No. 1 1838 John HARMAN, 1 Sun Street, listed under Linen and Woollen Drapers, Haberdashers, Silk Mercers, &c. 1838 William CLARK, Linen Draper at Mr. Harmans, 1 Sun Street 1838 Albert HISCOCK, Linen Draper at Mr. Harmans, Sun Street John HARMAN, Linen Draper % *1838 listed under St. Alphage - Guardians appointed at Vestries, John HARMAN, Sun Street *1838 listed under Commissioners of Pavements, John HARMAN, Sun Street (*1862- Royal College of Surgeons of England. The following gentlemen having undergone the necessary examinations for the diploma, were admitted Members of the College at a meeting of the Court of Examiners on the 9th inst. - John Harman, Canterbury ) 1860's AD Kent House and Commerce House. W.H. Linom, Linen and Woollen draper, Silk Mercer, Hosier, Haberdasher & Laceman, Stay and Straw Bonnet Warehouse, 1 & 2 Sun Street, Canterbury, (The Mourning Bonnet - Trade has become an increasing branch in this establishment, and those who are in search of a good Crape or Silk Bonnet can see a large assortment, at Prices to suit all classes of the community. Widows' Bonnets and Caps made to order.) Welch Flannels, Carpetings and Rugs. William H. LINOM, Linen Draper ^ 1889 S.T. DEAKIN, Clothier and outfitter * A photo of the front of the shop in Canterbury A second selection by Derek Butler Feb 1902 William John CROOK, assistant to Mr. Deakin, Clothier of Sun Street (CCA-CC-J/V/1902/32) 1903 Samuel Thomas DEAKIN, Clothier (& 18 Sun street, and 18 Guildhall St.) 1917 DEAKIN and Sons, Outfitters & Tailors
No. 2 1838 COMMERCE HOUSE, James HALL, 2 Sun Street, listed under Linen and Woollen Drapers, Haberdashers and Silk Mercers, etc. William H. LINOM, Draper "COMMERCE HOUSE" % 1860's AD Kent House and Commerce House. W.H. LINOM, Linen and Woollen draper, Silk Mercer, Hosier, Haberdasher & Laceman, Stay and Straw Bonnet Warehouse, 1 & 2 Sun Street, Canterbury, Welch Flannels, Carpetings and Rugs. William H. LINOM, Linen Draper ^ 1889 Wm. LEFEVRE & Co. Drapers & Milliners 1917 LEFEVRE Drapers
No. 3 & 4 Sun Street
No. 3 1838 Jas. BLACKLEY, listed under Boot and Shoe Maker (and Ladies' Shoe Warehouse) 3 Sun Street James BARNETT, Butcher % *James Barnett - Barnett, the butcher of Sun
Street, had either 6l or 7l for his vote, cannot recollect which,
Goodwin, 5906. Had 4l or 5l for keeping two voters together. Tookey
had Stredwick, and preventing them from bolting. Barnett, 11198. Did
not receive this money for his vote, it. 11171 Parliamentary Papers Mary A. BLINKS, Shoe Seller ^ 1885 Kelly's Directory of the Leather Trades - Alexander KENNEDY, listed under Boot & Shoe Makers, Warehouses & Dirs., 3 Sun Street 1889 Alexander KENNEDY, boot warehouse 1903 Mrs. J.V. KENNEDY, Boot & Shoe Maker 1917 Mrs. KENNEDY, Boot Warehouse The cathedral archives holds sales accounts of KENNEDY and Sons (3-4 Sun street) 1891-1907 CCA-CC-SuppMs/16 1891-1902 CCA-CC-SuppMS/16/1 1902-1907 CCA-CC-SuppMs/16/2
No. 4 1838 John James WILLIAMSON, listed under leather cutters and curriers, 4 Sun Street (also listed under Tanners) 1840 John WILLIAMSON, Currier & Leather Seller John J. WILLIAMSON, Tanner & Currier % 1852 Stephen WILLIAMSON - Canterbury, Nov 1852 The Poll for the Knights of the Shire to Represent the Eastern Division of the County of Kent taken the 16th and 17th of July John J. WILLIAMSON, Tanner & Currier ^ Return of owners of land - John James WILLIAMSON, 4 sun street, Canterbury acres 2 0 19. Rent 16 15 Bark Merchants - J.J. WILLIAMSON & Son, 4 Sun street, Canterbury Kelly's Directory of the Leather Trades 1880 1889 Alexander KENNEDY, boot warehouse 1903 Mrs. J.V. KENNEDY, Boot & Shoe Maker 1917 Mrs. KENNEDY, Boot Warehouse No. 5 1838 Zachariah HUDSON, listed under Corn factors and dealers, marked as dealer, 5 Sun Street John ELGAR, Corn Chandler % Zachariah HUDSON, Corn & Flour Dealer ^ 1882 J. J. WILLIAMSON & Sons, Tanners, 5 Sun Street & St. Mildred's Tannery 1882 Stephen Horton WILLIAMSON, 5 Sun Street 1882 Silas WILLIAMSON, 5 Sun Street 1885 Kelly's Directory of the Leather Trades - J. J. Williamson & Sons, 5 Sun Street, listed under Bark Merchants, Fellmongers, Curriers, Horse Collar Makers, Leather Merchants, Leather Cutters and Sellers and Tanners - St. Peters Friars & St. Mildreds 1889 Williamson & Sons, tanners and leather merchants Kentish Gazette 26th July 1881: 1917 William LEFEVRE (ltd) Drapers
No. 5 & 6 Sun Street
SUN YARD - Charles W. HARRIS, Stableman
No. 6 1838 Robert FILL, SUN INN, 6 & 7 Sun Street Robert Y. FILL, Inn Keeper "SUN INN" % *1860 Music Hall Inn, John Edward Bassenden (no address listed) *noted in "The Draper and Clothier" A book of general information for all traders in and purchasers of textile fabrics 1860 1882 William BELSOM, Corn Dealer & Seedsman, 6 Sun Street John E. BASSENDEN, Victualler of "THE SUN" 1889 W. BELSOM, Corn and seed merchants 1917 William LEFEVRE (ltd) Drapers
No. 7
1838 Robert FILL, SUN INN, 6 & 7 Sun Street George SMITH, Shellfish Dealer % William SMITH, Watchmaker ^ Nov. 1880 Sarah HALL, a glass and china dealer residing at the "Sun Inn", Canterbury 1889 Mrs. Rhoda MOSS, SUN INN 1903 SUN INN, Charles Henry Longhurst MARSH, Sun hotel and posting house, 7 Sun Street 1913 -1917 Miss Mary Emily PULLEN "SUN HOTEL"
No. 8 Sun Hotel 1838 John CHAPMAN, Baker, 8 Sun Street 1850's & 60's Henry ALLSWORTH, Baker 1889 Arthur S. MARTIN, Watchmaker and Jeweller 1903 John MARTIN, Watchmaker
Watchmaker, Jeweller & Optician J. Martin, 8 Sun Street, Canterbury Old box 2" x 3" c. 1910, courtesy of TalkingAntiques.co.uk
No. 9 (& 9a) * A photo of the front of the shop in Canterbury A second selection by Derek Butler 1838 Stephen GILHAM, Hair Dresser & Perfumer, 9 Sun Street 1889 Thomas WOOD, Pork Butcher 1903 T. WOOD & Son, Pork Butchers 1917 T. Wood and Sons, Pork Butchers, 9 Sun Street 1929 T. Wood & Son. For quality & service go to T. Wood & Son, pork butchers and sausage makers. 60 year reputation. Noted for Famous Sausages and Best home-killed Farm fed pork. A trial solicited. 9 Sun street, Canterbury. Telephone 255
No. 10 1838 James WELLBY, 10 Sun Street, listed under Tinmen, Braziers, and Tin Plate Workers Elizabeth JACOBS, Draper & Milliner ^ *In 1865 this building was destroyed in a fire that started on High Street and also damaged part of the Chequer's Inn Gaywood family No. 10, 11, 12 Sun St. 1889 Vacant 1894 Miss KINMONT, Florist, Fruiterer &c. 10 Sun Street Canterbury, Fresh Fruit daily 1894 AD - Miss KINMONT (Mrs. HIGGINS) has removed from Sun Street and still continues to supply funeral wreaths and crosses, also wedding and other bouquets on the shortest notice. All orders to be addressed to Errol House, Stour Street, Canterbury. 1903 Edward NEAME, Confectioner 1917 Edward NEAME, Baker No. 10a 1917 C. Hatton & Son, Ladies' and children's outfitters
No. 11 1838 Miss Mary SOUTHEE, 11 Sun Street, listed under Milliners and Dressmakers (also listed under Toy Dealers) Nathan JACOBS, Hardware, Glass & China Dealer ^ *In 1865 this building was destroyed in a fire that started on High Street and also damaged part of the Chequer's Inn 1889 Kent and Canterbury Supply Association; general manager W. Doe No. 12, 11, 10 Sun St. WTHBH - April 15, 1899 - AD - Perfect fit both of Lenses and Frames. R. T. Rossiter, F.S.M.C., consulting Ophthalmic Optian. The eyes carefully examined Free of Charge, And glasses only recommended when really necessary. Consultations Free. 11, Sun St., Canterbury. 1903 William HAMILTON, Optician 1905 AD 1905 Cave's Oriental Cafe Ad - 11 Sun street (opposite Christ Church Gate) 1913 Austin Cave & Co. Ltd. Oriental cafe (Folkestone, Ramsgate, Margate, Dover, Deal, Broadstairs, and Hythe) 1917 Cave's Oriental Cafe, E. O'Reilly, manager 1922 Cave's Oriental Cafe, 11 Sun Street. For Light Luncheons. Dainty Teas. Iced Drinks, etc. Quickly and Courteously served. Coffee Roasted in Window Continuously. (Picture in the guide book) 1925 Cave's Oriental Cafe, Opposite Christ-Church Gate "coffee roasted in window continuously"
Showing the Buildings of 12 & 13 Sun Street from my photographs
No. 12 *In 1865 this building was destroyed in a fire that started on High Street and also damaged part of the Chequer's Inn 1838 Thomas Corke KNELL, 12 & 14 Sun Street, listed under Linen and Woollen Drapers, Haberdashers, Silk Mercers, &c. 1889 Kent and Canterbury Supply Association; general manager W. Doe 1903 Walker & Harris Co. Chemists & Druggists 1905 AD - Walker & Harris, Sun Street, Canterbury 1917 Walker & Harris (ltd) Chemists *also at 61a Northgate street 1925 Walker & Harris Co. Chemists, opposite Cathedral Gate
No. 13 David MATHEWS, Chemist & Druggist % Alfred D. BLAXLAND, Chemist & Druggist & Dentist ^ *In 1865 this building was destroyed in a fire that started on High Street and also damaged part of the Chequer's Inn 1889 George HOUGHTING, MARKET HALL INN and Cathedral Restaurant 1922 Walker & Harris, Ltd., Photographic Chemists. Plates and films developed. Prints and enlargements made on the premises. Cameras of all kinds kept in stock. Free dark room. 1925 Walker & Harris Co. Chemists, opposite Cathedral Gate
Mercery Lane
No. 14 - 27 formerly listed as No. 14 - 24
No. 14 1832 Henry WARD (1) "About 1825 Henry Ward opened a bookseller's shop near the Cathedral Gates, afterwards moving to Sun Street and subsequently to Mercery Lane. He was an enterprising man and published many pamphlets of local interest, and dealt in prints as well as books. He was succeeded by his son-in-law, Masters, from whom the business passed to Ashenden and then to Hal Drury, who published among other things the Rev. M. E. Walcott's Memorials of Canterbury in 1868. Edward Crow, his former assistant, next purchased the business, which is now in the hands of his son." Henry Plomer Sept 17th, 1835 Henry WARD, No. 14 Sun Street (2) 1836 Henry WARD, publisher 1838 Henry has moved to 8 Mercery Lane 1838 Thomas Corke KNELL, 12 & 14 Sun Street, listed under Linen and Woollen Drapers, Haberdashers, Silk Mercers, &c. William PERKINS, Tea Dealer % John P. PAY, Grocer ^ 1889-1917 14, 15, 16 Charles HATTON, General Draper 1941 - proposed re-conditioning of No. 14 and 15 Sun Street CCA
No. 15 John LAMING, Tailor % 1889 -1917 14, 15, 16 Charles HATTON, General Draper 1941 - proposed re-conditioning of No. 14 and 15 Sun Street CCA
No. 16 1838 Henry Patrick FIELD listed under Boot and Shoe Makers, 16 Sun Street Nathaniel LAZARUS, Clothier & Silversmith % Henry WOOD, Shoemaker ^ 1889 Charles HATTON, General Draper 1900's 14, 15, 16, Frank HATTON 1903 C. Hatton & Son, Linen Drapers 10a, 14, 15 & 16 1913-1917 14, 15, 16 Charles Hatton, General Draper
Entrance to the Cathedral and Cathedral Precincts No. 17 *1838 Robert Davis, listed under St. Alphage, Guardians appointed at Vestries, 17 Sun Street (also listed under Clothiers & Tailors) Robert DAVIS, Tailor and Ready Made Clothes Salesman % 1885 Kelly's Directory of the Leather Trades - Henry Simon WOOD, listed under Boot & Shoe Makers, Warehouses & Dirs. 1870 - 1890's H. S. WOOD, Boot Manufacturer b. 1835 Canterbury, married Mary Jennings 1862 - parents George Frederick Wood and Maria (of Best Lane) * A Henry Simon Wood died 1843, Canterbury (possibly a relation) 1882 Henry Simon WOOD, Boot & Shoe Maker 1903 Henry Simon WOOD, Boot & Shoe Maker 1917 A. J. WOOD, Watchmaker
No. 18 1838 Thomas TAYLOR, Listed under Boot & Shoe Makers, 18 Sun Street Thomas TAYLOR, Boot & Shoe Maker % 1889 S.T. DEAKIN, clothier & hatter 1903 Samuel Thomas Deakin, Clothier (& 1 Sun street, and 18 Guildhall St.) from Boston, Lincs. Dec 1903 - Charles GITTINGS, A Shop Assistant employed by Mr. DEAKIN at Sun Street and Alfred Bernard DEAKIN outfitters manager living at Sun Street Charles Scott: stealing a coat, value 10s,
property of Samuel Deakin, Outfitters of Sun Street Canterbury. Witness
statements: Sidney Horace Deakin son of Samuel and Constable Harry
Robinson Canterbury Police . The defendant said he was hungry and
out of work 'since the strike' and his boots were worn out through
tramping. Imprisoned: 1 day, in HMP St. Augustine's Canterbury. Samuel Thomas DEAKIN died 1912 in Canterbury 1917 Deakin & Sons, outfitters
No. 18 & 19 & 20 Sun Street (on the left)
No. 19 1860 AD - John Brent (& 1858 Ad Melville - minus last two lines) *living on Palace street in 1851 - Gideon Thomas Davis (Upholsterer, Auctioneer and Appraiser) 1858 Gideon Thomas DAVIS, cabinet maker and upholsterer and auctioneer, 19 Sun Street Gideon T. DAVIS, Upholsterer, Cabinet Maker & Auctioneer ^ James FINCH, Confectioner * 1889 T.S. Bourne & Co., sweet confectionery 1903 T. Bourne & Son, wholesale confectioners, retail (also at 64 Union St.) 1917 G. HOLTUM, Tobacconist 1956 Photocentre, Canterbury, 19 Sun Street, Colour Slides, Colour Film, Cameras, Open on Sundays, June to September. Tel. 2466
No. 20 George GILES, Shoe Seller ^ 1889 Harry BATEMAN, hairdresser & perfumer 1903 Henry Bradden BATEMAN, hair dresser
The first sign on the left says "Guildhall Chambers" although it is hard to read 1917 Guildhall Chambers, Ben TWYMAN, auctioneer, valuer and hotel broker (Ben was located at 8 St. Dunstan's Terrace c. 1902 - Mr. Ben Twyman, Auctioneer, Surveyor, and Appraiser. Brewery Agent, Hotel Broker & Valuer.) No. 20a 1889 H. P. Shears & Co. wholesale and retail tobacconists, 75 St. Dunstans street, and 20a Sun street. A choice assortment of silver mounted pipes & sticks, cigar and cigarette cases. Agent for the celebrated Egyptiennes cigarettes, Suez brand.
No. 21 *Business records including order books and an apprentice indenture (Bligh Bros.) is held by the Centre for Kentish Studies - Ref #U2103 Dyers Workshop ^ 1880 Kelly's Directory of the Leather Trades - Bligh Brothers, Coach & Carriage Builders, Sun Street; Works Northgate 1885 Kelly's Directory of the Leather Trades - Bligh Bros. listed under Carriage Builders, Sun Street; Works, Northgate 1889 Bligh Bros., carriage builders Bligh Bros., Carriage Manufacturers, Canterbury, The Canterbury Car designed and manufactured by Bligh Bros.; mounted on three long springs. 19 Gold and Silver Medals Awarded. 80 to 100 Carriages on View. Show Rooms, Sun Street. 1902/3 Bligh Bros., Show Rooms, Sun Street near the Cathedral Gate. 100 Carriages in Stock. Broughams, Victorias, Landaus, &c. Designers of the Canterbury Car and the Phaeton. 30 Medals awarded. Aug. 2, 1913 (Kentish Gazette and Canterbury Press) Opening of Additional Premises. 21, Sun Street for Household Linens, Curtains, Blankets and of Furnishings..... Wm. Lefevre, Ltd., Sun Street & Guildhall Street. Telephone 238. Canterbury. 1917 William Lefevre, Drapers
No. 22 1838 AD 1838 Richard SAVEL, 22 Sun Street, listed under Tobacconists & Cigar Divans *he sold Grimstones Eye Snuff (R. SAVEL, No. 22, Sun Street, Canterbury, Agent for the above Snuff) 1839 Richard SAVEL, Tobacconist, 22 Sun Street Stephen GILHAM, Perfumer ^ 1889 E. HOWARD, Baker May 1896 - Safety (Lady's) cushion tyre in good condition, £7 bargain. BATES, 22 Sun Street, Canterbury 1903 Alfred BATES, cycle & gun maker 1917 Edward PEMBRY, Confectioner
No. 23 1838 Nathan JACOBS, Stationer, 23 Sun Street 1838 Nathan JACOBS, listed under Ironmongers and Hardwaremen, 23 Sun Street 1840 Nathaniel JACOBS, Hardwareman 1889 John SCOTT & Son, dyers 1903 John SCOTT and Son, dyers & cleaners 1917 SCOTT & Son (ltd.) dyers: H. Stanley, Manager
No. 24 Charles H. HAYES, Printer 1889 W. H. HAYES, Printer *likely should read C. H. Hayes 1903 W.T. England, accountant, business transfer & house agent & valuer, Insurance Broker and Mortgage Broker. Sales by Auction and Private Treaty Arranged. Stocks take. Debts Collected. Loans Procured. Arrangements made with creditors. 1903 General Employment Agency, servants' registry office 1917 Deakin and Sons, outfitters June 30, 1826 Thomas TAYLOR cordwainer of Canterbury and John James WILLIAMSON, leather cutter of Canterbury leased a premises from the Dean and Chapter June 30, 1836 same as above with a ground plan. CCA-DCc-BB/45/60 June 30, 1846, Lease, Thomas TAYLOR, cordwainer of Canterbury and James WHITE, Upholsterer of Canterbury and James WORSFOLD, gentleman of Dover. CCA-DCc-BB/45/61-62
1805-7 William BASKERVILLE, corn chandler (see Broad Street) *1806 there was a marriage of a Mr. William BASKERVILLE to a Miss R. LAURENCE at Canterbury (not necessarily related) James BLACKLEY, shoemaker (1840 Pigot at 3 Sun street) Jonathan BUNDOCK, staymaker William CHALK, hatter Cooper CHAPMAN, draper and taylor John CHAPMAN, baker John DYCE, brazier James ELVEY, shoemaker Henry GEE, cutler William HARNETT, currier and leather cutter John KEELER, china warehouse William KNOWLES, upholsterer Mary SABINE, cloaths warehouse Thomas STURGES, porter, ale and coal merchant WARNER and RANYARD, linen drapers, mercers and hosiers James WHITE and Sons, upholsterers &c. Stephen WILLIAMSON, shoemaker
1824 WHITE, WHITE AND GOULDEN, St. George's Street & Sun Street - Listed under Auctioneers Henry NISBETT (leather cutter), Sun Street - Listed under Curriers & Leather Cutters John James WILLIAMSON, Sun Street - Listed under Curriers & Leather Cutters James BLACKLEY, Sun street - Listed under Boot & Shoe Makers Thomas TAYLOR, Sun street - Listed under Boot & Shoe Makers
1830 Poll book Thomas TAYLOR, Senior, Sun Street, Cordwainer Thomas TAYLOR, Junior, Sun Street, Cordwainer Henry WARD, Sun Street, Printer John AVERY, Sun Street, Brazier Samuel SOUTHEE, Sun Street, Chemist James HOMERSHAM, Sun Street, Hairdresser James BLACKLEY, Sun Street, Cordwainer *unpolled - George WHITE, Upholsterer James WHITE, Upholsterer
*1838 Whites and Goulden, St. George's and Sun Street, Listed under Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers *1838 Johnathan BUNDOCK, Senior, listed under Tea Dealers, Sun Street (also listed under Stay and Corset Makers)
1840's John HAVMAN, Linen draper James HALL, Draper *1838 James HALL, listed under Commissioners of Pavements James BLACKLEY, Shoemaker John WILLIAMSON, Currier Robert FILL, Inn Keeper George SIMS, Corn Dealer Charlotte CHAPMAN, Baker October 7, 1843, The Jurist - Charlotte Chapman, St. Alphage, Canterbury, Baker. Court House Canterbury (city), Oct. 25th at 10 Stephen GILHAM, Hair Dresser Hambrook LAUTHER, Hoyman William WELLBY, Tinman
1838 David MATHEWS, Listed under Commissioners of Pavement, Sun Street James WHITE, Listed under Commissioners of Pavement, Sun Street John James WILLIAMSON, Listed under Commissioners of Pavement, Sun Street *(also listed under Churchwarden of St. Alphage of Palace Street) Thomas Corke KNELL, Independent West Middlesex (Fire, Life & Annuity), Sun Street 1838 Mrs. LEWIS, Sun Street, listed under Tobacconists & Cigar Divans
WTHBH - Sept 14, 1872 - Alarm of fire at Sun Street - Wednesday at noon some smoke was seen issuing from a bedroom at the back part of the premises occupied by Mr. Hutchesson, dyer in Sun Street. On the female in charge of the business, with two assistants, entering the room, it was found to proceed from some of the contents having caught alight. But little damage was however done.
1. Life and history of Betty Bolaine, (late of Canterbury) A well known character for parsimony and vice, scarcely equalled in the annals of avarice and depravity; interspersed with original poetry. Second edition. Published by Henry Ward, 14, Sun Street. 1832, Written by Elizabeth Burgess 2. "A Sermon preached in Canterbury Cathedral on Thursday, September the 17th, 1835, being the One Hundred and Twenty-third Anniversary of the King's School Feast Society. By William Grant Broughton, M.A., Archdeacon of New South Wales, and its Dependencies. Published by desire of the Meeting. Canterbury: Henry Ward, No. 14, Sun Street |
© T. Machado