~ ROSE LANE ~ Formerly known as DUNGEON Lane and PILLORY Lane *Opposite the entrance of Pillory, now Rose Lane stood the Pillory, and again still further to the east were the "Shambles" huckster's stalls, etc., cleared away in 1710." CANTERBURY St. Mary Bredin This area was extensively bombed in 1942
1843 Map showing Rose Lane, No. 2 on the map is St. Mary Bredin Church
The White Augustine Friars, or Friars Eremite, came into England in 1325, and established a priory at Canterbury, south of St. George's Street. At the time of the dissolution, this fraternity was broken up, and their lands sold to one John ANTHONY, in 1557. It appears that when they were suppressed, they were so poor that they petitioned the mayor and commonalty for relief. Little remains of their convent, which, from the extent of the wall still standing, occupies a large space of ground. Their house has been almost entirley altered, and is now occupied by the widow of the late General RAMSEY. There is a large gateway nearly opposite St. George's Church, which was one of the entrances to the convent; the principal entrance however was in Rose Lane; it is now blocked up; besides these, there were three other smaller gates, or doorways. The lane surrounding the north side has been let out in parcels to various individuals, and all appearances of a convent are entirely obliterated. 1838
Left from Parade No. 1 1917 Bakers Temperance Hotel, C. G. SHEPHARD 1917 Singers Sewing Machine Stores
No. 2 1917 Canterbury Club House, G. W. BAKER, Steward
No. 3 1917 Mrs. M. ABBS
No. 4 1917 Edward BING
No. 5 1838 John RAWLINGS, Excise Office, Officer of 3rd Division, 5 Rose Lane William HOGBEN. Where do you live? 5 Rose Lane. What are you? A Coachman....." PP 1917 Mrs. BOURNE
1917 PHILPOT'S Motor Garage
Dean S. Hill, Wine Stores St. George's Square 1917 Rose Square, at 5 Rose Lane 1917 Middle School Grounds
Gravel Walk
1917 W. S. WILLIAMS, Carriage Works 1917 County Fire Engine Station
No. 6 William FLINT 1917 George ROYEL
No. 7 Albert SOLLY 1917 W. PORT
No. 8 1917 George EASTON
No. 10 J. RIDLEY, Bus Driver 1917 Mrs. NEWMAN
No. 12 Thomas GLOVER, Coachman 1917 Felix DIETZ
left from Watling Street
Church of St. Mary Bredin, Rev. Bambridge, Canon, Vicar, M.S.
No. 13 1903 Albert William ANDERSON, Jobmaster & Livery Stables (also on Watling St) Carriage Proprietor
St. Mary Bredin Church, Rose Lane St. Mary Bredin's Church is situated in Rose Lane near the Dane John, and consists of a nave, a chancel, nd one aisle. It was built in the time of William the Conqueror. The living is a vicarage, and belonged, prior to the dissolution, to the convent of St. Augustine; but was granted by Henry VIII. to the archbishop, from whom it passed to the Hales's, and is now in possession of George Henry Lee Warner, Esq. It is valued in the king's books at 4l. 1s. 5 1/2d. and endowed with 1000l private benefaction, 200l royal bounty, and 2000l. parliamentary grant. 1838
No. 14 John BLACK, Smith 1903 Walter E. BLACK, Town Crier 1917 John BLACK
No. 15 1917 G. A. ARCHER
Fountain Tap & Livery Stables 1838 Samuel KING, FOUNTAIN TAP, Rose Lane 1917 FOUNTAIN TAP, E. L. MERCER
No. 16 T. PEGDEN 1917 N.J. NEWPORT
No. 17 Miss E. E. DUNK, Teacher of Music 1905 - Dec - Miss WILES, Teacher of Music (piano or organ); terms moderate, 17 Rose Lane, Canterbury 1917 Mrs. C. WEBB
No. 19 Archie William MATTHEWS, Veterinary smith and farrier Stephen EPPS, Fly Driver & Stephen EPPS, cab driver 1917 nothing listed
Warehouse 1917 J. HUNT and Sons, House Furnishings Stores
No. 20 1917 H. E. FIELD, Saddler
ROSE TAP Mr. TERRY, Rose Tap Public House !! 1917 James SKINNER
George Frederick SMITH w, Coach Maker (b. Canterbury c. 1792) 1838 Henry and George SMITH, Coach Builders, St. George's street and Rose lane *Mr. George Frederic Smith, a coachmaker in a large way of business, was employed in 1852, as he had been in many previous elections, in the distribution and payment of colour tickets on the side of the Conservatives. At this election, he expended 365l. 10s. for colour tickets, and 59l. 10s. for refreshment tickets, making altogether a sum of 425l. which was about half the sum expended in that way by the same person at the general eleciton in 1847, and one fourth of the sum expended for the same purpose at the single handed contest in 1841 between Mr. Smythe and Mr. Henniker Wilson. We have before said that the parties engaged in this practice were fully aware of its illegality. Of this a strong proof is afforded by the admission of Mr. Smith, that at all the elections in which he has been engaged he took care to burn or destroy, as soon as the election was over, all memoranda relating to the distribution of these tickets, the names of the nominees, and of the voters by whom they were recommended. Parliamentary Papers 1852-53 July 15th, 1865 George Frederick SMITH, Rose Lane (No. 1563) Poll for the two knights of the shire, voted B & K (parish of qualification - Saint Mary Bredin) July 15th, 1865 George Frederick SMITH Jun., Rose Lane (No. 1564) Poll for the two knights of the shire, voted B & K (parish of qualification - Saint Mary Bredin)
1830 The Poll of the Electors for members of Parliament to represent the city of Canterbury Samuel HACKER, Builder, Rose Lane *Thomas Ovyngton's Gift: Thoms Ovyngton, by will, date 28th January 1557, gave one piece of pasture containing one acre more or less, lying within the city of Canterbury, besides the place commonly called the Dongeon, to the Mayor and Commonalty of the city of Canterbury, their successors and assigns for ever, for and to the provision, use and relief of the poor of the said city, and to the maintenance and sustentation of the stock of the Hospital of the Poor in the said city then called the House of Correction. By deed poll, dated 6th April, 1578, Mary Ovyngton, daughter and heiress of the said Thomas Ovyngton, in accomplishment of the Will of her said father, gave, granted and confirmed the above mentioned one acre of pasture land unto five of the Alderman of Canterbury and five of the Common Council of the said city, their heirs and assigns, to the use of the Mayor and Commonalty of the said city, their heirs and successors for ever, for the purpose mentioned in the Will of the said Thomas Ovyngton. This land is now let to Sameul HACKER, of the city of Canterbury, on lease, which will expire at Michaelmas 1834, rent 27l 5s; it makes part of the city revenue, and is employed in the purposes of the Corporation, except 1l. 6s. 8d. which the Chamberlain pays yearly as formerly to the poor of the city. 1801 - Married at Canterbury, Mr. Samuel HACKER, carpenter, to Miss Elizabeth Ash, daughter of Mr. George ASH, Brewer Herne Bay was laid out as a seaside resort in the 1830's. A small planned development, of 1816-17, already existed, and Samuel Hacker of Canterbury in 1830-1*...."The buildings of England: North East and East Kent" *he planned a new town at Herne Bay to be called St. Augustine 1840 directory - Samuel HACKER, Architects and Estate Agent, King Street, Herne Bay Henry SMITH, Coachmaker, Rose Lane Thomas STRAND, Victualler, Rose Lane Ambrose CULMER, Grocer, Rose Lane Thomas KING, Victualler, Rose Lane John RATCLIFFE, Labourer, Rose Lane John RATCLIFFE, Painter, Rose Lane
1838 1838 Excise Office, Officer of 1st Division - Barnabus BAGGS, Rose Lane 1838 C. GREEN, listed under Coach Builders, Rose Lane 1838 John MINTER, listed under Corn Factor and Dealers (& Coal Merchants and Dealers), Rose lane and North Lane *1838 Church Wardens St. Mary Bredin - J. MINTER, Rose Lane 1894 AD - Charles HOLLEY, Saddler and Harness Maker, Rose Lane, St. George's Street, Canterbury. Begs to return his partons his best THANKS for the liberal support already extended him, and in soliciting a continuance of their esteemed favours, trusts the reputationn he has earned of giving general satisfaction will ensure for him increased support and the influence of their recommendation. Superiority of workmanship, and personal supervision of all ordes, enable him to confidently announce that he is in a position to compete with the best houses in the trade.
© T. Machado