*Building a Glass house without permission of town authorities. A case of considerable interest to photographers was recently tried at Canterbury. We reproduce the details from a local paper with which we have been favoured. It seems that the Town Council entered proceedings against Mr. F. W. Nichols, a photographer for having erected a new building, the external and side walls of which were not constructed of brick, stone or other hard and incombustible substances, and without the permission of the Urban Sanitary Authroity of the city, contrary to the bye-laws. M. Flint Town Clerk in prosecuting proceeded to say that the defendent was a photographer who had recently taken up his residence in Canterbury, and had commenced the erection of a wooden building without the knowledge of the Sanitary Authority and without sending plans to them......
"Wanted to exchange, a large sized background (marine view) for carte camera with double dark slide or a carte rolling press. Address, NICHOLS, Photographer, Canterbury." The British Journal of Photography. March, 3, 1876
If you can supply any other information or photo's from this photographer, please contact me.
© T. Machado