~ DECIMUS SHOOSMITH ~ D. Shoosmith, Photographer 51 ST. GEORGE'S STREET & CATHEDRAL GATE & 13 NEW ROAD, CANTERBURY 1860's - 1879
*There is a possibility that D. Shoosmith was "Professor Shoosmith", living in Frome for 4 months from December 1855 to March 1856 - he apparently took quite a few portraits. We are trying to find out if this is the same gentlemen. Courtesy of Anthony If you can help, please
In 1855 advertised in the Salisbury Journal that specimens of his photographs were on display at "Mr. Roe's, Printer, Queens Street". Shoosmith set up his studio next to the Roman Catholic Chapel (St. Osmund?) in Exeter Street. Possibly the same Decimus Shoosmith. Courtesy of Anthony If you can help, please
**Note from "A Faithful Likeness" the first photographic portrait studios in the British Isles, 1841-1855 (B & P Heathcote, 2002) SHOOSMITH - Salisbury(965) 1855: claimed to have had six years' previous experience (probably as an assistant in a large studio). This may have been Decimus Shoosmith who later worked in Canterbury for a number of years. *if someone who has the book can look up the "965" reference we may find out more information (A faithful likeness: the first photographic portrait studios in the British Isles, 1841 to 1855)
Attached is an advertisement from the Somerset
& Wilts Journal of December 1855 - the 'Professor' was in Frome
until end March 1856. If you can help solve any of these mysteries, please
"A distinguished Gentleman" my photo by D. Shoosmith, Photographer, 51 St. George's Street, Canterbury
"A Gentleman" my photo by D. Shoosmith, Photographer, 51 St. George's Street, Canterbury
"Mrs. C. Roberts" my photo by D. Shoosmith, Photographer, 51 St. George's Street, Canterbury
1860 AD (from John Brent, Canterbury in the olden time) PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, CATHEDRAL GATE, CANTERBURY _____________________ MR. DECIMUS SHOOSMITH (Professor of Photography and Artist) Thanks his patrons for their very liberal support for the past three years, and respectfully solicits a continuance of their favours, and an inspection of the Portraits he is now taking. Specimens may be seen at the above address. Photographs of any size, from the smallest miniature to full life size, painted in Oil or Water-colours. Pictures copied. No. 53 St. George's Street, Canterbury
An unnamed photograph from May & Amelia Inge's album supplied by a descendant. Some of the photographs may date back to the 1860s. May Inge was a grocer in Canterbury and a Bible thumping Methodist lay preacher. Amelia was John Hobday's daughter. John Hobday was a businessman of many trades. In 1882 an advert described him as a "Cabinet Maker, Upholster, Auctioneer, Appraiser, House Agent, House Decorator, Undertaker, &c., 60 & 61 Palace Street, Canterbury. Contractor for Removal of Furniture in Pantechnicon Vans, by Road or Rail." An unnamed photograph from May & Amelia Inge's album supplied by a descendant. Some of the photographs may date back to the 1860s. May Inge was a grocer in Canterbury and a Bible thumping Methodist lay preacher. Amelia was John Hobday's daughter. John Hobday was a businessman of many trades. In 1882 an advert described him as a "Cabinet Maker, Upholster, Auctioneer, Appraiser, House Agent, House Decorator, Undertaker, &c., 60 & 61 Palace Street, Canterbury. Contractor for Removal of Furniture in Pantechnicon Vans, by Road or Rail."
"A Distinguished Gentleman" photo by D. Shoosmith, Artist with crest, 13 New Road, Canterbury, courtesy of a frequent visitor to the site
Mrs. Sarah GARDNER, 2nd wife of Robert SANKEY, by Decimus Shoosmith, Photographic Artist, Canterbury Photo loaned by a visitor to the site, thank you! Deaths Jun 1881 - SANKEY Sarah 83 Canterbury
"A Distinguished Gentleman with Top Hat" my photo by D. Shoosmith, Artist with Canterbury's crest, 13 New Road, Canterbury
"Anna M. WILKS" 1865 my photo by D. Shoosmith, Artist with Canterbury's crest, 13 New Road, Canterbury
"A Distinguished Gentleman with Top Hat 2" my photo by D. Shoosmith, Photographer, 13 New Road, Canterbury *prior to the road being named St. George's Place
"A Distinguished Gentleman with Top Hat 2" photo by D. Shoosmith, Photographer, 13 New Road, Canterbury The above photograph was loaned by courtesy of the late Phoebe Louisa Sutton nee Conley Its wonderful to see two of the same photo, we are hoping we can find out who this wonderful gentleman is.
"Lovely lady with fancy dress" my photo by D. Shoosmith, Photographic Artist, 13 St. George's Place, New Road, Canterbury__
Reverend Henry J. Parker, Courtesy of the Parker Family Collection / parker933@hotmail.com died 1867 at age 85, he is buried in St. Gregory's Churchyard
Edward and Elizabeth Humphries, painted by Decimus Shoosmith, February 1879 Photographs of the paintings courtesy of Laurence Burns, finder and later photographer himself!
Edward had quite the business with his brother Thomas. He won numerous prizes for both his inventions as well as for live stock entered in Agricultural Fairs. For example, in 1877 he won a prize for his horses in Liverpool. 1860 - Award of Implement prizes at Canterbury. Edward Humphries, of Pershore, Worcestershire: the Prize of Twenty Sovereigns, for his portable Combined Thrashing, Shaking, Riddling, Barley-horning, Winnowing, and Sacking Machine: invented, improved and manufactured by the exhibitor. 1879 - Local success at the Paris Exhibition. Mr. Edward Humphries of Pershore, who is an exhibitor of steam engines and thrashing machines at the exhibition, has received official notice that he is awarded a silver medal for his improved portable steam engines, and another medal for his newly designed thrashing machines. As is well-known, Mr. Humphries invariably carries a fair share of honours from the numerous shows and exhibitions at which he is represented. Edward died the 21st of May 1885 and left 28,000 pounds in his will. "Mr. Edward Humphries, who resided at Mount Pleasant Hall, and carried on business at the Atlas Works, Pershore, died last evening. He had been a most successful man as a manufacturer of agricultural implements, &c. was a large agriculturist, and was well known throughout the provinces. He leaves a widow and 10 children." If anyone can confirm that the painting is indeed of Edward Humphries mentioned above we would love to hear from you. Or if you can confirm Decimus Shoosmiths' residence when he painted the above we would be very grateful, as the four years between 1877 and 1881 we are unsure of his actual place of business. Lot: 440 (was showing for Sale from the Canterbury
Auction Galleries, December 2013) ------------------------ INFORMATION ON DECIMUS & FAMILY (1832-1922) Married in 1858 to Harriet Hill in St. Luke, Middlesex, and possibly moved from there to Canterbury. He thanks his patrons for their support "for the past three years" sometime in 1860. *June 1859 christening of Ellen Harriet Shoosmith at St. Mary Northgate to Decimas and Harriet Shoosmith In the early 1860's the family is living in St. Mary Northgate, at 50 Havelock Road. Decimus is listed as a Photographic Artist. Nov 18, 1862 & Dec 2, 1862 - his studio near the Cathedral Gate is now closed. 1866, Feb 22, the wife of Mr. Decimus Shoosmith of 13, St. George's Place, Canterbury a daughter April 16, 1867, at 13, St. George's Place, Canterbury, the wife of Mr. Decimus Shoosmith, of a son. *Sept 1869, christening of Mabel Florence Shoosmith to Decimus and Harriett Shoosmith In the 1870's he and his family are living at 13 St. George's Place. He is noted as artist and photographer. Nov 16th, 1871, the wife of Mr. Decimus Shoosmith, of a daughter. 1871 exhibiting at the Royal Photographic Society Nov 14, 1871, The Photographic Journal notes D. Shoosmith, at 51 St. George's Street, Canterbury...Exhibited 512, 513. Portrait, enlarged by collodion transfer D. Shoosmith c. 1875 - portait of Willy Turley (in the National Gallery of Canada) by Decimus Shoosmith 1876 - painting of D.Shoosmith up for auction, oil on canvas. Cattle, drover with donkey 1878 - Sheep by a Slatted Gate original 1878 (Auction Moore Allen & Innocent - July 7, 2017) Lot number 209 *oil on canvas signed and dated 1878 - 67 cm 19th century painting (dated), Sheep in a pasture, lake beyond (no date) & sheep resting by stream (no date) THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEWS - February 7, 1879 / February 14, 1879 / February 21, 1879 / March 21, 1879 / April 18, 1879 / May 2, 1879 / May 9, 1879 - ADS - Photographs Painted in Oils in the Best Style- True Expression and Character of Photograph Guaranteed. Mr. Decimus Shoosmith begs to inform his patrons and Photographers in general, that he has REMOVED from Canterbury to the following address, where price lists may be obtained and specimens seen. Carbon Enlargements and best Gilt Frames supplied at moderate prices. 100 Warwick Road, S. Kensington, SW. Note - Top of West Cromwell Road, Earl's Court Station. In 1881 Decimus and his family are living in Camberwell, London, and he is working as an Portrait Painter, his daughter Amy is a Photographer's Assistant, and his sister in law Alice is his Painter's Assistant. January 26 1883 - The British Journal of Photography.. Manchester Photographic Society, ...."The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. Shoosmith was elected a member of the Society. .... Group of Domestic Servants. Printed on Mount. D. Shoosmith, Portrait painter and photographer, Bowdon Downs Studio. In manuscript on mount. 2492/7a (no date) - docments held at Greater Manchester County Records Office In the 1890's the family are in Cheshire. Amy his daughter marries in 1898, in Fulham, and by 1901 the family are shown living back in London. *some paintings sold River landscape with cattle and sheep at waters edge (oil on canvas) 71.12 x 91.44 cm (signed) - sold June 1998 Sheep resting by stream (oil on canvas) 15" x 19" (signed and dated) - sold Nov 1999 Cattle and sheep watering in a meadow. Sheep on a river bank. (oil on canvas) 35.56 x 45.72 cm (signed and dated) *no date noted though
If you have any information or photo's from Deciumus Shoosmith (D Shoosmith) that you wish to share, please *In the 1858 Melville & Co. Directory there is a Mrs. Sophia Shoosmith, Dressmaker, Watling Street A family of Shoosmith is living in Canterbury in 1881....Charles Frederick Shoosmith, with his wife and mother in Broad Street 1852 christening of Marion Shoosmith to George Frederick Shoosmith and Sophia Shoosmith A Shoosmith family in Canterbury 1715....marriage of a Hannah Shoosmith to John Crippin Marriage...1707 Canterbury...William Shoosmith and Hanna Uptonn, St. Mary Magdalene A Shoosmith family in Canterbury 1681....marriage of William Shoosmith and Elizabeth Giles, St. Mary Bredin A family of Shoosmith in Harbledown 1689 There was also an artist Thurston Laidlaw Shoosmith painting (1865-1933) any relation? (born in Northampton)
------------------------ There is one of his photographs in the Chertsey Museum (13 New Road, Canterbury) The National Portrait gallery has a carte-de-visite by him of George Finch-Hatton, 11th Earl of Winchilsea The National Gallery of Canada has one photograph - not listed
T. Machado 2020