~ THE CLOISTERS ~ CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL Burials ceased in 1855 for all but privilege persons The Cloisters, Canterbury Cathedral
The first building of a Cloyster to this convent was about the time of Archbishop Wilfred; who encouraged the monks to build lodgings, and confined them to monastic order in the dormitory, refectory, &c. but from his time the changes of this place do not appear, till Dunstan ejecting the secular priests, whom Edwyn had encouraged and introduced, fixed monks in their room, and built them cells, a cloyster, &c. which being destroyed by the Danish fury in the time of Elphege, lay in ruins; and were neglected till Lanfranc came to the see, and he built the cloyster, the cellar, refectory, dormitory, and other conventual offices; nor did they suffer in the great conflagration. It appears in the relation of Becket's murder, that they were then situated as they now are, and were not altered or reparid till the year 1295, when Henry d'Estria, then prior of this church, new paved them, and built a new goal, which cost 42l. 0s. 2d. When the body of the church was new-built, Archbishop Courtney began the work of the present cloyster at his own charge. The south-side that leads directly from the martyrdom into the Archbishop's Palace he re-built, and prior Chillenden completed the other three sides, together with the chapter house and great dormitory. In building the cloyster he was assisted by Archbishop Arundel, and by the contributions and assistance of many other persons, whose arms, according to the custom of those times, are visible on the roof of them. Archbishop Courtney's arms are at the entrance at the west end. There are about 683 escutcheons in the whole, which were originally painted in their proper colours, but a few years ago were all white-washed.
This cloyster is a very beautiful square building, curiously arched with stone; all the arches are of the same breadth, and are supported by small pillars three in one, with one captial and 15 ribs springing from each, at the intersections of which the escutcheons of arms are placed. About the year 1480, prior Sellyng, for the greater privacy and warmth, glazed the south pane, or ambulatory, that the monks might there study and meditate. He likewise beautified it with carols, or texts, painted and written upon the walls. This side was thought most private, as adjoining to the church, for the other walks were not so retired, several offices communicating with them. In the north-walk which seems to have more remains of antiquity than any of the other, was the refectory. On the west side was the way to the cellerer's lodgings; and on the east side is the opening of the Chapter-House; being a large door, having on each side three beautiful arches, like windows, supported by pillars of a curious kind of stone, but their polish and beauty are lost. The Cloyster, with the inclosure in the middle, is now the usual burying place for the inhabitants of the church precincts. There are only three monuments in the cloyster, two of which are about the middle of the west walk, and in the north walk is a very small table monument, all placed against the wall. There are a great number of inscriptions on grave-stones in the cloyster, as well as in the adjoining inclosure; an attempt to notice all would be unnecessary, and far exceed the limits of this little book. Near this place lies the body of Thomas Knowler, Gent. late Alderman of Canterbury. He had two wives Martha Twyman and Jane Parker, by them 15 Children, by his first Wife 3: Henry, Thomas, and Susan, by his 2d - 12. Anne, Gregory, Thomas, Jane, George, Elizabeth, Jane, Hester, Thomas, Martha, Danl. and Elizabeth; he was an Alderman above 30 years, and several years Chamberlain, twice Mayor of Canterbury, once in the Raigne of King Charles II. in teh year 1673 and in the Raigne of K. James II. in the year 1687. He died the 20th March 1705, aged 67 years Near this place, in hopes of a joyful Resurrection, resteth the body of HESTER PEMBROOK, late of the PRECINCTS, of this church, who died 5, January 1774, aged 80 years Near unto this lieth interred the Body of Simon Man, who was one of the Vestrys [Vesturers] of this church, who died the 16th of November 1673, aged 71. by John Burnby 1783
1838 - Henry Boswell BENNETT, Lieut. 45th Regiment, killed on May the 31st, in Blean Woods, in a conflict between the military and certain insurgents (age 29) Henry Boswell Bennett 45th Regiment 31 May 1838 *...By this time the whole body had retreated to a deep and sequestered part of the wood, where Sir William shouted and encouraged his adherents to behave like men, and excited them to desperate fury. On perceiving the soldiers, he advanced with the greatest sang froid, and deliberately shot, before the men, Lieut. Bennett, of the 45th regt. who was in advance of his party, and who fell dead upon the spot. The soldiers then immediately fired; Sir William was one of the first killed, and in a few moments ten lives were sacrificed, and several rendered cripples for the remainder of their days. An inquisition on the body of Nicholas Mears was held on Thursday and Friday....On Saturday an inquest was held on the body of Lieut. Henry Boswell Bennett, and the jury returned a verdict of wilful murder against Wm. Courtenay, Edward Wraight the elder, Edward Wraight the younger, Thomas Mears alias Tyler, James Goodwin, William Wills, William Forster, Henry Hadlow, Alexander Foad, Phineas Harvey, John Spratt, Stephen Baker, William Burford, Thomas Griggs, John Silk, George Branchett, Edward Curling, George Griggs, and William Rye. Of these, Courtenay, Foster, Baker, Burford, T. Griggs, G. Griggs, E. Wraight, Harvey and Branchett were dead. Thomas Mears alias Tyler, who was cousin to the murdered constable, was wounded. Alexander Foad, who is a farmer, possessing a freehold of 50 acres, and in very comfortable circumstances, was severely wounded. Of the rioters altogether eight were slain outright, and seven wounded - two of them mortally. Of those who opposed them in support of the law two were killed and one wounded. Twenty-three prisoners were committed to Feversham gaol.... Sir W. Courtenay first appeared at Canterbury in the Michaelmas of 1832; and the first rumour was, that an eccentric character was living at the Rose Inn, who passed under the name of Count Rothschild. His countenance and attire denoted foreign extraction, while his language and conversation showed that he was well acquainted with almost every part of the kingdom....
Near this place lieth ye body of Thomas Knowler, Gent late Ald of Canter bury he had 2 Wifes Martha Twyman & Jane Parker by them 15 Child by his 1st Wife 3 Henry Tom & Susan by his 2d 12 Ann Gregory Tho Jane George Eliz Jane Hester Tom Martha Danll & Eliz. He was an Aldermn Above 30 Years & severall Years Chamberlaine Twice Mayor of Cant once of the Raigne of K Charles ye 2d in ye Year 1673 And in ye Raigne of K. James ye 2d in ye Year 1687 He died ye 29th March 1705 Aged 67 Y burial April 3, 1705, Mr. Thomas Knowler, late Alderman of ye citty, in ye Cloysters (born Herne, Kent) marriage of Martha Twyman and Thomas Knowler - St. Andrew, Canterbury June 21, 1662 marriage - July 1 1669, Mr. Thomas Knowler and Mrs. Jane Parker were married in ye Choire *Canterbury Cathedral burial - July 19, 1677 Jane ye daughter of Mr. Thomas Knowler, Alderman of Canterbury in ye Cloysters burial - January 4, 1677 Elizabeth ye Daughter of Mr. Thomas Knowler, Alderman of Canterbury burial - September 6, 1694 Jane ye wife of Thomas Knowler, Alderman of Canterbury in ye Cloysters (S.D'Evereux, Sacrist) burial - July 7 1697 Jane the daughter of Mr. Alderman Knowler, in the Cloyster of Christ Church
1673 November 18 Symon MAN, one of the Vesterers of Christ Church, Canterbury, was buried in the Cloysters. Neare unto this lieth interred the body of Simon Man who was one of the Vestrys of this [swirl] Church who died ye 16 of November 1673 [swirl] aged 71 [swirl]
(the original is in Latin) To the Sacred Memory of his infant daughter Mary, born of Anne his wife, this is sorrowfully inscribed by Edward Hasted, Esq. This little one, after blooming only nine months, was snatched to the arms of Christ Sept. 15 1774 For of such is the kingdom of Heaven Farewell, Maria Farewell.
STEPHEN HALL only son of Crisp Stephen Hall, Esq. died April 9, 1742 aged 7 years. Though infant years no pompous honours claim, The vain parade of monumental fame, To better praise the last great day shall rear The spotless innocence that slumbers here. The above lines are by Mrs. E. Carter of Deal
T. GEERY Ob: 27 Mar A.D. 1741 Aet 32 *burial April 1, 1741 Mr. Thomas Geery, Distiller of the ArchBishops Palace, in ye Cloysters Cellarer's Door, Canterbury Cloisters
*burial November 21, 1771 Ann Betty, daughter of the Revd Mr. Thomas Freeman (Minor Canon of this Church) & Margaret his wife in the Cloysters (J. Airson, Sacrist) *burial July 25, 1807 The Revd Thomas Freeman, one of the Minor Canons of this Church, aged 82 Years in the Cloysters (J.Dix Sacrist) November 2, 1837 Margaret Freeman, of the Mint Yard. Aged 93 years.
FINDLATER GRANT DIED 9 JUNE 1811 AGED 20 YEARS *burial June 13, 1811 Findlater Grant, Esqr aged 21 years, in the Cloysters, brought from St. Paul's Parish in Canterbury (obituary - at Canterbury, Mr. Findlater Grant, son of W. G. esq. of Scabank, near Nairne, North Britain, GM) (At Canterbury, in the bloom of youth much regretted Mr. Findlater Grant, son of William Grant Esq. of Scabank near Nairne)
H. S. E. THOMAS FREWEN Scho... Regiae ... Nat. 23 ...1719 Ob 7th Apr. 1742 burial April 11, 1742 Thomas Fruine, from Norgeam in Sussex, who boarded at Mr. Monins* was buried in ye Cloysters (Northiam?) Thomas Frewen was buried at Northiam, 17th June 1731, and succeeded by his eldest son. Thomas Frewen, esq. of the Church House, bapt. 29th Jan 1691 m. Sarah, only daughter of Peter Bishop, esq. of Newenden, in Kent, and by her (who was buried at Northiam, 6th January 1769) had issue. Thomas, born 23rd August, 1729, died at Canterbury 7th April, 1742, and is buried in the cathedral cloisters. *Mr. Frances the Chief Master of the King's School being now dead, and it being necessary that immediate provision be made for the said school, we unanimously agree upon and chuse the Rev. Mr. Monins, M.A. to be Chief Master of the said.. *Rev. Mr. Monins, Master of the King's School, Canterbury (The Rev. Richard Monins, M.A. was prebendary of Bristol, thirteen years head-master of the King's school at Canterbury.)
FRANCIS WHITFIELD late of the Parish.... *burials...October 12 1763, Mr. Francis Whitfilde, of the parish of St. Andrew, in the North Isle of the Cloysters by me, William Broderip, Sacrist
... ..... MARY SPEARMAN ... Daughter of the late .... .... .... ... 1819 .. .... 1824 *burial March 5, 1811 Mary Spearman, in the Cloysters, aged 67 Years
1733 April 19 Mr. James LAVEAURE, in ye Cloyster Yard (?) Jaques In Memory of ye Revd Mr. I Gast Lavaure 33 Years Minister of The Walloon Church In Canterbury He died Apr 15, 1733 (James Lavaure, A.M. May 1741) *Hasted *Jacques took orders; curate at Canterbury in 1742-3 Note - "probate 11 Dec. 1739. in which time James Lavaure had died and probate by his son"
Here lieth ... ye Body of ... Eliz Bushnell ... Wife of .... Rector of ... ... departed this life ? 5 of ....1720 Aged ... *burial August 4, 1720 Elizabeth Wife of the Revd Mr. Bushnell, Clerke, in the North Cloister
*burial May 30 1717 Thomas Ffriend in the Cloyster Yard (Jam; Henstridge, Sacrist)
Here lieth the body of CHARLES KNOWLER of the ? ..... ..... ...March 27(?) 1739 Aged ... .... ... *burial...1739 April 3 Mr. Charles Knowler, in the Cloysters
Here lieth the body of Martin Hirst Gent. and Lucie his wife she dyed the fourth September 1679 in her 59? Year ... the one and .... day of March 1680 in his 69 Year of his Age *burial Sept 6, 1679 Mrs. Lucie Hirst, wife of Mr. Martin Hirst, Register of the Arch Bishops Court, in the body of the Church burial April 2 1680 Mr. Martin Hirst*, ye Register in ye Body of ye Church (described in the register of affidavits as "the elder"
1751 April 25, Elisabeth, Wife of ye Revd Mr. Will BRODERIP, Minor Canon of this Church, in ye Cloysters, by R.L. (William Broderip, Sacrist c. 1751)
September 23, 1754, Mr. Isaac TERRY, in the Cloisters *burial September 23, 1754, Mr. Isaac Terry in the Cloysters
February 15, 1756 - Stephen PHILPOT, one of the Bell Ringers, in the Cloister yard
Near the Remains of Her late Brotr ... Cotton B.A. lieth interred the Body of Eliz. Cotton ... of y late Rev. ... S ..... ye 23 of ... M..... *a burial of Elizabeth COTTON, in the Cloysters March 27, 1765 August 4, 1724, Mr. John COTTON, Rectr of Swalecliff in the Cloyster (church of Swaycliffe, Patron William Spencer, esq. rector, John Cotton, A.M. January 21, 1690, obt. 1724)
Here lyeth the Bodys of ROBERT SPRAKELING Esq. & Rebecca his Wife She was the Daughter of Richard Laminge Gent by whom he had Issue two Sons Robert and Adam He dyed the 28th Day of January 1687 in the Eightieth Year of his Age She dyed the 30th Day of March 1706 in the Eighty Fourth Year of her Age Who doe they Ancestors commend But those whose Lives are Vertuous to the end the above said Adam Sprakeling lyeth Here Interred who depart his life the 16th of January 1727 Aged 74 Years
Rev. W. GREGORY A. M. died Jan ? 180[?] aged 43 years CATHERINE his Wife died Jan 14 18[??] aged 39 years
Top is damaged and I cannot read it EDWARD CARLOS GREGORY Sugar Refiner of Goodman's Fields London Eldest Son of the Revd FRANCIS GREGORY Minor Canon of this Cathedral It pleased almighty God to take him away in the prime of life while f...ously engaged in a variety of laudable pursuits which rendered him a blessing to his Friends and a valuable member of society. He died much lamented May 21. 1799 in the 36 Year of his age.
Beneath this Tablet Are deposited the mortal remains of the Revd FRANCIS GREGORY M.A. who was vicar of Stone in the Isle of Oxney for 24 years. And for 54 years discharged the duties of Minor Canon of this Cathedral He departed this life March 29th 1801 In the 80th Year of his age. The original tablet having fallen. His surviving relatives erected this in the year 1862. As a token of regard for the memory of one who was so much respected and esteemed. "Them which sleep in Jesus will God Bring with him" 1 Thess. 4 Ch. 14. V.
SAMUEL PORTER Died 23 March 1766 Aged 6 Months *was a christening at the Cathedral on September 10, 1765, of Samuel, son of Mr. Samuel Porter (organist of this church), and Sarah his wife Sacred to the memory of SAMUEL PORTER Organist of this Cathedral for the space of 47 Years (and was Scholar to Dr. Maurice Greene) He died Decr 11 1810, Aged 77 Years. Also of SARAH his wife who died Octr 21 1800, Aged 66 Years. And of Samuel their son, who died March 23, 1766, aged 6 months. "Youchsafe, Olord: To keep us this day without sin."
Sacred To the memory of THOMAS GREENE Who died October 9th 1810 In the 18th Year of his age also of WILLIAM GREENE who died June 22nd 1811 In the 17th year of his age The above were the only sons of COLONEL THOMAS GREENE OF THE HON. EAST INDIA COMPANY'S ARTILLERY *burials, October 15, 1810, Thomas Green, in the Cloysters burials, June 27, 1811, William Greene, in the Cloysters in the 17 year of his Age
Elizabeth Knowler 177[?]
March 3, 1760 Mrs. Esther GOSTLING. Wife of the Revd Mr. William GOSTLING (Minor Canon of this Church) in the Cloysters
William Gostling 1777 and his wife Hester Gostling 1760
February 7, 1763 - Mrs. FREND and her son, an infant in the Cloyster Yard
William Urry
March 18, 1766 - Mr. John LADE (Alderman) of the Parish of St. Alphage, in the Cloyster Yard
Richard Frend Esquire
Sacred to the Memory of DAME MARY SHIPLEY wife of General Sir Charles Shipley * who died at his ...ment of Grenada ..... 1815 aged 58? and grand daughter of Ralph ?LOMER ... Chaplain to King Charles the second? and canon of this Cathedral She died at Boulogne ....R MER?.. August 5th 1820 aged ?8 and was re-interred in this Cloister Sept 8th, 1831 This Stone is Placed in Grateful and Affectionate Memory of Her Revered Parents Their daughter Catherine Jane WARNER A.D. 1860 *Major General Sir Charles Shipley, senior colonel of the corps of Royal Engineers, and governor of the island of Grenada, who died 1815, leaving three daughters and co-heiresses, 1. Catherine Jane Shipley, married to Edward Warner, esq. a colonel in Her Majesty's service, and has issue, Charles William, solictor general for the Island of Trinidad; and a daughter, Hislop Mary. 2. Augusta Mary Shipley, married James Alexander Manning, esq. of the Inner Temple, and has surviving issue, a daughter, Mary Erskine Shipley Manning. 3. Elizabeth Cole Shipley, married the Right Honourable Henry David, earl of Buchan, and d. 1838, leaving Henry Lord Cardross and three other sons, and three daughters: Lady Mary Brown Constable, Lady Isabella Gordon, of Aikenhead House, near Glasgow, and Lady Alicia Erskine, unm.
Thomas NAYER Eldest son of the above named died Sept 11th 1721 Aged 29 Years "In the same Cloyster, on a Black Marble Grave-Stone, is this inscription." (written 1723) Here lieth the Body of WILLIAM NAYER, Who departed this Life the 12th of April 1703, Aged 46 Years. He left behind him 3 sons and 2 Daughters; and Seven are here interred. On his Left Hand lyeth Sarah Nayer his only Wife, who Died November the 25th 1705 Aged 39 Years *burial September 15, 1721 of a Mr. Thomas Nayers, of St. Andrew, Canterbury in ye Cloysters **a Margaret Nayer is also buried in the Cloyster (April 17, 1689) **Sarah Nayer, ye daughter of Mr. William Nayer, of St. Andrew's parish in ye cloysters (Feb 19, 1685)
*burial December 16, 1743 James Turner, Vesterer of this Church, in the Cloyster Yard, affidavit made ye 17th
Here lyes the Body of ANNE TENISON Widow of Dr. Edward Tenison late Bishop of Ossory in Ireland formerly a Prebendary of this Church. She died the 8 Day of April 1750 In the 75th Year of her Age *burial reads April 19, 1750, Mrs. Anne Tenison, Widow of Edward, late Lord Bishop of Ossory, in the Body of the Church (in the register of Affidavits is added, "was buried in Linnen of which Information was govem & fifty shillings paid to Mr. Vanbrug (Overseer), Ap. 27" ....the stone now resides in the Cloisters
GEORGE WREN M.A. died ye 3d of March 1718 aged 72 years SUSANNA Wife of the above Geo Wren died ye 21(?) Sept 1740 aged 69 Years SUSANNA Daughter of Geo and Susanna Wren died ye 17 Jan 1780 aged 70 Years Carolina Eldest Daughter of the above died ye ? of Feb 1784 aged 77 Years burials. March 8 1717* The Reverend Mr. George Wren, Minor Canon of Rochester, in ye Cloysters (says 1717, the memorial says 1718) September 28 1740 Mrs. Susanna Wren (widow) in the West Cloyster (William Gostling, Sacrist) January 24th, 1780 Mrs. Susanna Wren, in the Cloysters, and wrapped in Woollen February 11, 1784 Mrs. Caroline Wren (aged 77) in the Cloysters
JOSEPH PRINCE ESQ. DIED 9TH JULY 1768 aged 44 Buried June* 13, 1768 (*should likely read July) Joseph PRINCE, esq. a Captain upon half Pay, of the Archbishop's Palace, in the Cloysters GEORGE PRINCE Died March 30, 1814 Aged 22 Years G. P. 1814
Ann Maude Prince widow of Samuel Prince Esquire and daughter of Capt. William Brett, R.N. Died 7th December 1816 Aged 59 Years Leaving issue two daughters Jane the wife of Thomas Chattock Gent. of Solihull, Warwickshire and Frances-ann Prince *Chattock, Thomas of Solhull Co. Warwickshire, b. and Jane Prince spr. of the Precincts of Christ Church Cathedral, Canterbury Lic. 1816
SACRED To the memory of MARY ANN RUSSELL Wife of HENRY RUSSELL of the Ville of Christ Church and Second Daughter of Charles Frederick and Harriet Wille of the city who departed this life December the 5th 1843 Aged 25 Years *burial December 10 1843, Mary Ann Russell, of the Precincts. Died 5th. Age 25 years.
Randolph Greenway Esq. (died at Calais, of a violent fever, Randolph Greenway, esq; senior captain in the Oxford Militia, and on the 23d his remains were brought to Canterbury for interment.) buried Oct 30, 1785. brought from France Gentlemen's Magazine August 1787 - Epitaph in the North Cloister Wall at Canterbury, on a Tablet of White Marble, in a round boarder of black. Near to this place lie the remains of RANDOLPH GREENWAY, Esq. Senior captain in the Oxfordshire militia, Who died at CALAIS on the 19 Oct. 1785, In the 37th year of his age. His humanity, unbounded generousity, And noble disinterestedness, may perhalps be equalled. But cannot be excelled. To these qualities were added every other virture Which could adorn a man. His afflicted friends must console themselves with the reflection that, by imitating his virtues, They will hereafter receive the reward he is now enjoying. And be united with him again in a better place.
*buried August 24, 1771 - Catharine, Daughter of the Revd Mr. William Taswell, Minor Canon of this Church, and Hannah his wife, in the Cloysters. J. Airson, Sacrist Death of William Taswell Esq. Aug. 24 1857. At his residence, Green Park, Bath, aged 80, William Taswell, Esq. In the first number of the Gentlemen's Magazine 1731, is recorded the death of the Rev. William Taswell, D.D., Rector of St. Mary's Newington, Surrey, the great-grandfather of this gentleman.
Thomas Starr Esq.
Sacred to the memory of DELLS the widow of THOMAS STARR Esqr of the Precincts of this Cathedral and the mother of his ten children; she died on the 13th April 1848 Aged 79 years and was buried by his side in the vault beneath. Her children rose up and blessed her and her husband praised her give her thy eternal rest. O Lord. *1840's the Oaks, Dells Starr, Sarah Starr, John Starr, Jane Hellen Starr Thomas Starr of St. George's Canterbury, gentleman, bachelor (age 22) and Dells Lowen of All Saints, Canterbury, spinster (age 22) at All Saints, Canterbury. July 16 1791 (marriage licences)
Susanna, Powys and Harriett Starr, children of Thomas Starr Esq. Blank Memorial, possibly something was up here at one time previously Captain William WILLIAMS Sacred to the memory of CAPTAIN WILLIAM WILLIAMS Paymaster 10th Queens Who after a service of fifty four years including the campaign in holland the sieges of Bhurtporr and Gh... and the battle of Maharajpore Died at Canterbury on the 26th of April 1847 in the 70th year of his age Deeply regretted by his brother officers who have erected this tablet as a mark of their esteem and regard Also to the memory of Martin Kisbee, Esquire Cornet and Riding-Master 16th Queens Lancers who died at Canterbury on the 3rd of July 1849, Aged 37 Years. *burial May 1, 1847 of William Williams, Paymaster of the 16th Lancers, of the Precinct of the Archbishops Palace. Age 71 Years. *16th (The Queens) Regt. of Lt. Drag. (Lancers), Coronet, years service 2, Martin Kisbee, R.M. Oct. 8. 47
*burials April 20, 1744 James son of the Revd William Broderip, in the Cloysters June 2, 1747 Susanna Broderip, Daughter of the Revd Mr. William Broderip, Minor Canon of this Church, & Elizabeth his Wife, in the Cloysters (Fran: Gregory, Sacrist)
To the Memory of WILLIAM ANDERSON ESQr Veterinary Surgeon of the 7th Dragoon Guards Who departed this life May 30th 1830 in the 38th year of his age He served in the army from the year 1791 chiefly abroad and eleven years in India in the 24th Light Dragoons His remains are interred opposite this tablet *burial June 3, 1830 William Anderson, Veterinary Surgeon of the 7th Dragoon Guards died at the Barracks, Canterbury. Age 58 years.
*burial - April 15, 1792 Mr. Robert Le Geyt, Junr of the Archbishop's Palace, in the Cloysters burial - February 8, 1797 Mary Le Geyt (from the Black friars) in the Cloysters
Here lieth the body of DAVID EGLESON who departed this life June 22 1757 Aged 57 Here also lieth the Body of WILLIAM HANNA who departed this life .. of Sept 1773 Aged 63 ELIZABETH HANNA Daughter of DAVID EGLESON and wife of Wm HANNA died Feb 27(?)1792 Aged 70(?) Years Register book of Canterbury Cathedral - buried September 6, 1773, William Hannah, in the cloysters. Burial - June 27, 1757, David Egelson, in the Cloysters. (Egelson *spelt different on the stone). Burial March 4, 1792 Mrs. Elizabeth Hannah, of the parish of St. Alphege, in the Cloisters.
GEORGE PHILPOTT died 25 May 1770 aged 46 JOHN PHILPOT died May 19 1773 aged 3 Years 4 Months
Underneath this Stone lie the Remains of SARAH Daughter of the Revd JAMES MEREST and SARAH his Wife of WORTHAM in the COUNTY of SUFFOLK who died Aug. 12 1793 aged 11 years 10 months *burial August 17, Sarah, daughter of the Revd James Merest and Sarah his Wife of Wortham, in the County of Suffolk, in the Cloysters, aged 11 years & 10 Months
Here lieth the Body of JAMES EVANS Second Master of the Kings School who died the 2d of Oct 1743 in the 40th Year of his Age Also of HANAH his Wife who died the 4 of June 1769 aged 64 *James Evans the elder was of Trinity College, B.A. 1724 and second master of King's School, Canterbury (Sidebotham, Memorials of the King's School, Canterbury, 63)
Near this place are deposited the remains of HARRIET the Daughter of JOHN BURT Esq. of Rochester and HARRIET his Wife She lived esteemed and died regretted in the 23 day of Decemr in the Year of our Lord 1799 in the 28th Year of her age.
[no photo] (original in Latin) How briliant and transcient is life, hence learn, ye young, and be wife! Here lies George Shorey, of London, only six years old; a tender flower, alas! how soon cut down, he died, much lamented, in the year of our Lord 1740-1, on the 11th day of March. (Quam lubrica res et caduca sit vita, Hinc discite, Impuberes, et sapite, Hic jacet GEORGIUS SHOREY, Londinensis, tantum sexennis; Floseulus, Eheu! quam subito. Flebilis occidit Anno Xti 1740-1. Mensis Martii die undevicesimo.)
CCCLXXXIV CROSS The Cloister Garth BENEATH She was a faithful Servant *thank you kindly for
the information supplied for this stone!
Here.... The Body... JACOB JANEWAY Gent.... Sep ye ..1719 Aged 71(?)... burial Sept 4, 1719 Mr. Jacob Janeway, in the Cloyster yard christenings...Sept 26, 1680, John ye Son of Mr. Jacob Janeway & Frances his wife, August 4, 1682 James ye son of Mr. Jacob Janeway and Francis his wife, July 29, 1684 Mary ye daughter of Mr. Jacob Janewya dnd Frances his wife. September 4, 1685, Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Jacob Janeway and Mary* his wife. September 15, 1687, Jacob the sone of Mr. Jacob Janeway and Frances is wife. May 30, 1690, Francis, daughter of Mr. Jacob Janeway & Frances his wife. July 19, 1692, Ann ye daughter of Jacob Janeway and Ffrances his wife. July 26, 1694, Sarah, daughter of Mr. Jacob Janeway and Frances his wife. June 4, 1696 William-Henry son of Mr. Jacob Janeway and Frances his wife, borne May 26th. January 1, 1700, George, son of Mr. Jacob Janeway and Frances his wife. November 5, 1703 Margarett, daughter of Jacob Janeway & Frances his wife. burial - August 10, 1684 Mary Janeway, an infant, in ye Cloyster Yard. November 15, 1693 Ann Janeway, an infant in the Cloyster yard (Charles Kilburne, Sacrist), April 5, 1724 Mr. Jacob Janeway in the Cloyster Yard (another Jacob!) March 10, 1737, Mrs. Sarah Janeway in the Cloyster Yard. May 21, 1731 Mrs. Janaway, widow in ye Cloyster Yard (in the register of Affidavits described as Frances Janeway) 1679 Dec. 18. Jacob Janeway, of St. Martin's Ludgate, London Bach about 28 & Frances Bathon, of St. Giles in the Fields, Middx. Spinster, about 22, with consent of her parents; at St. Lawrence Jury London, or..... Feb 10. Canterbury. Jacob Janeway to ....... Since Mr. Johnson left this place, I have met with some fresh information about the prisoners at Canterbury. By a letter sent to Mr. Pepper of Dover from the prisoners (which was privately looked into), the contents was (sic) to hasten away with all speed to Canterbury, where by ill management they fell into prison, and to bring with him the brood gold, and to take care to secure the trunk and box now with him. Mr. Thorp says one of the prisoners is .. of the house to the Duke of ... William Henry Janeway to be Register for Wool at Canterbury in place of his father, Jacob Janeway. But the said William Henry Janeway is not to act as an attorney at law during his execution of the said office. "report by said commissioners on the petition of the father for leave to resign to his son. The father has acted for some years as Register for Wool at a salary of 30l per an. payable by incidents. The son has been bred as an attorney at law, but has promised under his hand not to act as an attorney. (dated Nov. 6) *this one does say Mary, possibly another couple?
(top is unreadable) Also the above WILLIAM JOHNSON who died ... 177? aged 81(?) years ... ... ob 12 Jan 17..
Footstone M.S. 1791 *could be either.. burials...Mary Simmonds, of the Precincts of this Church in the Cloyster yard (Feb 7, 1791) or Mary Sutton, of the Precincts of this Church, in the Cloyster yard (May 11, 1791) Here lieth the body of ANN wife of Rich. Pembrook who died Janr 6 1732 Aged 86 Years *burials January 16, 1732 Ann Pembroke (Widow) in ye Cloyster Yard May 14, 1697 Richard Pembrook, in the Cloyster yard July 7, 1751 Charles Pembroke in the Cloysters
Sacred to the memory of The Revd JAMES FORD B.A. For Forty Seven Years a Minor Canon of this Cathedral and rector of St. George the Martyr, and St. Mary Magdalene in this City Who departed this life the 5th of January 1824 In the 74th year of his age And of Dorothy his wife the third daughter of WILLIAM SPEARMAN, of Durham Esq. Who departed this life the 14th of December 1819 In the 74 year of her age Also of Mrs MARY SPEARMAN, who departed this life the 17 of March 1811 In the 68 Year of her age And of Mary, the Eldest daughter of the said Revd James and Dorothy Ford, Who departed this life the 3rd of Decr 1852, In the 70th Year of her Age. They all lie buried in a vault near this place.
*burials November 11, 1727 Mr. Thomas Johnson one of the Minor Canons of this Church in ye Cloysters
This stone is in the Cloisters CAPT T. P. 1793 *burials October 1, 1793 Captain Thomas Piercy, in the North Chancel or Martyrdom (Tho. Freeman Sacrist) August 25, 1806, Mrs Piercy, Relict of Captain Thomas Piercy, in the North Chancel *1779.. On the 23rd of September, being off Flamborough Head the Baltic fleet, under convoy of hte 33 gun ship Serapis, Captain Richard Pearson, and armed 22 gun ship Countess of Scarborough, Captain Thomas Piercy, was descried. ...The armed ship Countess of Scarborough, under the command of Captain Thomas Piercy, was not at all a match for the Pallas; but Captain Piercy, not withstanding his greatly inferior force, maintained a smart action, and did not surrender until four of his crew were killed and twenty wounded, three of whom died. Captain Pearson and his remaining crew were carried into the Texel on the 6th of October, and from the Dutch authorities there were demanded by the British government, and after some delay were at length released. Captains Pearson and Piercy were both rewarded, as was their due, for their gallant conduct; the former received the honour of knighthood, and the latter promoted; and the further to mark the public sense of the skill and bravery whien preserved a valuable fleet from capture, the London Assurance Company presented both these officers with pieces of plate to the value of 100 guineas to Captain Pearson, and of fifty to Captain Piercy. Various other public companies and corporations acknowledged the meritorious service performed. The first lieutenant of the Serapis, John Wright was promoted, and a court-martial honourably acquitted the captains and officers of both ships. The Register Booke of Christninges, Marriages, and Burialls within the precinct of the Cathedrall and Metropoliticall Church of Christe of Canterburie. Edited by Robert Hovenden. 1878 "Of the Register Books of Canterbury Cathedral containing entries of Christenings and Burials, subsequent to 1812, and of Marriages subsequent to 1756, it is needless to offer any remarks, they being of the usual printed forms in accordance with the several Acts of Parliament; but of the remaining books, all manuscripts, it may be well to place on record the following notes. The earliest register is a vellum book, containing the entries of christenings from the year 1564, marriages from 1583, and burials from 1571, in each case terminating with the year 1687. In the second book, also of vellum, are the christenings and marriages commencing with 1687, and the burials with 1688, each ending in 1733. In the third book, also of vellum, the entries commence with 1733, the marriages terminating, with the exception of ten special entries, in 1756; the christenings and burials in 1812. In addition to these three manuscript books, there is another vellum book entitled "The Register Booke of Burialls within the Precincts of the Cathedrall and Metropoliticall Church of Christ In Canterbury according to the direction of a late Act of Parliament for burying in Woollen," the first entry in which is dated September 5th, 1678, the entries being continued regularly until October 21, 1722, when a blank page occurs, the next being 29th November, 1725. After this date the book appears to have been kept irregularly until the 18th October 1798, the date of the last entry; in one instance a space of four years occurs without any burial being registered. Although these entries are duplicates of the burial register for the same period, they contain in addition the date when the certificate was produced to the Cathedral Authorities, certifying that the burial had been made in woollen in accordance with the law. Several instances are recorded of burials otherwise than in woollen, the amount of fine paid for the breach of the Act of Parliament, and to whom it was paid. |
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