~ MEMORIALS IN ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH ~ CANTERBURY Some of the memorial write-ups are listed in "A tour through the isle of Thanet", Cozens 1793 On the table of an altar tomb at the South of the chancel, within the altar rails is, "HIC TERRAE MANDATVR, VT IN TERRAM REVERTATVR QVICQVID MORTALE FVIR DOMINI IOHANNIS FINCH, BARONIS DE FORDWICH, EX ANTIQVA ET NOBILI FAMILIA DE ESTWELL, CVI, PRAE OMNI EPITAPHIO, PLACVIT, VT HOC SEPVLCHRALI SVO LAPIDI INSCVLPERETVR, "Hic iacet optimi regis fervus humillimus." On a mural above the tomb, is, "HAEC MARMOREA MOLES DEBETVR DOMINO IOHANNI FINCH, EQVITI AVRATO, ET BARONI DE FORDWICH, QVI LICET NON E ....... (see below) Arms, Finch, viz, a chevron between three griffins passant, quartering three lions rampant, 2 and 1; impaling Fotherby, viz. a cross fufilly, terminated by a fleur de lis.
Monument is now in the Tower Against the south wall, within the altar-rails, is a large tomb and mural monument, with a Latin inscription, in memory of John Lord Finch, Baron of Fordwich, who died in the year 1660, at the age of seventy-seven. (was in the chancel) The Beauties of England and Wales...1808 Now in the Tower - The monument of Sir John Finch, Baron Fordwich, who was Speaker of the House of Commons in the reign of Charles I. has been removed to the Tower, with the consent of the representative of the family.
The memorial is up against the wall in the tower (used to be in the Chancel) On a flat stone in the chancel, an inscription in Latin, part illegible: the following may be perceived: "Annae, (daughter of John) Whitfield, (of the city of Canterbury, Gent.) Obt...die Martii, MDCXCVII. ........ Martin Lister, M.D...... ......... ........ Avdoeni Evans.....13 Martii, 1742, ........... Arms, above the inscription, three coats; 1. a bend between two cotises engrailed; 2. a chevron between three moors' heads; 3. Ermine, on a fess three mullets.
In the Chancel: On a plain stone: "1631, APRILIS 22, SAMVEL S KEAME HIC IACET FILIVS ANDREAS A SIMSON 1632, SEPTEMB. 29."
~ NEW ~ Special thanks to Tricia Baxter for tracking this one down 4. On a mural monument of white marble: "Near this place are deposited the remains of JAMES HANSON, of Canterbury, Gentleman, who (on account of his abilities and integrity in the possession and practice of the law, and other valuable qualities) died universally esteemed the 22d day of January, 1756. "Also the remains of MARY HANSON, widow, and relect of the above named James Hanson, and daughter of Thomas Conyers, formerly of this parish, Gent. She departed this life the 16th day of May, 1762, in the 98th year of her age" Arms, Argent, three fufils, Sable, pierced, on a chief of the last as many lions rampant of the first; impaling, Azure a maunch or. *James Hanson had a law practice in Burgate *A mural monument for James Hanson, gent. of Canterbury, a practioner of the law, obt. 1756, and for Mary Hanson his widow, daughter of Thomas Conyers, gent. formerly of this parish, obt. 1762 aet. 98
Sir Henry Palmer b 1610 d 1659 [memorial no 23] is in front of the altar to the right under the carpet! *thanks to Tricia for this information 5. On a plain stone near the communion rails: Arms, a chevron between three Palmer's serips; impaling, on a pale, a sword erect, in chief three annulets. "Here lieth ye body of Sr. Henry Palmer, Kt, late of Howletts, in Kent; a devout sonne of ye Church, a loyal subject to his King, a true lover of his country, a faithful friend, an affectionate husband, and a careful father of thirteen children. He died in the 49th year of his age, on ye 10th day of December, in ye year of our Lord 1659."
The memorial is NOW in the tower and the shields are missing 6. On a brass plate, below his effigies: "Here lyeth Thomas Steighton, late of Ashe, in this countie of Kente, Gent. who depted this life the XIJth of June, 1591." Arms, on a shield at each corner of the stone, a saltire between four staples, an escallp in fess, a crescent for difference.
To the left under the carpet are is the Latin inscription you sent me of the Quilters [memorials 25 & 26] *thanks to Tricia for this 7. On a brass plate, below their effigies, and above the effigies of one son and five daughters: "Gequiescunt sub hoc marmore corpora Michaelis Fraunces, generose, et Janae uroris eius, filiae Willielmi Quilter, Armig'k, mulier et bir ro Januarii, 1587, decesserunt animae caela fumitu" Arms, parted per bend a lion rampant counterchanged, quartering a bend; impaling, a chevron between three choughs.
8. Near the pulpit, on a tablet of black marble veined with yellow, upon a beautiful urn of white marble is, "Scared to the memory of ANN, youngest daughter and coheiress of Sir RICHARD SANDYS, of Northbourn Court in Kent, Bart. and wife of CHARLES PYOTT, of this Parish, Esq. who departed this life the 12th of February, 1753, aged 43, and in a vault beneath rests in hope. She lived beloved, and died lamented. (On the pedestal of the urn) CHARLES PYOTT, Esq. DIED 20 FEB. 1789, aged 83." Arms, Az. on a fess Or, a lion rampant Gu. in chief three bezants and a mullet for distinction; furtout, an escutcheon of pretence OR, a fess indented between three cross fitchee Gules, quartering, parted per fess Gules and Az. a castle Ar. - Motto, Pietatis Amator (Below on the tablet is) "Here rests also ELIZABETH, second wife of CHARLES PYOTT, Esq. daughter of Sir Thos Hales, Bart. of Howletts in Kent, who died Jan. 27, 1778, aged fifty-six, greatly regretted."
West end of the aisle: 9. On a mural monument of white marble:
"Underneath lieth the body of JAMES BUTLER, late of the parish of St. Andrew in the city of Canterbury, who died 24 Oct. 1767, aged 49. Also MARTHA, wife of the above, who died 25 June, 1773, aged 52. Likewise of JOHN GOATLEY their son, who died 30 May, 1754, aged 10 years. And of William their son who died 30 Sept. 1762, aged 7 years.
10. On an oval table of white marble: "In Memory of Mrs. Ann Hulse (interred near this place) who died the XVIIth June, MDCCLXXX, **17th June, 1780 in the LXVIITH year of her age. **67 Her character was most justly distinguished by an unremitted attention to the discharge of every moral and religious duty. She was the daughr of Nathaniel and Ann Hulse, of the parish of St. Andrew's in the City of Canterbury, Whose remains (with those of three of their children) are deposited in the spot on which the church of that parish formerly stood." Arms, in a lozenge, Ar. three piles, one issuing from chief, and two base S. Ann HULSE 1780 on the floor of the church
Memorial to Mrs. CHANDLER 11. On an oval tablet agains the South wall: "Near hereunto are deposited the remains of Mrs. CHANDLER, daughter of Mr. Austen, of this parish, and widow of Mr. Chandler, of St. M. Magdalen's, apothecary. She discharged the duties of a daughter and a wife with exemplary attachement; and, having finished a life of uniform piety, died Nov. 4th, 1778, in the 71st year of her age, surviving her husband only eight months, and was gathered to her fathers. Also the remains of Mrs. REBECCA AUSTEN, sister of the above, died Jan. 7th, 1784, in the 69th year of her age." Arms, on a hatchment, Ar. a lion rampant Sa; impailing, Ar. six cross pattys, over all a bend between two cotifes Sa.
12. On a brass plate in the middle of the aisle:
Richard Greenhill & A. A. De Reck they are lost in the mist of time as the church has no information at all on those two memorials either in the church or in the graveyard. They have a comprehensive folder with maps marking all the MIs in an out of the church. *thanks to Tricia for this information 14. On another, near the above: "Richard Greenhill died December 19th 1669, in the 17th year of his age" *there is a memorial tablet which sits in the floor of St. George's tower to Margaret Greenhill (d. 1753), wife of Richard Greenhill (which might be a relation)
15. On another: "G. A. DE RECK, 1775"
Major N. Lawrence AUSTEN
Robert Thomas PYOTT
Vernon James AUSTIN memorial, St. Martins Church
__ Nathaniel Lawrence AUSTEN
The Reverend Thomas GURNEY
Stanley Ash COLLARD
Mary Amelia WIGSTON
Frederick Lawrence WALSH Lieut. South African Light Horse Harts Army List 1888 * The Buffs (East Kent Regt.) 3rd & 4th Batt. 2nd Lieutenants... Frederick Lawrence Walsh 19 Feb. 87 *Lieut. Frederick Lawrence Walsh South African Light Horse, died of enteric at Kroonstad, on Jan. 14th, 1902. Son of late Arthur Francis Walsh, Manor House, Purton.
Memorials on the outside of the church
© T. Machado