~ ST. PETER'S CEMETERY ~ CANTERBURY l1833 - Rev. John Pechey Francis, party to sale of glebe for enlarging burial ground of St. Peter's Canterbury St. Peter's Parish Churchyard \ Unfortunately many of the stones are extremely worn in the graveyard and have become unreadable Sacred to the memory of ANN COX wife of George Cox of this parish who died 3rd July 1842 Aged 61 years Also of the above GEORGE COX born 27th Jany 1783 died 2nd Octr 1863 A view of the graveyard looking towards St. Peter's Lane where you can see the side of The Cricketers
Sacred to the Memory of departed worth BENEATH THIS STONE is deposited the remains of MRS. CATHERINE CHARLOTTE wife of Joseph Tokely Esqre of His Majesty's Navy,* she died October 16th 1810 AGED 46 YEARS Felicem Resurrectionem sperans Also MARY-ANN, wife of JOHN VILLIERS JACOB Esqure of this City; and sister to CATHERINE CHARLOTTE TOKELY she departed this life February 4th 1814 AGED 37 YEARS Also of the above-named JOSEPH TOKELY ESQRE+ who died February 1st 1821 AGED 57 YEARS Also of the above-named JOHN VILLIERS JACOB ESQRE AGED 77 YEARS Footstone CCT 1810 MAJ 1814 JT 1821 JVJ 1842 *in the register "a Lieut. in the Royal Navy" + Of Sturry
Sacred to the Memory of MR. WILLIAM BETTS of this parish, miller who departed this life 11th January 1827, aged 50 Years Also of Abigail, relict of the above who departed this life 21st December 1839, aged 51 Years Left Surviving Two sons and two daughters, viz; William-James, BENJAMIN GEORGE, MARY-ANN AND ELIZA. BENEATH THIS STONE THEIR ASHES REST, WHOSE MEMORY FILLS MY ACHING BREAST, THEY SLEEP UNCONSCIOUS OF THE TEAR WHICH TELLS MY TALE OF SORROW HERE. This stone is erected by their daughter Mary Ann as a Tribute of her Affection Two footstones: W.B. 1827 and A.B. 1839
Footstone W. B. 1827 "William BETTS"
Beneath are deposited the mortal remains of EMMA SPRAKELING the beloved daughter of Robert John Sprakeling and Mary his wife of this parish who died on the 11th day of August 1843 in teh 12th year of her age. Dear child of our bosom, affection, delight To thy SAVIOUR'S fond arms has thy soul wing'd its flight For a time we are parted - yet from grief will refrain Assured in the truth that our loss is thy gain, Gently sleep on thy pillow, no more pains to endure To GOD we resign thee whose mercies are sure. He gave thee, he took thee, and he will receive thee Into realms everlasting, celestial, and pure. On a stone in the wall at the North East corner of the Churchyard W.F. 1827
__ Unreadable stones
Here lieth interred the Bodies of Edward Riquebourg & Judith his Wife He died Dec ye 17 1737 Aged 55 Years She died Octr ye 3rd 1741 Aged 34 years Also Jane Mother of the abovesaid Edward Riquebourg who died Aprl ye 17th 1754 Aged 87 Years *death of a Mr. Riquebourgh a brother of St. John's Hospital in 1815 *birth of a Jaques De Ricquebourg c. 1600 French Church Canterbury Christening of an Edward Riquebourgh Oct 1, 1669 at Saint Peter's Canterbury, parents Nathaniell and Elizabeth Riquebourgh Christening of an Edward Ricquebourg July 16, 1797 at Saint Peter, Canterbury, parents Edward and Mary Ricquebourg Christening of Elisabeth Mary Ricqueboor October 16, 1768 at Saint Peter, Canterbury, parents Lepar and Susanna Ricqueboor
An Altar Tomb
Footstone J.A. 1773 ---- "Here lieth interred the Body of Mr. JOHN ADAMS Hoyman He departed this life May 13 1773 Aged 58 Years And has left Issue two Sons and Two Daughters. Footstone: J.A. 1773O Sacred To the Memory of MARY ELIZABETH the beloved wife of Mr. John Halsey who died 17th June 1839 aged 71 years Also of Mr. John Halsey who departed this life 11th of October 1839 aged 74 years left surviving 5 sons and 4 daughters Footstone M.E.H. 1839 J.H. 1839 *freemen - Thomas Sackett HALSEY, cordwainer 1785 freemen John HALSEY, the younger, cordwainer 1788
Footstone I.C.M. 1835 S.M. 1843 The headstone read: Beneath are deposited the mortal remains of JOHN COLLENS MARSH of the King's Arms Inn, in this parish Where he died much respected on the 11th of April 1835 in the 33rd year of his age leaving Susannah, his widow and two sons: John Russell and William George Also of SUSANNAH relict of the above who died 16th November 1843 aged 50 Years.
Footstone J.G. 1830 M. P. 1827 *the memorial read In this Grave are deposited the remains of JUDITH J. GREENALL Died May 8th 1830 aged 80 Widow of the late Revd Thos. Greenall Vicar of Bethersden, in this County Also the remains of MARIA PHILLIPS Died May 19th 1827. Aged 47. Widow of the late James Phillips Depy Assist. Commissary Genl who died at Quebec Nov 25th 1827 Aged 37 Years. *31 May 1814 James Phillips, Canada noted in the Army List under Deputy Assistant Commissary General along with John Ashworth *Thomas Greenall, 1807. Mr. Geenall came to Bethersden by an arrangement with his son-in-law. "1814, July 25. The Rev. Thomas Greenall, Vicar of this Parish, buried." "1814, Sepr 8, Sophia Greenall, aged 37" A tablet on the chancel wall is thus inscribed: "Sacred to the memory of Thomas Greenall, late Vicar of this Parish, who died July 20th 1814, aged 71 years. He was born at Hucking Hall, Middleton, Westmorland, and was many years Mast of the Grammar School at Cranbook. Also Sophia Greenall, daughter of the above, who died Sept 4 1814, aged 37 years." There is also a stone to their memory in the churchyard, erected by Miss Greenall of Cranbrook in 1860. Obit Feb. 1859 At Cranbrook, Eliza eldest surviving daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Greenall, formerly Master of the Grammar School, Cranbrook, and Vicar of Bethersden.
M.[?] 1796
Most of the stone has now flaked away on the front, there is very little left of the writing In Memory of JOHN SHRUBSOLE died 19 July 1783: aged 73 Also of Mrs. ANN BEST who departed this life 19th February 1804 Aged 92 Years. *burial July 22, 1783 John Shrubsole aged 73
Some of the Memorials that were readable in the graveyard in the late 1800's An Altar Tomb In hopes of a Joyfull Resurrection Here lieth the Body of ESTHER Wife of ye Revd PAUL FOURESTIER Minister of the Walloon Church in this City, and Daughr of Peter and Anne LeGrand of Canterbury who are also interred in this Church Yard. She hath had Issue three Children Peter, Paul & Esther Peter died Feby 28 1719 and is buried near this place Paul and Esther are still living. She was born ye 6th of Decr 1685 & departed this life ye 21st Febry 1738 Aged 53 years. [Latin writing] On the Western Face of this Altar Tomb JACOB AGACE Married the Daughter of the Revd PAUL FOURESTIER died 18th February 1782 Aged 62 Years. Esther relict of the above and Daughter of the Rev. PAUL and ESTHER FORESTIER Also ------ ------ Blest fruits thereof. *Mrs. Esther Agace, widow, aged 80, buried in the Family Vault, Dec. 1st, 1803, from Clapton, in Middlesex (Register)
An Altar Tomb Beneath are the Remains of WILLIAM JEUDVIN of this Parish died Feb: 3 1764 Aged 73 Years Also Mary his wife.... died June 6 ..... Also Pett..... Father.... of the said.......
Here lieth ye Body of RICHARD SIMPSON who dept this Life ye 30th of Ivly 1684 And Mary His Wife who dept ye 18th of March 1685
Here lieth the body of ELIZABETH Widow of James Homersham late of the parish of Holy Cross Westgate, Carpenter She died on the 1st day of December 1825 Aged 71 Years *Marriage of James Homersham and Elizabeth Southee, St. Peters, Canterbury *was a burial of a James Homersham Aug. 21, 1774 at St. Dunstans
Here lieth the Body of JOHN CASTLE Late of St. Dunstan's Near this City who departed this life Novr. 22, 1767 age 35
In Hopes of Joyfull Resurrection Here Rests the Body of Mr. Samuel Loubert who died on the 23d Day of November 1740 In the 64th Year of his Age. Also in the same Grave Rests the Body of Ann his Wife One of the Daughters of Mr. Peter Le Grand who died on the 8th Day of July 1762 in the 84th Year of her Age.
Here Rests the Body of PETER LOUBERT, Esq. an eminent Attorney of this City who departed this Life September 12th 1792 aged 75 Years *September 4 at Canterbury, Mr. Peter Loubert, attorney at Law (Gentlemen's Magazine)
Here lieth the Body of Elizabeth Wife of Samuel Phene And Daughter of John and Rachel Reynolds of Adisham she died Augst the 8th 1762, Aged 25 Years How lov'd, how valu'd once avails thee not; To whom related, or by whom begot A heap of Dust alone remains of Thee! This all Thou art! and all the Proud shall be Also Here lieth the Body of the abovesaid Samuel Phene he died May the 24th 1764 Aged 44 Years *(in the register) 1762 Aug 11 Mary, wife of Samuel Phene Marriage 1760 at St. Peter's church, Canterbury...July 14, 1760, Samuel Phene and Elisabeth Reynolds by license *rate payers of 1749..."Among other names on the list of ratepayers for this year, I find the following: ... Samuel Phene. Many of these names have disappeared not only from the parish of Holy Cross, but from the City of Canterbury itself; but before they departed they underwent some strange transformations. The name of Phene occurs in F.W. Cross's "History of the Huguenot Church at Canterbury," Huguenot Society Publications (vol. xv), 1898.
Here lieth ye Body of John Halbet he died July the 27th 1750 Aged 5 Months *Edward Hasted (c 1800)...The names of the present officers of the Weavers Company are, John Callaway, master; Thomas De Lasaux and Samuel Lepine, wardens; Peter Delasaux, John Halbet, James Delasaux, and Peter Gambier, assistants. Death of a John Halbet 1793 at Canterbury in his 90th year...of the Walloon Congregation of this city Burials, St. Peter's, May 9th, 1766, Mary, wife of John Halbet Burials, St. Peters May 10th, 1750, John son of John & Mary Halbet Burials, St. Peters Feb 27, 1754, William Augustus (A.T. Augusta) son of John Halbet Burials St. Peters 1777, Dec 28th. John Halbet. Aged 12 Years.
Footstone E.B. 1772 *This is probably the footstone belonging to the grave of Edward Bullock. It appears to have been removed when the path round the East end of the Church was made
Here lieth ye Body of Mrs. Jane Fourestier* who Died July ye 3d 1750 Aged 79
Here lieth ye Body of John Moate Senior late of ye Parish of St. George who departed this life August ye 29th 1711. Aged 50 Years. Also Willm his Younger Son died May ye 26: 1713 Aged 16 Years
Sacred to the Memory of JOHN CHANDLER who died Feby. 1st 1819 aged 47 Years Also of Sallester Relict of the above who died June 21st 1828 Aged 48 Years Footstone J.C. 1819 S.C. 1828
Here lieth ye Body of Eliz. Clarke she died March ye 2 1754 Aged 40 Years
Here lieth ye Body of Mary Wife of Robert Nye who left Issue 1 Son and 3 Daughters VIZ: Robert Ann Mary(?) Frances She died August ye 16 1751 Aged 48 Years
Here lieth the Body of WILLIAM HOCKLESS* Who died Sepr. 10th 1759 Aged 57 Years All you that pass this way along Pray see how sudden I was gone God did to me no warning give Wherefore take care how you do live * In the register; 1759, Sept. 13 Wm. Hogsflesh
Sacred To the Memory of SOLOMON THORN who died 6th of March 1840 aged 45 Years Left Surviving Elizabeth His wife and three Children William Mary and Charles To lament their loss. Footstone S.T. 1840
Here lieth the Body of Eliz: Hancock Relict of Thos: Saul Hancock late Rector of Wormshill & Holligbourne in this County She departed this Life Novr 29 1760 in ye 66th Year of her Age She had Issue 17 Children 4 only surviving her VIZ: 3 sons, Tysoe, Saul Colebron William & one duaghr. Olivia
Sacred TO THE MEMORY of SARAH PERCIVAL who departed this Life on the 22nd June 1828 Aged 43 Years [illegible inscription 6 - 8 lines]
In Memory of MRS. MARGARET PRINCE who departed this life July 21st 1831, aged 91 Years footstone M.P. 1831
Sacred TO THE MEMORY OF JAMES PRETT of this Parish who departed this life Septr. 29th 1847 aged 60 years. Blessed are they and only they Who in their Saviour Lie Their bodies wait redemption's day And sleep in peace where e'r they lie Footstone J. P. 1847
Here Lieth the Body of Edward BULLOCK Late of this Parish who died Decr 18th 1772 aged 66 Years *register says 1771
An Altar Tomb Close to the South Wall of the Church Beneath this Marble Rests ye Remains of Mr. JOHN BYNG Late of this Parish, who was for 15 Years Alderman of this City and Twice Servd ye Office of Mayor, which Office He Executed with ye Greatest Honour and Uprightness. He died ye 29th of September 1772 aged 66 Years. He left Issue by Mary his first wife 3 Sons William, John & Thomas He was a Just MAGRISTRATE, a Kind and Indulgent Husband, a Tender Parent, and died much Regretted by all his Aquaintance. Here also Rests the Remains of ELIZABETH first wife of the above John Byng she died the 16th of November 1742 aged 31 Years Also rests ye remains of ANN, Daughter of the above John Byng by Mary his second Wife, who died Janu 24 1750 aged 5 Years 7 months Likewise EDWARD Son of ye above John Byng by Mary his second wife who died an Infant. Also beneath this marble Rests the Remains of MARY second wife of the above Alderman Byng who departed this life November 23d 1773 aged 67 years ELIZABETH daughter of John and Ann Byng was Born 28 October and died 28 December 1774 Also Ann Daughter of John and Ann Byng She died Decr. ye 29 1776 aged 3 months And also the said JOHN BYNG son of the before named John and Elizabeth Byng departed this Life the 4th January 1794 aged 55 Years Also of ANN wife of ye above John Byng who died Jany 22 1805 Aged 63 Years.
St. Peter's Church Front Pathway
In Memory of Mr. WILLIAM LEPINE who died 16th of March 1837 aged 71 years. Also of JANE wife of the above who died 23rd of January 1837, aged 72 Years, left surviving four Sons and one Daughter viz, William, Henry, Nancy, Daniel and Charles. Footstone: W.L 1837 J.L. 1837
To the Memory of Mr. John WILTSHIER late of the parish of St. Dunstans Wheelwright who departed this life April 8th 1785 aged 77 Years Also of Mary Wife of the above John Wiltshier she Departed this life Nov. 26; 1772* aged 61 Years Also of Elizabeth Second wife of the above she died May 10; 1793 aged 71 Years Also of John Son of William & Eliz: Wiltshier He died Oct 22d 1799 aged 14 months Two Footstones: J.W. 1785 ---- MW 1172 JW 1799
" St. Peter's Side Entrance
W.W. *possibly the footstone for William Wilton his stone read Beneath Lieth the remains of WILLIAM WILTON Who died in this parish August XXI MDCCCXXX aged LIII years He was the last surviving Son of (?) Samuel Wilton formerly of Tooting Surrey Footstone: W. W. 1836
Sacred TO THE MEMORY OF DANIEL RATCLIFF who departed this life 28th Novr 1843 aged 58 years Also of MARY Wife of the above who died 25th March 1845 aged 53 years Also STEPHEN Son of the above died 6th November 188[?] aged 21 years ALICE Daughter of the above died 10th March 1837 aged 14 years Left surviving 1 Son and 1 Daughter Viz John James and Rebecca who erected this stone to their memory *the footstones are not there Footstones: S.R. 1838 D.R. 1843 A.R. 1837 M.R. 1845
*William MASTERS - much of the actual stone front is flaked away and unreadable In a vault beneath repose the ashes of WILLIAM MASTERS an old and respected inhabitant of this parish died 27 September 1834 Also of Phoebe his wife died 15 August 1846, aged 78 Also of William - Arthur Masters died 20 May 1847, aged 28 Also of Mary Ann their only daughter wife of Thomas Wilkinson of this city Solicitor died 26 August 1850 aged 46. Foot of Vault: W.M. 1834 There is some writing still visible on the stone, but unfortunately I cannot read it ... OF VAULT (?) nothing else readable
St. Peter's Canterbury - In the following a bargain was struck between the deceased and posterity, upon certain conditions, from which the latter has not yet departed. Touch not the grave, my bones, nor yet the dust; But let this stone which stands be rotten first! August 1794 |
© T. Machado