~ THE WHITE FRIARS ~ ROSE LANE, CANTERBURY "The eremite, mendicant friars, also sometimes called the White Friars, settled themselves in Canterbury about 1325, in the parish of St. George, in a tenement bounded by Lambert's Lane, afterwards Brewer's Lane, on the north, a certain place called Ealdgaole on the west, and the Hospital of the Priests on the south. John Capgrave, about the year 1484, was friar of this house. The stone gateway of their house is engraved in "Thorpe's Antiquities." Felix Summerly 1843 *Thorpe's Antiquities of Kent, 1783 An old map in my possesion showing the area of the White Friars and the White Friars Gate
"The White Friars had an establishment in Canterbury a little south of St. George's Church, the principal entrance being in Rose Lane; but all appearances of the convent are entirely obliterated. At the time of the dissolution this fraternity was so poor that they petitioned the Mayor and Commonalty for relief. The White Friars came to England in 1325, and first settled in Canterbury." Directory 1847 http://www.canterburytrust.co.uk/archive/bigdig01.html#yard **there is a great site at the Canterbury Trust talking about their excavation of the site and what they found here at the White friars. |
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