the city's wall, from St. Michael's church to Northgate, are given up to the prior and convent, and the boundaries of the manor of Caldicot defined. HT
Burgate Ward, so called from the Gate opening into it, called Burgate, or St. Michael's Gate, from the Church adjoining to it, dedicted to that Archangel. By this Gate lies the Road to Sandwich, and those Parts from this City, as also to St. Martin's.... Magna Britannia Antqua & Nova 1738
"St. Michael's Church was situate in Burgate street, probably on the north side of it, and near the gate. Upon its dissolution, it was united to St. Mary Magdalen, and seems afterwards, as well as that of St. Mary of Queningate, to have been included within the bounds of the precincts. The remains of this church were converted into a dwelling house, demised on lease by the Dean and Chapter." Directory 1847 "Within the walls twelve parish churches now remain, and five have been demolished; in the suburbs are three churches, and one has been destroyed. Of the desecrated churches within the walls there are vestiges of only two; namely, St. John's, ' the remains of it were for a long time used as a malt-house, or in tenements, and continue so at present;' St. Michael, Burgate, which is 'included within the precincts of the priory, now of the dean and chapter. The remains of this church have long since been converted into a dwelling-house. Some of the ancient walls of the church are still remaining.' HT" Notes on the churches in the counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey 1852
"Burgate was formerly called St. Michael's gate, from a church of that name once near it." HT
"At the top of the tower* is a fine bronze bell bearing the date 1597, saved from the destroyed Church of St. Michael, which formerly stood just inside the City Wall close to the Burgate." - from a Pilgrim's Guide *atop Westgate Tower |
© T. Machado