~ QUEEN ELIZABETH'S GUEST CHAMBER ~ 44 & 45 HIGH STREET, CANTERBURY The ornamental plaster work on the front of the building was done c. 1698 The date of 1573 noted on the front of the building refers to the time Queen Elizabeth supposedly stayed here Likely the bulls were on their way to the Cattle Market down the street
'In Elizabeth I's reign the New Lodgings the gatehouse (i.e. the Cemetery Gate) and "The Canterbury Park" were let by the Crown to Sir William Brooke (Lord Lieutenant of Kent) and Lord and Lady Frances Cobham for 30 years from Michaelmas 1563. The lease contained a reservation for the removal of stone and for the monarch to stay on visits to Canterbury. Elizabeth I visited in 1573 and Brooke was still a tenant when he died in March 1597. Ryan, Anthony C. W. 'The Abbey and
Palace of St Augustine Canterbury Ad 597 - 1997' Ryan cites: Gem., R. ed. St Augustine's Abbey Canterbury' English Heritage 1997. p 148 Thanks kindly to Tricia Baxter for the above information
A nice view of the outside of the building, the horse and buggy belongs to "The City Meat Stores", which you can see occupying one of the store fronts in the Queen Elizabeth Chamber, a fine Tudor Building. No. 45, High Street has a good front of pargetting-work. Memorials of Catnerbury 1868 THE STORES BELOW 44 - Henry Misken, Boot & Shoe Warehouse ^ 44 - 1880's John Richolson Boot Maker 44 - 1889 International Tea Company, grocer's, &c.; William Brown, Manager 44 - 1890's Tea Warehouse 44 - 1903 International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited 44 - 1917 No. 44 Pilcher and Chittenden, fruiterers (Tel 161) 45 - 1889 Directory - Geo Misken, Birmingham and Glass and China Warehouse 45 - 1903 City Meat Stores, 45 High Street
This wonderful old postcard was sent to Miss G. Sanderson, The School House, Bishopsbourne, Near Canterbury "We found Dash on the front door step about five o'clock. He is very happy. We hope you got home quite safely. Dorothy".
A detailed view of the Fleur de lis wallpaper and bust
1917 No. 45 & 46 The City Meat and Grocery Stores, F. Finn and Sons, Ltd. - G.G. Duddles (M.G.I., A.J.I., A.I.H.) Manager 45 1925 Pilcher & Chittenden, Fruiteres & Greengrocers --------------------------- A close up of one of the details of the pargetting-work on the front of the building
G. & F. STONER - Francis Bennet-Goldney had a share in this antique business
An ad c. 1902 below Queen Elizabeth's Guest Chamber G. & F. STONER At the sign of "The Pilgrim's Hottel*," High Street, nearly opposite the "CHECKER OF THE HOPE" & MERCERY LANE. OLD ENGLISH CHINA A SPECIALTY. ROOMS CORRECTLY FURNISHED IN THE STYLE OF ANY PERIOD. (Photo here of the building) All visitors to Canterbury should visit these historic rooms with their beautiful Renaissance ceilings. Open to the public for free. Old Pottery & Porcelain, Furniture, Metal Work, Curiosities & Works of Art. Fine examples of any Special Manufacture obtained on commission. Valuations for Probate. Every article guaranteed genuine, and marked in plain figures. Moderate Prices. And at 3 King Street, St. James Square, London, (a few doors from Christie's.)
*yes it is spelt this way -------------------
A delightful place to have tea............when visiting Canterbury QUEEN ELIZABETH'S This fine old 16th Century building is open for Morning Coffee, Luncheons & Teas 44 and 45 High Street Canterbury _______Telephone 4080 An ad from the 1946 Pilgrims guide
A inside view of one of the upper rooms of the Queen Elizabeth Chambers Building, with the beautiful Tudor ceiling Queen Elizabeth Restaurant |
© T. Machado