~ ST. GEORGE'S STREET ~ CANTERBURY St. George the Martyr Cricket Week, St. George's Street - Posted from Canterbury August 27th, 1915....to Mr. G. HOOKER, 46 Stockwell Park Road, London....arrived safely, grand weather, been through some lovely country since last card to Mother...A.H.
1843 map above showing St. George's Street
"Death at Canterbury, aged 87, Mary, relict of Capt. G. H. Cadman, R.N." The Gentlemen's Magazine 1842 (Mary Cadman) *living in St. George's Street in 1841 next to Richard Frend and Henry Clements
c. 1826 *see Parade for more information "Monday, 18th. The sum of 73l. 7s. being the total of the subscriptions at the King's Arms Library, Canterbury, for supplying the British troops in Flanders with necessary winter clothing, was transmitted to John HERIOT, esq. the agent in London. 73l. 13s. 6d. was also this day subscribed at Ashford, for the same laudable and benevolent purpose." KR1793
1818 - Kent The election of mayor of Canterbury has taken place when Alderman Cowtan was chosen, in opposition to Alderman Warren. The spirit of the late election for members of parliament was revived, the unsuccessful alderman having made a general canvass of the freemen, and being supported by the interest of Mr. Lushington. Not-withstanding, the independent interest prevailed, and at the close of the poll the numbers stood for Alderman Cowtan 417 Alderman Warren 373 G. Cramp & Co. Distillers & Rectifiers of British Spirits & Compounds. Courtesy of a frequent visitor to the site.
Thursday, January 14, 1830 - Bankrupt's Names - M. Cowtan, Canterbury, bookseller and stationer, list 2, To audit 2 pr. Crowder & Co. Lothbury
Mr. Charles Plane Cowtan, Canterbury. Subscriber to "Consuetudines Kanciae" by Charles Sandys 1851
"Death, August 14th, at the house of her son-in-law, in Holborn, aged 70, Ann-Elizabeth, widow of Mr. Mawer Cowtan, of the British Museum, and formerly bookseller of Canterbury, in which city he twice filled the office of chief magistrate." The Gentlemen's Magazine 1855
Photo of St. George's Street courtesy of Paul Crampton www.paulcramptonbooks.co.uk/
"Died at her house in St. George's Street, Canterbury, aged 62, Mrs. Anne HAMMOND, eldest and only surviving daughter of the late William Hammond esq. of St. Alban's Court, Nonington, Kent, who died 1773, by Charlotte, daughter and co-heir of William Egerton, LL.D. &c. &c. Her moral and religious character has seldom been equalled, much less excelled. For many years she devoted herself, with unceasing assiduity, to the sick bed of her sister, who died in 1804; and from the hour that death separated them her own health seem to decay; and she could not break the habits of seclusion to which she had consigned herself. Her understanding was strong by nature, and improved by constant exercise. She read, and thought much; and her opinions were consulted and regarded with high respect by those who had admission to her; for, though she did not, in her latter life, visit others, her own doors were open to all her friends. To be brief; her uncommon sisterly affection, her piety and conscientious conduct, made her venerable while living, and will long render her memory sacred." The Gentlemen's Magazine 1807 (Historical Chronicle, for the year MDCCCVII Volume LXXVII, part the second
from a letter written 1745....I wish you a good journey to Houghton, and a safe return to Cambridge; and if you please to favour me with a line at any time within a fortnight, be pleased to direct it to me at Mr. Shrubsole's, in St. George's street in Canterbury. I am, &c. Rich. Warren - Illustrations of the literary history 1822
The Penny Sunday Reader - printed by C.W. Banks, St. George's Street, Canterbury 1837
Mrs. Burgess, This authoress, a shopkeeper in St. George's Street, Canterbury, wrote one play, several times acted in that city called, "The Oaks; or, The Beauties of Canterbury". C. 8vo. 1780 Biographia Dramatica 1812
"September, Death at her house in St. George's Street, Canterbury, after a lingering illness, in her 52nd year, Mrs. Field, a maiden lady." The Gentlemen's Magazine 1799 Died at Canterbury (January 1814), Mrs. Hart, of St. George's Street. - The Monthly Magazine 1813 pg. 565 Partnership Dissolved. George Curteis, Henry Kingsford, and H. C. Kingsford, Canterbury, attornies at law, solicitors, and conveyancers. The Jurist July 20, 1844 Married. October 1818. Henry Kingsford, esq. of Canterbury to Miss Louisa Coare of Tottenham.
No. 1 James JOYCE, Draper & 1882 Edward Knight & Co. Silk Mercers, Linen Drapers & Millinery warehouse 1889 Martin & Snell Drapers & Milliners early 1900's ad - 1 St. George's Street, F.W. Martin, Canterbury The Newest Styles. Popular Prices Mantles, Millinery, Costumes Every Requisite for Ladies' and Children's Wear High Class Dressmaking. Charges Moderate. Departments: Silks, Dresess, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Lace and Fancy Drapery. Departments: Corsets, Underclothing, Calicoes, Sheetings, Lace Curtains, Blankets, Household Linen. 1905 AD 1907, July 20th, Martin's Great Sale is now proceeding. Everything reduced. 1 and 2 St. George's Street, Canterbury. 1922 Martins (Canterbury) Ltd. Silk Mercers and Costumiers. Spacious showrooms. On the ground floor Costumes. Gowns. Blouses. Gold Coats, Jumbers, Tailored Skirts. Dressmakig by expert fitters. Millinery Salon - Original Models. Agents for "Jay" & "Glenster" Specialits in Lingerie, Corsets, Gloves, Distinctive Hosiery. Furs, Umbrellas, Scarves. 1 & 2 St. Georges Street, and Burgate Lane, Canterbury. 1925 Martins (Canterbury) Ltd. Martins Canterbury Ltd., Silk Mercers, Costumiers and General Drapers, from an invoice, courtesy of a frequent visitor to the site
Burgate Lane
No. 2 1839 Edwin Samuel HARDEMAN, Watchmaker, 2 St. George Street 1840 Pigot's directory - Samuel Edwin Hardeman Watchmaker Mr. Edwin Samuel HARDEMAN, Canterbury, Subscriber to "Conseutudines Kanciae" by Charles Sandys 1851 Edwin S. Hardeman % 70s - early 1880's William T. Hill, Hosier & Hatter 1882 - 1890's Thomas MEDHURST, Shirt Maker, Hosier & Outfitter 1882 Ad 1903 Edward Page, Hatter, Hosier & Shirt maker 1907, July 20th, Martin's Great Sale is now proceeding. Everything reduced. 1 and 2 St. George's Street, Canterbury. 1917 No. 1 & 2 St. George's Street F.W. Martin draper, silk mercer costumier, and ladies outfitter 1925 Martins (Canterbury) Ltd., & Burgate Lane
No. 3 1860 Ad - T.H. Pierce, 3, Saint George's Street, Canterbury, next St. George's Hall, General Furnishing Ironmonger, and Manufacturer of Stoves and Kitchen Ranges. Bell-hanging and Gas-fitting in all its branches by experienced workmen. Agent for the "Leamington Kitchener," - A SURE CURE FOR A SMOKY CHIMNEY. Dealer in French Moderator Lamps, and every Novelty in the Trade. A very large assortment of Ivory and Bone-handled Table Knives and Forks, and Fancy Cutlery of the best warranted makes. Electro Plated Goods, &c. Baths of every description. Galvanized Wire Netting. Fenders, Fire Irons, &c. &c. &c. (John Brent) Thomas Henry Pierce, Subscriber to "Consuetudines Kanciae" by Charles Sandys 1851 1850's - 70's Thomas Henry Pierce, Ironmonger 1889 Wm. Tice, Ironmonger & Hot Water Engineer May 1897 - Advert for the "James Cycles" William Tice has secured the Agency for Canterbury and surrounding neighbourhood for this celebrated Cycle, which is only made in one grade, and that the highest. The James Lady's Safety. Model C. Weight, 30 pounds, List £30. Cash price with any pneumatic Tyre, £18 18s...William Tice, Cycle Depot, 3, St. George's Street, Canterbury. Telephone:-No. 62 1900's William Tice. Ironmonger, Hot Water & Sanitary Engineer, Agent for the Leamington Prize Kitchener. Hot and Cold Baths, Hydraulic machinery, Deep well pumps and all kinds of Agricultural Impliments. 3, St. George's Street Canterbury. Prospectus free by post. 1917 Tice and Co. (C. J. Brodie and R. M. Pudney) Ironmongers 1925 Philpott & Son, Electrical Engineers
No. 4 1855 A. Ginder, St. George's Hall (Hodson's booksellers, publishers and stationers' directory) 1855 Church of England Young Men's Literary Institution, St. George's Hall; Rev. H. Curtis, Secretary; James Reed, Librarian - Hodson's Booksellers, publishers and stationers directory for London and County 1855 1858 County Assembly Rooms (A. Ginder, Proprietor) 1860 - 70's A. Ginder, Agent for Canterbury, Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Company (& Bookseller) 1860 Ad - Visitors to Canterbury should not leave without possessing a Copy of Ginder's View of the Cathedral Done in the first style of Chromo-Lithography. Just Published: Price 5s., Carefully Packed for Travelling. To be had at the Railway Stations at Canterbury, Ramsgate, and Ashford. And of the Publisher, St. George's Hall, Canterbury. May 1863 A. GINDER, Canterbury (Books Wanted) The Jurist. Vols. 1, 2 3. Tolfrey's Sportsman in Brittany. Garrod's Materia Medica. October 1863 A. GINDER, Canterbury. (Books Wanted) Sturm's Morning and Evening Devotions, by Huish. 2 vols. 8 vo. Appleyard Ginder, Bookseller & Pianofortes Tuned and Repaired Tunigs 3s. 6d. each, or by the year 21s. Apply at A. Ginder's Musical Repository, St. George's Street, Canterbury. (KG April 12, 1870) Nancy Ginder (w), Bookseller * 1882 Guardian Insurance Agents - A. Ginder *Appleyard Ginder died 1880 1882 Appleyard Ginder, Stationer, printer & book and music seller 1889 St. George's Hall, Proprieter, N.Ginder *see 45 St. George's Street John P. Holder, Caretaker Lloyds Bank ) 1917 St. George's Hall, YMCA Headquarters, secretary A. W. Hayes 1917 Canterbury Bread and Confectionery Co. R. W. Cousins
No. 5 OLD RECTORY HOUSE / VICARAGE HOUSE William Best, Musician in ordinary to her majesty queen victoria % Charles J. A. Deane, Retired Major from the Madras Army & To be Let - St. George's Rectory House, by the year (either furnished or unfurnished). 2 sitting rooms, 5 bedrooms, good offices and garden. Frederick Keyes. Auctioneer & Appraiser, accountant, house and Estate Agent, 29, Westgate Within, Canterbury (KG April 12, 1870) 1882 Mrs. Emma Epton Harrison, Ladies' Boarding School, Old Rectory House, St. George's Street 1882 John Harrison Professor of Music, Old Rectory house St. George's Street *his wife Emma is a School Principal 1884 - Private School, St. George's Street, Old Rectory House, Mrs. E. C. Harrison - From Our Schools and Colleges, F.S. Dumaresq de Carteret-Bisson 1889 Mrs. E. M. Wilkinson, Apartments, Old Rectory House Dec 20, 1894, Coals, Coals, Coals. Charles Breeze, late R. BETTS and Son, Coal Merchant. 5 St. George's Street (Old Rectory) and L.C. & D.R. Railway Station, Canterbury. Prices on Application. Dec 1896 - Charles BREEZE (late R. Betts & Son ?Rueben), Coal and Coke Merchant, 5, St. George's St. and Wincheap St. Canterbury WTHBB - Saturday, July 22, 1899 - we are pleased to hear that Mr. W. J. Attwater, solicitor, of Stratford and Forest Gate (formerly of Faversham), brother-in-law of Mr. C. Breeze, of St. George's Street, Canterbury, has been appointed Clerk to the Justices of the Beacontree Division of Essex - the largest county divsion in England. 1900's Charles BING, Pharmaceutical Chemist and Mineral Water Maker 1903 Charles BING 1917 The Old Rectory House, Charles BING Showing the White Lion Inn on the left beside the church (where the clock is) A postcard in my collection showing teh Band of the Dragoon Guards on the day of the French Gymnast visit, July 2, 1907 No. 6 WHITE LION INN 1828-1829 Pigot's Mary GILLMAN, WHITE LION in St. George's Street Pigots 1832/33/34 Pubs/Inns Kent - James GILLMAN,
WHITE LION, St. George's Street 1837 "The Druids meet at the White Lion, St. George's, every monday evening at nine o'clock" WTHBH - Saturday, March 1, 1890 - "The work of pulling down the old WHITE LION public house in St. George's Street, preparatory to rebuilding and setting back, has commenced this week. Thus a much needed improvement in the main thoroughfare of hte city will shorlty be effected. Cap Geo BENTHAM, 6 St. George's Street (date?) Thomas TAYLOR, Victualler (c. 1840 - 1850+) Caroline HOPPER & 1882 Charles COX 1889 Alfred BUSLEY 1900's Albert E. BUSBY 1917 William GRANT
No. 7 James Hendrick, Master Butcher % James Barnell, Butcher & 1881 to at least 1882 Herbert Curling, Butcher March 5th, Ella Curling age 1 year and 11 months, eldest child of Mr. H. Curling, Butcher, died at St. George's Street *Herbert moved to Herne, Kent 1889 Edward Hedgecock, Butcher 1890's - 1900's Robert WEEKES, Butcher 1917 Edward Fairbrass, Family Butcher, Best English Meat Only No. 7 onwards
The Longmarket (1960's to 1990's) No. 8 Sophia WHITE, Upholstress % Alfred GOODBAN, Carver and Gilder & 1882 Alfred Goodban, 8 St. George's Street, Gilder and Picture Frame Maker, Drawings mounted & Paintings Restored. Dealer in all kinds of pictures. Old frames regilt equal to new. Dealer in all kinds of Artists' Materials, and Colorman, &c. 1889 A. Goodban, gilder and picture dealer & artist's colourman *moved to no. 50 1900's Thomas Mitchley, Manager Tobacco Shop 1917 F. and G. Moyes, Boot Stores date? W. George & Son , 8 St. George's Street (13a Lower Bridge Street, Canterbury and High Street, Farningham, Kent)
A view of St. George's Street
No. 9 Charles HORSNAIL, Corn Dealer % George NASH, Tailor & 1882 Thomas FOX, Watch, clock & chronometer maker, jeweller & silversmith (moved to Parade/Mercery Lane) Established 1885 - 1889 Frank INGE, Fishmonger 1902/03 Frank INGE, Fishmonger, Poulterer, and Ice Merchant. Licenced dealer in game *living at Lyndhurst in Whitstable Road WTHBH Aug 4, 1906 - F. INGE Poulterer, Fishmonger, and Dealer in Game, 9, St. George's Street, Canterbury has a constant supply of Fresh Fish and Poultry Daily, from the best markets. Orders promptly attended to, Lake Ice in any quantity.
No. 10 1838 George SMALL (Tailor and habit maker), 10 St. George's Street 1838 Kentish Gazette (C.) published on Tuesday, printer & publisher, Robert SMITHSON, 10 St. George's Street 1839 George SMALL, Woollen Draper, 10 St. George Street 1842 - "Printed at the Kentish Observer Office" 10, St. George's Street William GOODWIN, Confectioner % 1870's - 80's Eliza TILBE, Confectioner 1882 Edwin INGE, Confectioner 10 St. George's Street and 4 Canterbury Lane 1889 Frank INGE, Confectioner 1894, F. INGE Poulterere, Fishmonger, and Dealer in Game, 9, St. Geroge's Street Canterbury has a constant supply of Fresh Fish & Poultry Daily from the best markets orders promptly attended to, Lake ice in any quantity. Newspaper AD 1903 Frank INGE, Confectioner *living at Lyndhurst in Whitstable Road 1917 - 1925 Gambell & Son, clothiers (selling meridian underwear) (Kentish Gazette & Canterbury Press, April 8, 1933) Gambell & Son, Agents for "232" Grey Flanel Trousers and "Sandom" Handycoats. 10, St. George's Street, Canterbury
No. 10 1/2 1847 James Hinkley Dunning, Ironmonger 10 1/2 St. George's St. James H. Dunning, Ironmonger &
No. 11 Samuel DUNNING, Carpenter % Edmund G. HOOK, Silk Mercer & Frederick V. Sheldon, Ironmonger * 1882 Fred Sheldon, Agricultural implement dealer, wholesale ironmonger & iron merchant, shop fitter, hot water & gas engieer, oil & color & lamp warehouse & metal trades valuer, 11 St. George's Street 1889 F.M. Pratt, wholesale ironmonger and merchant early 1900's to at least 1925 Gambell & Son, clothiers (selling meridian underwear) 1917 Gambell & Son, Outfitters
No. 12 John Hobday, Plumber, Painter and Glaizer etc.% Catherine Holman, China Dealer & Edmund A. Hook, Silk Mercer & Draper * 1889 - 1903 Hook, Garwood & Sons Merchant Drapers (Thomas P. Hook) No. 12 & 13 c. 1903 Lemington Aldous, Silk Mercer, Linen Draper, Costumier & Haberdasher. Extensive well-lighted shops and showrooms, wedding, colonial & Indian outfits, Dressmaking, fit guaranteed, latest fashions. outfits. Fashionable Mourning. Layettes.
No. 13 1847 Joseph Headdey, Hoyman, 13 St. George's Street John Headdey, Hoyman % 1858 Charles M. Drayson, Confectioner, Tea Dealer, Tailor & Tobacconist, St. George's Street (no address listed) 1865 Charles Millington Drayson July 15th, 1865 Chas. M. DRAYSON, 13 St. George's Street (No. 1549) Poll for the two knights of the shire, voted Dering (parish of qualification - Saint Mary Bredin) Kelsham Fullager, Confectioner & Edmund A. Hook, Silk Mercer & Draper * 1903 Hook, Garwood & Sons Merchant Drapers (Thomas P. Hook) 1917 East Kent Conservative and Unionist Association
No. 14 William & Edward CROW, Plane Makers % Edward CROW, Plane Maker & John Crow, Cutler Mrs. Catherine Holman, China & Glass Dealer * 1889 - to at least 1900's M. & L. Holman, China & Glass Warehouse (Mary & Lizzie) 1917 C. B. PETTIT, Tobaconnist
No. 15 Thomas Goulden, Upholster & Cabinet Maker % *Will of Thomas Goulden, Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer of Canterbury, Kent (May 8, 1857) 1852 Thomas GOULDEN (a) Canterbury, Nov 1852 The Poll for the Knights of the Shire to Represent the Eastern Division of the County of Kent taken the 16th and 17th of July 1852 1858 Drury and Biggleston Ironmongers, Founders, Engineers, and Agricultural Implement Makers of St. George's Street (no address listed) Henry M. Bigglestone, Iron Merchant & Kelsham Fullager, Tobacconist * 1889 C. B. Pettit, Tobacconist (Cornelius) *married 1891 Elizabeth Markland 1903 Cornelius Bird Pettit, Tobacconist *Cornelius is the son of Samuel B. Pettit 1917 A. V. Abson, Confectioner 1925 C.B. Pettit, Tobacconist 1927 C. B. PETTIT, Tobacconist, 15 St. George's Street, Canterbury (phone book)
No. 16 1832 ROSE, Elizabeth CLEMENTS 1838 William FOREMAN (Saddler and Harness Maker and cap maker) 16 St. George's Street Sophia & Elizabeth CHEESMAN, School Mistresses % John K. KRINGLE, Accountant & Edward CROW, Cutler & Plane Maker * 1882 Edward CROW, Cutler *was a death of a Edward CROW age 66 in May of 1882 1889 E. CROW, Plane Maker & Cutler 1890's Ann CROW Death, May 12th at 16 St. George's Street, Canterbury, Ann widow of the late Edward CROW, aged 80. 1903 John CROW, Cutler 1917 - 18 John CROW, Cutler Photo of St. George's Street courtesy of Paul Crampton www.paulcramptonbooks.co.uk/ Showing no. 17/18 on the left closest to the camera W.G. AUSTEN, Stationer & Printer (noted on window, circulating library) On the right you can see the sign for "Ginders Library" and Robertsons High Class Teeth
No. 17 Frederick BELLINGHAM, Draper & Tailor % 1852 Frederick BELLINGHAM (a) Canterbury, Nov 1852 The Poll for the Knights of the Shire to Represent the Eastern Division of the County of Kent taken the 16th and 17th of July 1852 1865 Poll for two knights of the shire..."name of voter and residence" 1721, BELLINGHAM, Frederick, St. George's Street, Canterbury, listed under parish of St. Peter (it is the parish of qualification) Voted for B, K three candidates: Sir Edward Cholmeley Dering, Bart. - Sir Brook William Bridges, Bart. - Sir Norton Joseph Knatchbull, Bart. George F. (Frederick) Bellingham, Tailor & 1873 *Frederick BELLINGHAM, return of owners of land - Canterbury - Extent of Lands 17, 2, - , Gross Estimated Rental 40 - 1882 Drury & Biggleston, Engineers, Iron & Brass founders, agricultural implement makers, hot water & gas engineers, ironmongers, smtihs, & oil & colour & lamp depot, offices 22 St. George's Street; warehouse, 17 St. George's Street; foundry High Street 1889 Collard & Broughton, solicitors & Offices of the Canterbury Agricultural Hall Company Ltd. as well as Drury & Biggleston, machine and implement warehouse 1890's - 1900's Walter Fedarb, Law Solicitor's Clerk 1903 Horace Broughton, Solicitor & agent to the Westminster Fire Office and secretary to Canterbury Agricultural Hall Co. Limited 1917 W. G. Austen, Stationer 1920 - 1925 W. G. Austen, Stationer & Printer April 1933 F. R. W. Berry, F.A.I. Auctioneer, Surveyor, Valuer and Estate Agent
No. 18 1828/29 George Cram, Spirit Merchant 1838 John CARTER, listed under Linen and Woollen Drapers, Haberdashers, Silk Mercers &c., 18 St. George's Street Richard NYE, Fishmonger % & 1882 Mrs. Lilla KNIGHT, Milliner 1885 Kelly's Directory of the Leather Trades - Albert URRY, listed under Saddlers & Harness Makers 1889 Albert URRY, Saddler 1890's Charles JENNINGS, Saddler & Harnes Maker 1900's to at least 1903 Walter George AUSTEN, Stationer & Printer 1906 Walter George AUSTEN, 18 St. George's Street - 1850 - Circulating Library. Telephone 0191 1917 Canterbury Gas & Water Co. Frederick GARNER (resident)
No. 19 James DUNN, Boot Maker % Isodor Veuner (Veriner) Watch maker & Jeweller & 1882 to at least 1889 Bellingham & Newman, Military Tailors & gentlemen's outfitters Samuel NEWMAN, Tailor ( Louisa J. Newman, Lodging House Keeper ) 1903 Bellingham & Newman Tailors 1917 Bellingham & Newman, Tailors (Mrs. Newman) (Kentish Gazette & Canterbury Press, April 8, 1933) Nurse Brockett, S.R., Member College of Nursing, certificates covering 11 years, thoroughly experienced, seeks work, permanent or otherwise. 19A, St. George's Street, Canterbury
Iron Bar Lane
No. 20 *property of James SIMMONDS by conveyance of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury c. 1800's 1838 Kentish Observer, (C) published on Thrusday, printer and publisher William MUDFORD, 20 St. George's Street 1838 Farmers Journal (C.) published on Saturday, printer and publisher, William MUDFORD, 20 St. George's Street 1839 Thomas Corke KNELL, Woollen Draper, 20 St. George Street John George Drury, Ironmonger % 1858 Ad - Drury & Biggleston, wholesale and furnishing Ironmongers, founders, smiths, engineers, gas-fitters, and agricultural implement makers. Every description of Agricultural Implements and Machinery obtained and sold at the Manufacturers' prices. Agents for M'Neill's patent felt for roofing. etc. etc. John George Drury, Iron Merchant & 1882 Henry Miskin, Hardwareman 38, & furniture warehouse 20 St. George's Street 1889 Henry Miskin, Furnishing and Carpet Warehouse 1890's William H. Miskin, General Furnishings Warehouseman 1917 William Stephenson, Tailor
No. 21 *property of James SIMMONDS by conveyance of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury c. 1800's 1838 Mrs. Ann GROOMBRIDGE (BEDFORD HOUSE) Straw Hat Manufacturer, 21 St. George's Street James NASH, Brush Maker % 1858 ad - James Nash (established 1840) Brush maker, basket & Mat manufacturer, (Opposite Waterloo House) Brushes, Mats Sieves, and Cooperage. Baskets of every description made to order & repaired. 1860 AD - James Nash, Wholesale & Retail Brush 7 Basket Manufacturer, 21, St. George's Street, Canterbury. Established 1840. James Nash, Brush Maker ^ 1880's St. George's School House - William R. Hicks, Schoolmaster, Elementary 1882 William Potter, Confectioner, 21 St. George's Lane 1889 Mrs. Potter, Sweet Confectioner 1917 Maypole Dairy Co. Ltd. S. W. Bradley, Manager July 2, 1921 - Mr. Frank Amos offered several lots of freehold property for sale at the Royal Fountain Hotel, Canterbury on Wednesday afternoon. Nos. 21 St. George's Street was not sold and can be treated for privately. No. 22 *property of James SIMMONDS by conveyance of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury c. 1800's 1882 Drury & Biggleston, Engineers, Iron & Brass founders, agricultural implement makers, hot water & gas engineers, ironmongers, smtihs, & oil & colour & lamp depot, offices 22 St. George's Street; warehouse, 17 St. George's Street; foundry High Street 1889 Drury & Biggleston, Ironmongers and Merchants 1917 H. M. Biggleston and Sons, Ironmongers (Henry Moss Biggleston) 1922 F. R. Biggleston, Wholesale & Retail Ironmonger est. 1835. Wholesale & Retail Ironmonger. General Ironmongery - Tinware, Copper Ware, Enamelled Ware, Garden Tools, Lamps, Knife machines, Galvanised pails and baths. Aluminum Ware - Kettles, Frypans, Double Milk Saucepans, Saucepans with G. M. Handles, Tumblers, Fish Slicers, Egg Cups, Tea Strainers, Preserving Pans. We stock a very large assortment of Bar Iron and Stell, also Sheet, which we cannot show in windows.
No. 23 1838 Susan ADAMS, 23 St. Geroge's Street, Listed under Foreign Fruit Merchants WTHBH - Sept 14, 1872 - Births, September 7, at 23, St. George's Street, the wife of Mr. H. J. Hammond, of a son, stillborn. Henry James Hammond, occupier of 23 St. George's Street, St. Andrew's, Canterbury, ordered to fix a pipe on the roof of the house which allowed water to fall on persons walking beneath and flooding the footpath - CCA 1882 James NASH, Manufacturer of brushes & baskets; warehouse, 23 St. George's Street; factory Old Dover Road 1889 to at least 1900's James Nash, Brush and Basket Manufacturer and Warehouse 1917 J. Nash, Brush Works
No. 24 1832 - 1851 Ann Frend & George Frend, Wine & Spirit Merchants Edwin Frend, Articled Solicitor's Clerk % Edwin Frend, Esq. Canterbury - Subscriber to "Conseutudines Kanciae" by Charles Sandys 1851 1882 Joseph Edward Tripp b. c. 1821, Bath Somerset, Hatter (mother Mary Tripp was a Hatter also, sister Sarah, brother George William) *in Staines Middlesex in 1881 *A marriage 1845 in Newington Surrey, Eliza Nash *Death 1890 Thanet, Kent age c. 70 *A Joseph Tripp, St. George's Canterbury, Hatter - 1830 Poll of Electors 1884 George Royle Frend, next to the Corn Exchange, St. George's street., (listed under wine & spirit merchants) *Marriage, October 16, 1861, At Kensington, George Royle Frend, esq., of Canterbury to Eliza Laura, daughter of Henry Kingsford, esq., of Queen's Gate Gardens, late of Littlebourne, Kent. 1889 to at least 1903 W. Stephenson, Ladies and Gentlemen's Tailor. Ladies' Tailoring a speciality 1917 The Worlds Stores Ltd. F. J. Smith, Manager
No. 25 1828/29 George Frend, Spirit Merchant 1830 George Frend, Wine Merchant - St. George's - The Poll of the Electors 1834 - Corporate Officers - George Frend, Wine Merchant, dead 1889 - 1900's Charles Wilson, Pastry Cook & Confectioner and Restaurant 1917 Charles Wilson, Dining Rooms 1925 National & Provincial Bank 1925 St. George's Private Hotel (Miss Wilson), over National & Provincial Bank, entrance through bank door
No. 26 1838 Francis MILLS (Saddler and Harness Maker) 26 St. George's Street James Richardson, Saddler % Mr. G. R. Frend, St. George's, Canterbury. Member of the Kent Archaeological Society 1862 Archaeologia Cantiana 1862 1858 S. T. Bunce, Brush, Rope-Mat, Sieve, Malt, Shovel, Corn Bushel, and Butter Churn Manufacturer, and turner in general, 26, Parade, Canterbury. Improved Cricket Bats, Balls, Fishing Rods and Tackle, Racquets, Balls. Archery Warehouse. Samuel J. Bunce, Turner and Shop Keeper & 1882 George Royle Frend, Wine & Spirit merchant, St. George's street next to the corn exchange *Marriage, October 16, 1861, At Kensington, George Royle Frend, esq., of Canterbury to Eliza Laura, daughter of Henry Kingsford, esq., of Queen's Gate Gardens, late of Littlebourne, Kent. 1889 George Herbert Frend, Wine & Spirit merchant 1903 Hilton C. Price, Wine, spirit and cigar merchant, next to Corn exchange 1917 The Union of London and Smiths Bank, John Galt Esq. Manager
No. 26a 1917 J. H. G. Hamilton, Wine Merchant
CORN & HOP EXCHANGE and MARKET 1917 J. Johnson, Attendant
No. 27 Charles Hudson, Corn Chandler % Henry T. Foreman, Corn dealer & 1882 John Friend Bunce, Cricketing Outfitter & Brush Maker 1889 Mr. J. F. BUNCE, 27 St. George's Street, Canterbury - Fishing Tackle Makers 1889 to at least 1903 John Friend Bunce, Cricket outfitter, (athletic, cricketing &c. outfitter)
No. 28 1838 Charles MASON, Silversmith, 28 St. George's Street 1839 Charles MASON, Watchmaker, 28 St. George's Street Edwin CARLEY, Brewer & 1889 H. E. TAYLOR, corn, seed and foreign fruit merchant 1903 Taylor Brothers, Corn, Seed & Fruit merchants (also at 6 Sun street & Ivy lane) 1917 Taylor Brothers, Corn, Seed and Fruit Merchants 1922 - Taylor's "Reliable!" Seeds & Bulbs. If you wish for the highest quality Flower and Vegetable Seeds we have them. Our list contains full information as to quantity of seeds to sow and the best time to plant. We shall be pleased to send a copy anywhere in the World, post free. Our Bulb list is also post free on request: this contains the best and fullest list of all varieties of Bulbs. Taylor Brothers, Seed Merchants & Growers, Bulb Importers. Parade, Canterbury.
No. 29 James BEER Kate BEER and Julianna Beer, Governessess & 1882 C. Mason & Son, Goldsmiths, Silversmiths & Watch makers 1889 Mason & Son, Watchmakers & Jewllers George Liddle, Jewellers Assistant (gold), Frank Dilliston, Watchmaker ( 1903 T. Benton Blain, Manager of Lloyds Bank Limited 1917 Lloyds Bank Limited; T. B. Blain Esq. Manager Sign and beautiful detail on the Lloyds Bank Building at the Corner of Butchery Lane & St. George's Street
Here is the entrance to Butchery Lane & on the opposite side of the street is Parade Across the street is Rose Lane and now we are onto building
No. 30 Peter J. CLEMITSON, Refreshment House Keeper & Liquidation by Arrangement. First Meetings of Creditors. Friday, November 1, 1872. Peter James Clemitson, Canterbury, Eating House Keeper, Nov. 13 at 12, at office of Sankey and Co., Castle Street, Canterbury. The Solicitors' Journal & Reporter Nov. 9, 1872 Henry James BEER, St Andrew's: occupier of
30 St George's Street Canterbury, failing to comply with a previous
order, from the Urban Sanitary Authority of the City & Borough
of Canterbury, to mark his house with a number. Fined: 1s plus 10s
6d costs and 1s expenses to the U.S.A. payable forthwith. If in default
of payment 7 days in the House of Correction St Augustine's Canterbury. 1889 James H. BEER, executors of grocers and tallow chandlers May 1897 - A Local Failure - Under the failure of William Doe, carrying on business at 30, St. George's Street, Canterbury and resideing at 35 Hanover place, hardwareman, the stement of affairs shows gross liabilites £916 10s. 6dl, and liabilities expected to rank £821 9s 2d. The assets are estimated to realise £496 19s 6d., and after deducting preferential claims the deficiency will be £359 11s. The causes of failure are stated to be "Insufficient capital, and severe competition and depression in trade."...The bankrupt commenced business at his present address in December, 1891, with a captal of £150 borrowed from his brother on the security of a bill of sale over his furniture and in respect of which the sum of £111 is stated to be now due....In 1867 the bankrupt was carrying on business at Dartford... 30 & 31 1900's Alfred G. BAKER Hotel Proprietor (Pub) 1905 AD 1917 G. Mount and Sons, Florists 1922 Proprietor C.G. SHEPPARD No. 31 Draper's Shop % Owner, George BAKER (est. 1874) 1882 George BAKER, Temperance Hotel 1889 George BAKER, Temperance Hotel 1890's TEMPERANCE HOTEL 30 & 31 1900's Alfred G. BAKER, Hotel Proprietor (Pub) 1903 Alfred G. BAKER, Temperance & Commercial hotel, opposite the Corn Exchange 1905 Bakers Temperance Hotel - A. G. Baker, Proprietor 1917 BAKERS Temperance Hotel, C. G. Sheppard 1922 Proprietor C.G. SHEPPARD 1927 Pilgrims Tea Rooms, 31 St. George's Street, Canterbury (phone book) c. 1927
No. 32 William David YOUNG, 32, St. George's Street, Canterbury - elected member of the Royal of England Agricultural Society May 7th, 1879 (British Farmers Magazine) 1882 County Fire & Provident Life Insurance Agents - W.G. Pidduck, district manager (William Gilbert Pidduck, Captain volunteer fire brigade) 1882 William David YOUNG, Estate Agent, Auctioneer & Valuer, 32 St. George's Street 1882 Midland Counties Insurance Agents - W.G. Pidduck 1882 Railway Passengers Insurance Agents - W.G. Pidduck 1882 William Gilbert PIDDUCK, Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes *William Gilbert Pidduck married Mary Ann Boorman in 1849 in Clerkenwell, Middlesex *William died in 1912 in Canterbury at age 87, buried in Westbere, Kent ? Patents 1314. William Gilbert Pidduck, Camberwell - Improvements in the construction of vent pegs. - Journal of the society of arts 1854 1882 The Headquarters of the Canterbury Volunteer Fire Brigade (formed in 1867) Engine House, White Horse Lane 1889 Jones West & Whitehead, Hopfactors 1917 D. H. Gaskain, Hop Factor 1917 A. BANISTER Hope Tavern Canterbury Club 1883-1939?
No. 33 Thomas Nightingale, Steward of "CANTERBURY CLUB" * 1882 "CANTERBURY CLUB" George Henry DeLasaux, Honorary Secretary 1889 directory "CANTERBURY CLUB" - 1889 Dir. - Canterbury Club - St. George's Street, Hon. Secretary, George Henry Delasaux; Assistant Secretary, F.G. Haines; Resident Steward, W. Millchard. 1917 Canterbury Club, Frank Amos, Secretary, G.W. Baker, Steward 1927 Phoenix Assurance Co. Ltd, 33 St George's Street, Canterbury (phone book)
No. 34 1838 Henry WOOLLWRIGHT, WATERLOO HOUSE, listed under Linen and Woollen Drapers, Haberdashers, Silk Mercers &c., 34, 36 and 37 St. George's Street William Dickeson, Wine Merchants manager * 1882 Samuel Hill Dean (of Sittingbourne), Wine Merchant 1884 S. Hill Dean, (listed under wine & spirit merchants) The Post Office Directory of the Brewers and Maltsters 1884 1889 Dean & Son Wine & Spirit merchants early 1900's Edward V. Dean, Wine Merchant 1917 E. J. Philpot, Electrician, Cycle and Motor Agent 1922 Philpot's for Service. We make a speciality of Breakdown Work and are exceptionally well equipped for rapid repairs and service generally. Open day and night. Separate workshops for Motor Cycle Repairs. Commercial Vehicle Experts. Cars for Hire. Large stocks of spare parts, petrol, oil, tyres, accessories, et. Agents for the leading makes of cars, motor-cycles and cycles. E. J. Philpot, Ltd. 1925 E. J. Philpot, Ltd. Official repairer to A.A., R.A.C., A.C.U., Automobile Engravers 1927 E. J. PHILPOT Ltd. Automobile Engravers, 34 St. George's Street, Canterbury (phone book)
Thomas Clark was born in 1775 at his father's house and boot shop business at 35 St George's Street Canterbury, now Marks & Spencer's; apprenticed to his father as a cordwainer, and made a Freeman of Canterbury in 1796. His claim to fame was as an arranger and composer of tunes and hymns: his first publication was in 1805 aged 30, and he would go on to publish a significant number more. In 1812 said to have composed music for opening of the new Methodist Church in St Peter's Street, and was in charge of the singers there. During the 1840s he retired from the shop in St George's and moved to Stour Street where he died on 30 May, 1859 at 84. Buried in Wincheap Burial Ground. (information courtesy of a frequent visitor to the site) For more information on Thomas Clark http://www.wgma.org.uk/Articles/Clark/article.htm 1858 Thomas Brine, Draper, Hatter, and Carpet Factor, Waterloo House, 35, 36 & 37 St. George's Street
1889 South of England telephone Co. A.F. Burden manager 1889 County Fire and Provident Life Office, Wm. Gilbert Pidduck, district manager and clerk to commissioner of taxes for Canterbury and Fordwich 1894 - Death Duties. To landed Proprietors and Others. Provision for meeting these charges can be made by Assurance in the old-established (1806) Provident Life Office. Full Particulars, with table of duties budget 1894, can be obtained of W. G. Pidduck, Resident Manager, 35 St. George's Street 1894 - County Fire Office, Established 1806. 50 Regent St. London. Canterbury Branch, 35 St. George's Street. Prompt and liberal settlement of Claims. All policies cover losses by lightning and explosion by gas. Insurances effected against loss of rent by reason of fire. Dec 1896 - Accidents to life & limb, railway accidents, employers' liabiity, insured against by the railway passengers' assurance company . Established 1849. Captial, £1,000,000. Compensation Paid, £3,600,000. 64, Cornhill London. A. Vian, Secretary. Agents for Canterbury, Mr. T. Henshaw, London. Chatham & Dover Rly. Mr. W. G. Pidduck, 35, St. George's Street. Kent & Canterbury Press 1903 County Fire Office Pidduck & Truscott, district managers August 1913 - S. Truscott, Estate Agent, 35, St. George's Street, Canterbury 1917 S. Truscott, ACIB district manager County Fire Office, Alliance Life Assurance Co. Insurance Broker. Clerk to the Coms of Taxes for Cnterbury City and Fordwich. Headquarters County Fire Brigade
No. 36 * A photo of the front of the shop in Canterbury A second selection by Derek Butler 1838 Henry WOOLLWRIGHT, WATERLOO HOUSE, listed under Linen and Woollen Drapers, Haberdashers, Silk Mercers &c., 34, 36 and 37 St. George's Street 1858 Thomas Brine, Draper, Hatter, and Carpet Factor, Waterloo House, 35, 36 & 37 St. George's Street 1882 James Houlden, Draper 1889 James Houlden General Draper 1890's James Houlden, Draper 1903 HOME & COLONIAL STORES LIMITED. grocers & tea dealers* 1917 Home and Colonial Stores Ltd. F. Prescott, Manager
No. 37 1838 Henry WOOLLWRIGHT, WATERLOO HOUSE, listed under Linen and Woollen Drapers, Haberdashers, Silk Mercers &c., 34, 36 and 37 St. George's Street 1858 Thomas Brine, Draper, Hatter, and Carpet Factor, Waterloo House, 35, 36 & 37 St. George's Street 1882 James Houlden, Draper 1889 James Houlden, General draper early 1900's Walter Houlden, Furnishing draper 1903 James Houlden, Carpet Warehouseman and Undertaker "Waterloo House", Furnishing Drapery of every description. Bamboo and Whitewood Goods 1917 Mrs. F. Lack, Saddler 1922 Wright Brothers, Sports Goods, Trunks, Bags, etc. (an ad in the official guide) 1925 Wright Bros., for Cricket, Tennis, Golf, Hockey, Football, and all Sports' Goods
No. 38 1860 AD - Mrs. Knight, Milliner and Dressmaker, 38, St. George's Street, Canterbury. Bonnets, Caps, Mantles, Head-Dresses, &c. &c. (John Brent) 1889 - 1903 Henry Misken, China, glass and hardware dealer 1917 Henry Playfair Ltd., Bootmakers - W. F. Mann, Manager
No. 39 1840 Mr. John Furley, 39 St. George's Street John Furley % KENTISH GAZETTE AND CANTERBURY TIMES OFFICE 1882 Miss Caroline Furley (d. 1886) 1891/92, East Kent Natural History Society - ....The new room, 39 St. George's Street, which was selected for the Society, and which has been occupied since January 1st, 1891, has proved to be commodious and convenient. The Library is arranged to good advantage, and members can, as before, have access to it on applying for the key at the Kentish Gazette office, and signing their names in the book provided. 1889 to at least 1907 - July 20th, 1907 E. B. Goulden & Co., "Kentish Gazette and Canterbury Press" Office, 39 St. George's Canterbury. Printing of every description in the best style of workmanship, and at Moderate Charges. 1896 E. B. Goulden & Co., General Printers, Kentish Gazette and Canterbury Press Office, 39 St. George's Street, Canterbury. August 2, 1913 - P.D. Eastes & Co., Ltd., "Kentish Gazette and Canterbury Press" Office, 39, St. George's Street, Canterbury. Printing of Every Description in the Best Style of Workmanship, and a Moderate Charges. Telephone 83 Canterbury 1917 Arthur Mason, Auctioneer and Valuer, House, Estate, General Business and Insurance Agent 1917 Kentish Gazette and Canterbury Press (Independent) 1917 P. D. Eastes & Co. Ltd. Printers
No. 40 DESTROYED IN THE BOMBING OF 1942 1840 Mr. James White, 40 St. George's Street Elizabeth White % 1870 - 90's Harrison Family, Tea Dealer & Tobacconist 1894 East Kent and Canterbury Conservative Club founded. (House owned at some point by Thomas HARDRES, sergeant at law) *since 1889 1903 E. Furner & Son, Tobacconist 1917 East Kent and Canterbury Conservative Club. W. H. Miskin, Secretary, A. L. Rogers, Steward No. 40A CONSERVATIVE CLUB 1889 Steward, W.H. Carey 1890's William H. Carey, Steward "Conservatory Club" ealry 1900's William H. Carey, Club Steward 1903 East Kent & Canterbury Conservative Club - William Thomas Read, Secretary; Albert George Mannering, Steward (40 St. George's Street)
No. 41 Silas Cowell, Chemist % *apprenticed to William Sharp of St. George's Street 1858 Silas Cowell, Chemist, St. George's Street (no address listed) Possible death of Silas Cowell, 1864 in Canterbury Silas Cowell, the Younger, Canterbury *The Bankers' Magazine 1856, shareholders in the London Joint Stock Banks furnish those of the Bank of London and the City Bank - the two principal of the recently organized institutions; and as much depends upon the credit and responsibility of the proprietors we have considered it advisable to reprint this information at length. *Silas is apprenticing for William Sharp a Druggist in 1841 (see St. George's Street) * "Supplement to the London Gazette, February 27, 1858", Silas Cowell, Senior, Canterbury, Veterinary Surgeon & Silas Cowell, Junior, Canterbury, Chemist See BING family for more information Edwin BING, Chemist & Arated Water Manufacturer April 24, 1880 - The Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions - Second Election of General Committee. The following is a list of the gentlemen who are reported by the Scruitineers, Messrs. Laundy and Co., to have received the highest number of votes in the respective districts in which nominations have been made. In cases where an equal number of votes have been given for two or more candidates they are marked equal. District 31 - E. Bing, St. George's Street, Canterbury 1882 Directory Edwin Bing pharmaceutical chemist & mineral water manufacturer, chemical works 41 George St. aerated water works Monastery street 1884 Edwin Bing, 41 St. George's street and Monastery Street (listed under Soda Water & Lemonade Manufacturer) 1885 Charles Bing, 41 St. George's Street, Canterbury - annual subscription 5s 0d. (The Calendar of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britian) 1885 Edwin Bing, 41 St. George's Street, Canterbury - annual subscription 10s 6d. (The Calendar of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britian) 1885 Kellys Directory - Listed under Chemists & Druggists - Edwin BING and Son, (both Pharmaceutical Chemists) 41 St. George's Street, Canterbury 1889 E. Bing & Son, chemists and mineral water manufacturer December 26, 1896, AD Scientific Goods. Chemical and Scientific Apparatus, Pure Chemicals, supplied by EDWIN BING AND SON, Manufacturing Pharmaceutical Chemists, Canterbury. *Photographic Materials (Kent & Canterbury Press) WTHBH - April 15, 1899 - AD - Edwin Bing & Son, chemists, and dealers in Chemical Apparatus and Photographic Materials. Mineral Watermakers, 41, St. George's St., Canterbury ealry 1900's has a Robert. J. Widdows working for him as a Chemists Porter 1902 Edwin Bing & Son, Pharmaceutical Chemists * 1914 - The late Mr. Bing - Mr. Edwin Bing, whose death was briefly reported last week, had been in delicate health for about two and a half years.... (Pharmaceutical journal) 1917 E. Bing & Son (Charles Bing) Pharmaceutical and Manufacturing chemists, and Mineral Water Manufacturers 1922 All Visitors to Canterbury should secure a bottle of Bing's Lavender Water. Ellen TERRY says "It is quite perfect." In Bottles, prices on application. Bing's Lavender Soap. The Great Toilet luxury, in the following sizes: Toilet, bath, visitors. Prices on application. Manufactured only by E. Bing & Son, (Charles Bing) 41 St. George's St., Canterbury. 1925 E. Bing & Son (Charles Bing) 1934 E. Bing & Son (Savery & Moore Ltd.), photographic material dealers, 41 St. George's Street, Canterbury 1934 Ensign Ltd., photographic material dealers, 41 St. George's Street, Canterbury
No. 42 Appleyard Ginder, Bookseller % 1870's to at least 1889 Tench J. White, Professor of Music *Wrote a book "The St. Clair Quadrille, for the Pianoforte" Music Publisher and Pianoforte Warehouse, 42 St. George's Street, Canterbury 1880 Country Tuner Wanted. Permanency to one who understands regulating and repairs; also a knowledge of American Organs and Harmoniums. None but first class candidates need apply to Mr. Tench White, 42 St. George's Street, Canterbury. Musical Times 1889 The Literary World - Tench White's Organ, Harmonium and American Organ Library. Book III. A useful little volume of original composition by Mr. Tench White. 1s. 1889 Tench James White, Music Warehouse 1890, Charles Taylor care of Mr. Tench White, Music Publisher, Canterbury. *The Musical Times, April 1, 1891 1890's Sarah White, Music Seller *in Lewisham, London by the early 1900's *1896, December, at St. Peter's Church, Brockley, William Bloomfield White to Jessie White, second daughter of the late James Tench White of Canterbury 1900's Byron Dewhurst, Lay Clerk, Cathedral (Church Officer)* had moved to 6 Cromwell Road, Nunnery Fields by 1903 1917 J. Bennett, Fishmonger
1824, Post Office, St. George's Street - John FARLEY, Post Master...The mail from London arrives at 55 minutes past 3 in the morning, and proceeds to Dover immediately. The mail from Dover arrives at 55 minutes past nine in the evening and proceeds immediately to London. 1850's POST OFFICE - John Callaway, Postmaster % Invoice from Robert Y. Fill, noted on reverse Mr. Finn Paid 20/10/66 1860 AD - R.Y.Fill, Wholesale & Retail Wine & Spirit Merchant, No. 43 St. George's Street, Canterbury. R.Y.F. particularly calls attention to his extensive Stock of Port and Sherry Wines and Brandies, and all kinds of Spirits. French and German Wines of every variety. A genuine Article of the choicest quality at the Lowest Market Price. (John Brent) *1882 Mr. W. Sanderson of St. George's Street, bought 4 copies of "Rambles round old Canterbury" by F.W. Cross and J.R.Hall 1884 William Sanderson, 43 St. George's Steet; bonded stores & warehouse, Iron Bar Lane (wine & spirit merchant) The Post Office Directory of the Brewers and Maltsters 1884 1889 H. Letts (late W. Sanderson), wine and spirit merchant 1890's - 1899 Herbert Letts (late Sanderson) wine and spirit merchant - He's a Freemason early 1900's Thomas Fryer, Wine Merchant 1903 H. Morton & Co. Wine & Spirit Merchants, 43 St. George's Street 1913 Dean & Son - Wine & Spirit Merchants 1917 "The Dental Rooms", Mr. F. Morgan Fletcher
No. 44 *Newly built in 1804 by John PALMER, woollen draper & tailor on the site of a messuage which belonged to the Mayor & Corporation, along with a right of way down Austin Friars Lane from St. George's Street by a gateway into the lane to a doorway broken out of the wall of the house. CCA 1808 - March 20 Bankrupts - John PALMER, Canterbury, Taylor, April 11, 12 and 30 at eleven at Guildhall, Canterbury, Attornies, Mr. Reynolds Folkestone or Mr. Jackson Grays Inn - The National Register 1808 Thomas WRAIGHT, Hair Dresser % 1877 Mr. E. Stickalls, Hairdresser Edwin James, Draper * 1882 Mrs. Catherine James Baby Linen Warehouse 1889 E. James, Millinery and baby linen warehouse Alfred E. Ward, Manager Sewing Machine Depot ) August 1913 - Name and situation of premises... The "Pine Apple", 44 St. George's Street, Canterbury, Publican's Licence, Licensee, Thomas Oldfield, Registered owners, Messrs. Rigden and Co., Faversham 1917 W. and R. Fletcher Ltd. Butchers. G. N. Button, Manager
No. 45 George HARRISON, Tea Dealer & Tobacconist % George Hart, Tobacconist * George D. Hart, Lawyers Clerk * 1882 George Hart, house and estate agent, registrar for marriages and deputy registrar of births and deaths, city and county of Canterbury & collector for urban sanitary authority July 1882 George HART, of 45 St. George's Street, Collector of Rates for Urban Sanitary Authority of Canterbury 1889 Young & Gardener, estate agents, auctioneers & valuers Dec 20, 1894 - Wm. David Young. Land Agent, Auctioneer, Surveyor and Valuer. 45, St. George's Street, Canterbury December 26, 1896 - Special display of novelties, for Xmas presents. Newest calendars and Xmas Cards at GINDER'S LIBRARY (late of St. George's Hall) 45, St. George's Street, Canterbury (Kent & Canterbury Press) WTHBH - April 15, 1899 - AD, Ginder's Library (In connection with Mudie's) 45, St. George's Street, Canterbury. Non-subscribers can now obtain Books or Magazines at 2d. per vol. per week. All the Newest Works in Circulation. Cheapest House for Bags of all description. Sydney A. GINDER Bookseller & Stationer ) 1902/03 Ginders Library in connection with Mudie's. Bookseller to the King's School & St. Edmunds School. Copies of the King's School Examination Papers for Scholarships can be obtained on application. Publisher of the BOOK OF AIDS, as used in the Riding Establishment, Cavalry Barracks. Souvenirs of Canterbury. 1905 AD
1906 S.A. GINDER, 45 St. George's Street, Circulating Library. Telegrams, "Ginder, Canterbury" Telephone 0180 1909 Sydney Appleyard Ginder - Bookseller, 45 St. George's Street *James MacMahon was working for him aged 15 yrs (7 Canterbury Lane) as an errand boy 1917 S. A. Ginder, printer & bookseller, fancy stationer; library in connection with Mudies; and W. H. Smith's and Miles 1927 PEARKS DAIRIES LTD, Groceries & Provisions..also in Ramsgate and Margate (phone book)
Photo of St. George's Street courtesy of Paul Crampton www.paulcramptonbooks.co.uk/ On the right you can see the sign for No. 45 "Ginders Library" and No. 48 Robertsons High Class Teeth Showing no. 17/18 on the left closest to the camera W.G. AUSTEN, Stationer & Printer (noted on window, circulating library)
No. 46 George GRACE, Leather dealer % Edward O. Howis, Brewery's commercial travellor * 1889 Johnson & Co. St. George's bottled ales stores, and shipping stores 1890's Henry B. Collis Photographer 1891 Hy. B. Collis, Photographer *moved to 33 St. Peter's Street before 1903 Edwin JAMES, Stonemason ) 1917 Canterbury Brewery Company (Wilson and Towgood) 1917 Henry TWYMAN
WHITE FRIARS SIMON LANGTON SCHOOLS 1917 Boys - J. H. Sharp Esq. 1917 Girls - Miss Proudfoot
No. 47 1838 Post Master, John CALLAWAY, 47 St. George's Street Edward Halls, Surgeons Assistant % 1855 Mrs. A. Mudford (printer & publisher of the Kentish Observer & Canterbury Journal) 1863 Mr. Frederick Mudford, St. George's - Member of the Kent Archaeological Society John Greasley, Doctor M.R.C.S.E. L.S.A. * 1882 Prior & Newson, Land Agents 1889 Prior & Jones Auctioneers and Surveyors Thomas H. Sayers, Draper ) 1917 C. I. Child, Draper 47A 1889 H.B. Collis, Photographer (see above)
No. 48 1847 Mrs. Sophia Dowker, 48 St. George's Street Henry PALMER, Professor of Music % Alfred E. Horsnaill, Corn & Seed Merchant * 1889 M. Greenwood, corn merchant and seeds warehouse 1896 Just arrived, A large Consignment of Hyacinth, Tulip, Crocus, and other Bulbs in first-class condition. M. Greenwood, Seedsman and bulb merchant, 48, St. George's Street, Canterbury. Catalogues free on application. May 10th 1902, The Canterbury Journal...SEEDS SEEDS Durrant YOUNG, Seedsman, 48, St. George's Street, Canterbury. My new illustrated catalogue of seeds for 1902 has now been posted to all my customers. Should it not have reached you, kindly send me a post-card with full address. 1903 Briggs & Son, Solicitors 1907 Greenock, Hosiery and Underwear. at the "Scotch Wool & Hosiery Stores" over 160 branches. Local Branch, 48 St. George's Street, Canterbury. Proprietors: Fleming, Reid & Co. Ltd. The Worsted Mills, Greenock. Price List and Knitting instruction book free. 1917 Roberston's American Teeth Institute
No. 49 1840 Mrs. Mary CADMAN James REID, Surgeon & Apothecary % Births - REID - May 6th, in St. George's Street, Canterbury, the wife of James Reid Esq., of a son (The Kentish Gazette, Tuesday, May 9, 1854) William Piers Ormerod, visitor, Fellow of College of Augustine, born St. Marylebone, London Maria J. WALTERS, Dressmaker * Frederick H. F. WALKER, East Kent Militia - 2nd Lieutenant * 1882 CANTERBURY JOURNAL & FARMERS GAZETTE Frederic Mudford proprietor & publisher - published Sat. 1882 KENTISH OBSERVER Frederic Mudford proprietor & publisher - published Thurs. 1882 Frederick MUDFORD, Printer 1882 June 15 at 49 St. George's Street, Canterbury, the wife of E. H. ELVY, of a son 1889 KENTISH OBSERVER & CANTERBURY JOURNAL office, Frederick Mudford publisher & proprietor 1889 E. H. ELVY Edward H. Elvy, Newspaper Editor & Manager (author), Clifford S. Elvy, Journalist, Reginald M. Elvy, Journalist ) 1903 The Kentish Observer & Surrey & Sussex Chronicle. E. H. ELVY July 1907 - Wedding - The marriage was solemnised at St. Stephen's Church, Canterbury, on Monday afternoon, of Mr. Reginald M. Elvy, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Elvy, of 49 St. Georges's Street Canterbury, and Miss Margaret J. Terrell, third surviving daughter of the late Mr. William Terrell and of Mrs. Terrell, of Hanover Road, Canterbury. The bride, who was given away by Mr. C. Clay, wore a white lace robe over glace silk. Her veil, which was of white embroidered tulle, was arranged over a wreath of orange blossom, and she carried a shower bouquet of white roses, the gift of the bridegroom. The service was conducted by the Rev. Canon Hichens. The bridesmaids were Miss Suey H. Terrell (sister of the bride), Miss L. S. Harding, and little Miss Marjorie Buckland. The bridegroom's gifts to the bridesmaids were gold and pearl brooches. The best man was Mr. Edward Reginald Crow. Later in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Elvy proceeded to Folkestone, while on Wednesday evening they left for Liverpool en route for New York, Mr. Elvy having secured a journalistic appointment in the States. The presents received were numerous and handsome, the donors including Mr. J. Henniker Heaton, M.P., Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Mudford, Lieutenant Colonel G. W. Treble, C.M.G., and Mrs. Treble, Mr. J. Benn (late Postmaster of Canterbury), the staff of Canterbury Post Office, Pressmen of Canterbury, the staff of The Kentish Observer, Mr. W. G. Pidduck, Mr. E. Crow, Mr. John Gibbons Jackman and Messrs. Hollamby and Williams. *Reginald Montagu Elvy (b. 1882 Canterbury), son of Edward H. Elvy, Newspaper Editor and Manager. Margaret Jane Terrell (b. 1880, Canterbury), daughter of Susannah Terrell widow. Margaret was a sorting clerk and telegraphist for the Post Office, living at 55 Hanover Place. Her father William Terrell was a Carriage Maker. Her younger sister was Lucy Helen Terrell born 1883. Edward Reginald Crow was the son of Edward Crow the Bookseller & Stationer of 8 Mercery Lane. John Gibbons Jackman (b. 1839 Canterbury) was the nephew of John Gibbons the Tailor and Draper of Bridge Street, Canterbury. John Gibbons Jackman married Ellen Elizabeth Pearse in 1866 in Sussex. John G. Jackman was a widower and owner of a Hosier shop in Lower Bridge Street. James Benn was Postmaster in 1901, a widower and living at St. Cuthberts in Whistable Road. William Gilbert Pidduck of 13 St. George's Place, is a Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Marjorie Buckland was the daughter of William P. Buckland and Eliza Buckland. William is a commercial jeweller and lives at 3 Bertha Villas, Hanover Road. Colonel George Walker Treble (b. 1865 in Durham, Northumberland) married 1895 in Somerset to Isabella Devonshire Preddy. 1/7th West Riding Regiment. He was son of Henry A. Treble a Sargeant Major and his mother was an Infant School Teacher. He was also a teacher when he was younger. 1917 Kentish Observer Office, E. H. Elvy, Printer and Proprietor
No. 50 1838 Mrs. Susannah CHILD, 50 St. George's Street 1840 Mrs. Susannah CHILDS William LOVE, Landed prorietor % William LOVE ^ *death April 12, 1861, at his residence, St. George's St., Canterbury, Captain Love, J.P., a leading man in the Liberal party in that city. The Gentlemen's Magazine 1861
BROOKES BROS. Late C. Millington Drayson 1882 EAST KENT PHOTOGRAPH CO. 1885 Kelly's Directory - Listed under Photographers - East Kent Photographic Co. 50 St. George's Street, Canterbury 1889 T. FOX, watchmaker & jeweller *moves to Mercery Lane/Parade Walter GOODBAN, Picture framer and gilder ) c. 1902 Walter Goodban, Practical Gilder, Picture Framer & Mount Cutter, Fine art dealer and Printseller. Old Frames re-gilded. Pictures restored. Old pictures bought and exchanged. 1917 W. Goodban, 50 St. George's Street, listed under Picture Frame Maker, Carver, Gilder (wife Jane Goodban, nee SWAIN)
No. 51 1840 Mrs. Ann Mapletoft, 51 St. George's Street 1847 Miss Ann Mapletoft, 51 St. George's Street Miss Ann Mapletoft, Independent % John Bateman, Photographer ^ George NASH (w), Tailor, Hatter & Outfitter *both sons Edward and Frederick are in the business * 1882 George Nash & Son, Tailors Dec, 1896 Useful Presents for Xmas and New Year. G. Nash & Son, 51, St. George's Street, Canterbury, Have a large selection of Gent's Umbrellas, Fancy Vests, Silk Mufflers and Handkerchiefs, Gloves. Dressing Gowns, Rugs, Braces, Studs and Links. Scarves in all shapes at moderate prices. Tailors, Hatters, Hosiers and Glovers. 1889 G. Nash & Son tailors & hatters 1890's - 1900's Edward J. Nash, Tailor & Outfitter c. 1902 G. Nash & Son, Tailors, Hatters & Shirtmakers, (opposite St. George's Church), Canterbury. Tailoring Department - Uniforms, Liveries and Clericals. A large stock of fashionable suitings, coatings and trouserings to select from at Moderate Charges, Good fit and style guaranteed. The latest fashion in silk, felt, and straw hats of the best makers. A large assortment of caps, &c., shirts for dress, tennis, cricketing or ordinary wear, kept in stock or made to measure. A large selection in hosiery, gloves, scarves, collars, umbrellas, waterproof coats, &c. Agents for the "N & C" Raincoats. Soaking-rain proof, porous, healthy. Made from a new all wool cloth which is not merely showerproof but against the heaviest rain. No rubber. 1917 G. Nash and Son (E. J. Nash) Tailors and Outfitters 1925 Masters, Hairdressing Saloons
No. 52 BARGRAVE family house (next to the church) 1840 Mr. Richard FREND Stephen PLUMMER, Solicitor % Stephen PLUMMER, Solicitor ^ 1870's - 80's Frederick MUDFORD, Newspaper Editor and Proprietor Kentish Observer *had about 14 people working for him 1889 E.& G. FULLAGAR, Toy and fancy repository Edwin FULLAGAR, Toy Dealer ( 1917 Domestic Bazaar Company (ltd.) 52A 1890's to at least 1917 Kelsham FULLAGAR, Tobacconist
No. 53 One of the oldest houses in the main street of Canterbury dating from the 15th century. The old oak timbering in the front, which has been hidden by tiles was discovered during recent alterations. % William Gudgin, Superannuated officer of Excise & Gunmaker, William GUDGIN, Herald Painter, born Canterbury 1852 Poll Book - William GUDGIN, Senr. - registered to vote in Eynsford (Rochester) ? - Canterbury *born Bedfordshire 1860 Ad John Rootham, Retired Baptist Minister * 1882 Arthur Williams Box (from London), watch and clock maker, goldsmith and jeweller, jet, leather bag, portmanteau & fancy goods repository 1889 A. Colborne, Watchmaker and Jeweller Arthur Colborne, Jeweller, Dealer in Works of Art William Pollard, Watchmaker POLLARD - December 22nd at 53, St. George's Street, Canterbury, the wife of William POLLARD, of a son. KGaCP Sat Dec 26, 1896 "A fine frontage (Messrs. Pollard's) stood opposite the Church. It was a wooden house of the 15th century composed of massive vertical timbers. The projecting ends of the beams supporting the overhang were covered by a well moulded board of characteristic late medieval type." 1903 William Pollard, watch maker & jeweller & dealer in photographic materials 1905 AD July 20, 1907 - Superior Nurse wanted for little girl (6) and schoolboy. - Mrs. Pollard, 53, St. George's Street, Canterbury The wording of a 1917 ad 1917 William POLLARD, Gold and Silver Smith, Watch and Clock Maker 1925 William Pollard, Watchmaker, Jeweller, &c. (opposite St. George's Church and Clock), souvenirs of Canterbury, Sheffield Plate, Antiques, &c. Showing Kenny Boots "K" No. 55, No. 54 and No. 53 William Pollard, further down No. 52 and No. 51
No. 54 & 54 1/2 Home of Sir George RUSHBROOKE of Rushbrooke Park, Suffolk, MP No. 54 Mrs. Mary Rushbrooke, 54 St. George's Street 1840 1852 Henry CHRISTIAN (a) Canterbury, Nov 1852 The Poll for the Knights of the Shire to Represent the Eastern Division of the County of Kent taken the 16th and 17th of July 1852 1885 Kelly's Directory - Listed under Photographers - John BATEMAN, 54 St. George's Street, Canterbury 1870's to at least 1889 John Bateman, Photographer George FULLAGAR ( Charles BREEZE, Coal Merchant 1903 Directory Charles Breeze (Late R. Bett's & son) Coal Factor and Merchant. Offices 54 St. George's Street and Wincheap Street. Depot: L.C. & D. Railway Station. All kinds of Best House, Kitchen, Steam, and other sorts of COAL and BRIQUETTES, at Lowest Prices for Cash, and by Truck Loads to any Station on the S.E. and L.C. & D. Railways 1903 Directory 54 1/2 St. George's street - Kelsham Fullagar, Tobacconist 1903 Trayton Brand, Dairyman Dec 1905 Charles Breeze Coal and Coke Merchant 54 St. George's Street and Wincheap St. Canterbury 1s. Per ton discount for cash Furnace Cobbles 22/- Nuts (Bakers') 23/- Kitchen 24/- Steam 25/- Seconds 25/- Silkstone 26/- Best 27/- Coke (per Chaldron) 13/- nett. Reduction for Quantities. 1907 Charles Breeze, 54 St. George's Street, and Wincheap Street., Canterbury 1s. Per ton discount for Cash 1917 Charles Breeze, Coal Merchant (also on Wincheap Street)
No. 55 1838 George Joseph TYSON, Solicitor, 55 St. George's Street 1860 AD - H. Kenny, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fashionable Boot and Shoemaker, No. 55, St. George's Street, Canterbury, Assures all parties who may favour him with the commands that they will meet with prompt attention, combined with workmanship and material not to be excelled by any house in the trade. A Perfect Fit Guaranteed. (John Brent) Martin E. Kenny and family, Bootmakers (Mary A. Kenny, Herbert Kenny & Minnie Kenny) * 1882 Henry Kenny & Son Boot & Shoe Manufacturer 1885 Kelly's Directory of the Leather Trades - Henry Kenny & Son, listed under Boot & Shoe Makers, Warehouses & Dirs. 55 St. George's Street 1889 M. Kenny boot & shoe manufacturer 1890's - 1900's Martin E. Kenny, Boot Manufacturer 1903 Directory Kenny & Son - M.E. Kenny 1903 Ad KENNY & SON, Family & Military Boot Makers. ______________________________ A Large assortment of Goods in Stock of Best English and American makes. ______________________________ A Good Stock of Leggings in Latest Styles. Also to Order. _______________________________ 55 St. George's St., - - CANTERBURY. ___________ AGENT FOR "K" BOOTS, ALSO FOR DR. JAEGER'S.
1917 Kenny & Son Bookmakers (Mrs. Martin E. Kenny)
No. 56 1860's William Jennings, Master Printer 1882 Edward JELL 1889 W. H. MOSCROP 1890's - 1900's Henry TOMLIN 1917 H. J. LARAMAN
St. George's Lane
No. 57 Thomas BUTLER, Fruiterer, Proprietor of Bath Chairs ^ 1880's - 1900's Thomas BUTLER, Fruiterer & Shopkeeper Showing the back of No. 57 and No. 58 St. George's street. No. 57 supposedly being the birthplace of Christopher Marlowe (born February 6, 1564) 1917 Serre Achille Ltd., Dyers
No. 58 1838 William GUTSOLE, Senior, Brawn Manufacturer (to Her Majesty & Duchess of Kent) 58 St. George's Street 1882 Alfred George GODDEN, Grocer & Provisions Mary BILBE * 1889 William POLLARD, watchmaker and jeweller, late Seymour Browne, watch and clock maker, jeweller and optician Arthur F. Colborne, Photographer ) 1903 Directory George Herbert William ADAMS 1917 St. George's Furnishing Co. (B. Symons and S. Freedman) W. YORKE, Manager c. 1927
Thanks kindly to a frequent visitor to the site for this drawing from an old guide
No. 59 1847 Thomas Thorpe De Lasaux, Esq. Coroner, 59 St. George's Street Thomas Thorpe De Lasaux, Esq. Canterbury Subscriber to "Consuetudines Kanciae" by Charles Sandys 1851 Appleyard GINDER, Stationer & Music Seller (see No. 4 above) ^ Louis MILLER (widower), Steward for the "EAST KENT CLUB" *Club possibly 1877-1939 1882 Fairbrass & Co. Coal merchants & ship owners 1882 J. J. Lancaster, National Provident Insurance & Westminster Fire 1882 James John Lancaster, Chartered accountant & auditor & clerk to the school board, Assoc. Inst. C.A. Eng. & Wales 1889 Alfred PILCH, Coal factor 1889 "EAST KENT CLUB", resident steward, Lewis Miller Club Steward - George FILMER c. early 1900's 1903 East Kent Club, Hilton C. Price, honorary secretary 1917 East Kent Club, J. H. G. Hamilton, Honorary Secretary, J. H. Wiliams, Steward 1925 C. Hebden Phillips & Son, Hotel Valuers 1927 C. Hebden PHILLIPS & Son, Hotel Valuers, 59 St. Georges street (phone book)
No. 60 William PETTITT, Tailor & Draper %
No. 61 Charles ROOKE, Grocer & Brewer % Mr. Charles ROOKE, Canterbury, Subscriber to "Conseutudines Kanciae" by Charles Sandys 1851 *also J. Batemann (Propr) noted at 61 St. George's Street (no date) William MOSS, a builder in St. George's street c. late 1700's
1805-7 John APPLEYARD, sadler (moved to St. Andrew's by 1830) Thomas ARNOLD, grocer John BAKER, plumber & glazier (moved to the Borough by 1830) John CHEEVER, grocer Thomas CLARK, shoemaker Benjamin FOREMAN, sadler Richard FRENCH, brandy and wine merchant John HEADDEY, linen draper Eliza HEARD, Rose Inn Sarah JONES, milliner and haberdsher Stephen LUCAS, grocer Thomas LUCKHURST, woollen draper (believe he is in York in 1830) John PARNELL, upholsterer James PARNELL, grocer and gingerbread baker Thomas PARNELL, watchmaker (there is a Thomas Parnell in Bow, Middlesex, watchmaker in 1830) William PENN, shoemaker Edward PHILPOT, sadler (there is an Edward Philpot, in Younghall, Ireland, Barrack Master in 1830)*not neccesarily the same person John PRINGUER, breeches maker Valentine QUESTED, basket maker (in 1830 there is a Valentine Quested in St. George's Street listed as a cooper) John ROOK, butcher *1794 April 9th, at Ash near Sandwich, Mr. John ROOKE, butcher of Canterbury, to Miss HORN. John SANKEY, grocer James SHRUBSOLE, sadler James SIMMONS, printer and stationer Martha SPRATT, upholsterer John THORNTON, surgeon (in St. Peter's in 1830) White & Co. upholsterers Sam WRAITH, draper and taylor (still in St. George's in 1830)
1824 Mrs. TRITTON, St. George's Street - Listed under Academies CURTEIS & KINGSFORD, St. George's Street - Listed under Attorneys
1830 Poll Book *if there is not a St. George's in bracket it was written as St. George's st. Thomas OLIVER, draper William BACK, carver & guilder James GROOMBRIDGE, haberdasher William DREWETT, cornchandler John PARNUM, glover John N. THORNTON, Surgeon William YOUNG, butcher (St. George's) William MERRITT, clockmaker (St. George's) William PARSONS, cordwainer (St. George's) William SHARP, chemist Samuel WRAITH, draper George SMITH, coachmaker (St. George's) George BUCKLEY, jeweller (St. George's) George BEER, gentlemen (St. George's) Stephen W. PALMER, musician (St. George's) Samuel WHITE, Upholsterer (St. George's) James STREDWICK, butcher (St. George's) James DUNN, cordwainer (St. George's) Thomas CLARK, cordwainer (St. George's) George BARNES, stationer John PENFOLD, Gentleman Henry WOOLWRIGHT, draper William M. BASKERVILLE, cornchandler George ALLEY, gunmaker William FOREMAN, sadler William M. MUTTON, leather seller Thomas ANDREWS, tailor (St. George's) John HEADDY, Hoyman (St. George's) Valentine QUESTED, cooper Joseph TRIPP, hatter (St. George's) William HUTCHINSON, horse dealer (St. George's) Walter SHEEPWASH, sadler (St. George's) George FREND, wine merchant (St. George's) John HACKER, stonemason (St. George's) John HOBDAY, plumber (St. George's) Thomas PELLETT, horse dealer (St. George's) Henry KIRKBY, gentleman (St. George's) John ROLFE, horse dealer (St. George's) Isaac BEER, gentleman (St. George's) William SMITH snr., gentleman (St. George's) William SMITH jnr., coachmaster (St. George's) James BROWN, cordwainer (St. George's) John PALMER, piano tuner (St. George's) Capon WEEKES, banker's clerk (St. George's) Thomas W. LONGLEY, mason (St. George's) William H. MORRIS, grocer (St. George's)
1840's Henry CLEMENTS, Wine Merchant, Saint George's Street $ John WHITE, Linen Draper $ John CALLAWAY, Postmaster $ George GRACE, Leather Seller $ Richard FREND $ (See Blackfriars street) 1847 William and Edward CROW, Plane Makers, St. George's Street (no address) 1847 John George DRURY, Ironmonger, St. George's Street (no address)
1841 John PEARSON, Draper, William BAILEY, Draper, George HEATH, Draper (St. George's Street) *Geo. HEATH, Canterbury, draper, Jan 28 at half-past 12, Court of Bankruptcy, London. 1848 The Jurist 1840's Alfred HILDER, Grocer, Saint George Street - The Jurist 1848, Alfred Hilder, Canterbury; tea dealer, in the Gaol of Canterbury. (Wednesday, Feb. 24. Orders have been made, vesting in the Provisional Assignee the Estates and Effects of the following perons; (on their own petitions). Court house Canterbury, Kent, July 10 at 10. Alfred HILDER, Canterbury, Tea Dealer. Thomas YOUNG, Canterbury, musician. 1840's, George HEATH, Draper St. George's Street - The Jurist 1848, Geo. Heath, Canterbury, Draper, Jan. 28 at half-past 12, Court of Bankruptcy, London. 1858 Mrs. BACKHOUSE, St. George's Street (no address) |
© T. Machado